Here's another one m'dears :)

Number Sixty-Nine:
"Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk? I didn't mean to call you that. I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me."
Word Count: 525

"Baby, please, let me in! I'm sorry!"

"Get the fuck away from my door before I call the police!" she called through the apartment door.

"Caitlyn, please! Just give me a chance to explain!" he called out. By now, her neighbors were coming out of their own apartments to see what all the commotion was about.

All of a sudden the door swung open to reveal a puffy eyed Caitlyn.

"You have five minutes, Gray." She walked back into her apartment, and he cautiously followed, shutting the door gently.

"Caity --"

"Don't call me that," she snapped. Closer, Shane could see that her eyes were puffy and red rimmed from crying.

"Caitlyn, I'm sorry," he said, getting straight to the point. "Last night... I was drunk. I don't even remember what happened."

"Well let me refresh your memory," Caitlyn started coldly, "First, you come storming into my apartment at midnight, reeking of alcohol. I tried to get you some coffee and cookies to help sober you up a bit, to then which you proceeded to call me a... what was it again?" Her voice was cracking and fresh tears were making her way down her face, but she let out a sarcastic laugh as she continued. "That's right. A stuck up, selfless sarcastic bitch that got stuck with my best friends leftovers? Yeah, that was it."

"Caity..." Shane started softly. "You know I wouldn't have said that if I wasn't drunk..."

Caitlyn ignored him. "And I tried to calm you down; I knew you were way beyond wasted. But then you kept on going and going... Threw back every little insecurity I trusted you with, every little dirty secret of my life, you threw it in my face like you wanted to hurt me. Like you enjoyed seeing me in pain."

She was openly crying now, and seeing her like that brought tears to Shane's eyes.

"Can't you just forgive me, Caity? We've been through so much, and this was just one drunken fight..."

"You hurt me so bad, Shane. I was so pissed. I didn't care that I knew you were drunk as hell. You just kept pushing and pushing and I finally broke. I just started throwing things at you. You're surprisingly agile, even when wasted, and the tears were blurring my vision, so I don't think I actually hit you."

"Caity, please forgive me. I'll pay for everything you broke because of me... I'll write a whole album just for you. Just please, Caity. I'm sorry," Shane pleaded. It killed him to know that he was why she was so hurt, so broken. He'd do anything to make her better.

"I can't do that, Shane," she said shaking her head. "Because of you, in my rage of throwing random crap, I broke my most prized possession that can never be replaced."

"Not your..."

"Yes." She bit her lip as the tears kept coming. "My curling iron."

Yes, the end was my attempt at humor. I don't think I did too well, but oh well. Let me know what you think :) I'm having fun writing these :) Short drabbles means no commitment and letting down readers lol.
