AN : SORRY FOR THE LOOONG WAIT! My kiddos are sick, so things have been hectic, and we had science week and blah blah blah, yeah I was swamped! But here you all go!! Again as always I own nothing, but SM rocks :) .

Chapter 12: A Force to Be Recognized!

Kelly's POV ~

This was interesting, I could feel the utter confusion, joy, happiness, and confusion again rolling off of Jasper and his newly discovered family members. Jane was thrilled she had some sort of nephew, whilst Alec was shocked, confused, happy, and had much admiration for his newly discovered great great great etc, grandson. Jasper was excited, happy and confused, and excited again. I new that the quote on quote witch twins thoughts and interests where pure of heart, and they truly wanted to destroy the Volturi, I knew that Alice and her mate new that too... And everyone was pretty much going to go with the flow over the news, however I knew that Emmett was going to be a little hard to sell on the idea. He could be so stubborn at times. This would be ... fun.

As we neared the house everyone was waiting, ah yes Alice must have informed them on the company that would be joining us for a while, if not forever. Everyone appeared to be in a civil fashion, however that was until I saw Emmett arguing with Rose about how he would take on Alec then defeat the witch girl, Jane... Poor Emmett, I do wonder if he maybe got some type of brain damage from his grizzly attack, that managed to stay with him in his transformation.

"Kelly, Jasper, you two okay ?" Jake asked somewhat concerned as he eyed Alec and Jane.

"Yes Jake, I take it you have met Jane and Alec?" I asked innocently, to be polite.

"Yah huh Kel... It wasn't under very good circumstances. Anywho, what brings you two vamp mob trollops here?" Jake asked with sarcasm and venom in his tone.

"Jake, actually.... You all bring us here... I am sure Alice already filled you in that we were coming, and gave vauge details." Jane answered Jake in her simply angelic like voice.

"You see, Aro, Caius, they killed Marcus, and Marcus had just enough time to tell us about a book of the ancients. We were able to get out of Volterra with our lives, and we had to only loose Demetri in a horrid fight, but honestly what was he thinking he could take us on, especially after we realized our own pasts. The Volturi must be destroyed. To make a long story short, Carlisle.... Here is the sacred book, please read it... You will see that we truly mean no harm, and it uncovers the truth of our kind." Alec stated sincerely, as he handed Carlisle the book.

"Wait this means we cant kick their asses?" Emmett asked confused.

"Jeez, Emmett... Please learn to not ask stupid questions." Rose scolded in an ice like tone.

"The real book of ancients?" Carlisle asked bewildered.

" Yes." Jane said with sincerity.

With that Carlisle and Edward along with Bella and Esme apparently took off for some heavy reading into the study. Fortunately for whatever reasons I already knew what my job would be in this epic, suddenly I controlled my emotions to myself to keep Jasper from knowing the true anxiety I was feeling. But I was a little to late for my cowboy.

"What's the story Kell ?" Jasper asked me in a private tone as he caressed my face.

"Jasper, now that we have hunted I should very much like to spend some time with you alone, I need to explain my roll in this whole scene, it is becoming more and more clear to me, how important you and I are for the salvation of our kind in our rightful place." I finished smoothly. It was going to be a long conversation.

Jaspers POV

Okay Kelly was starting to make me seriously paranoid with how much anxiety she let literally roll off of her just a second ago... Plus I wanted some truly un-interrupted time with her as my wife, and to get to know this amazing woman I was inlove with and bound too. No not in a intimate way, that was the icing on the cake, but I could literally just spend hours looking into her majestic eyes. She was truly my everything. As we went to the house walking at a human pace I tried to control the romance that was rolling off of me, last thing I wanted was for Em to make a horrid joke. For I was truly looking forward to my time alone with my Kelly.

Finally we reached our bedroom, and I was nervous, she looked at me so intently.

"What gives Kelly, what haven't you told me yet ?!?"

"Well about that book of acients Jasper, we are rightfully angels Jasper." She said so simply, so truthfully, so honest, I was almost shocked, perhaps she had bad animal blood and was going crazy ?

"I knew you would doubt me Jasper Whitlock!" Kelly replied like, well like venom.

"I don't doubt you, but Hun, um, we are bloodsucking vampires for Pete's sake!" I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony there. I quickly put on my serious face when my everything shot me a look I never want to witness again, at least not directed towards me, anyway.

"Well that's what I wanted to speak with you about Jasper, think about it, the first time I saw you, when I was dying, I said you are my angel. We always call each other our angels, even if just in thought... Now sit and do NOT interrupt me, this is going to take a lot to convince you, so I am going to use a gift you have not seen the likes of yet... Just don't freak out, cause im not really sure how it works, uh, yet." Kelly finished a little nervously.

Suddenly she grew quiet and it was as if we were back in time almost thousands of years ago, or what to a mere modern vampire thousands of years ago. I was in shock of what I saw next, Aro and Caius were bargining with Lucifer himself the real devil! Only they didn't have red eyes as they had now.

"You will loose your good graces for this, but you will have power... Go kill the Romanians, leave the oldest and the youngest to suffer their losses... They will ultimately become like you will be but with no such powers." The devil told them in a venom like voice. "Oh and Boy's, your wings will be clipped, not literally of course, but you will suffer an eternal thirst.... Sorry I can't work more black magic, but after all I am the next best thing than an actual God you know." He laughed icily.

"Yes Master, we will make you proud and worthy of power." Caius replied in a proud tone.

Suddenly the image took me to vampiring wars of century's past, I saw the hurt and devastation of our kind & small villagers go from living amongst people & helping, to having to hide, and ultimately failing and becoming the fright nightmares are made out of.

Then I saw the image that cleared up any doubt or reservation I had about Kelly being somewhat crazy... I saw Lucifer, the devil, boasting about our giant fall to what appeared to be a light angel with a sword, if my memory served me correctly, it was St. Michale the Arch Angel.

"No Lucifer, there is hope for them, they were created to protect humans, and you deceived them, they are earthbound angels, but there will be an awakening for their kind, you will only get but a handful of them... The ones who created their fall for power... They are yours but the rest will be ours in battle... Even the ones you dispatched through your henchmen of greed & power... Pitty isn't it, you still haven't learned you are not all powerful." With that he drew his shield and the devil fell back into a burning lake of fire.

With that the vision ended and my Kelly clapsed in exhaustion... And I freaked, as she suspected I would!

"Carlisle!!" I yelled frantically with nervousness.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked in his ever calm voice.

" I am not sure, she brought me back in time or something or projected time to show me that the book of ancients is all accurate but ... " I was really freaking out.

"Whoa, easy Jasper my love, my angel, I am ok." Kellys voice said sounding exhausted.

"I think not, vampires just don't pass out, even if we are angels!" I replied utterly concerned.

"Most vampires don't bring accurate history alive either, Jasper."

"Okay wait, so you feel tired, you brought history alive, and you have Jasper saying we are angels... Do I have that straight?" Carlisle asked for once sounding very confused.

"Well , yup that is pretty much it... Carlisle, you know it too, huh?" Kelly asked.

"I didn't know the angel part until, well a few minutes ago once I got half way through the book. But more importantly for the time being are you okay Kelly ?" Carlisle asked.

" I am great, I just got kinda drained... No biggy. Now Carlisle why don't you go tell the others, and make them beleivers." Kelly stated with a grin... "I do beleive your wings will pop in and out with just the mere thought, good doctor." She finished with a giggle. "I would very much like to talk to Jasper alone ... For good now, for a little while." She stated with a grin.

Before Carlisle could answer, we heard Edward yell in a frantic tone.. "Carlisle come quick something is happening to Bella!!! She has wings for God's sake!!! Hurry!!!" Carlisle choked back a genuine laugh, and was gone to leave us in peace in an instant.

"Kelly...My love, and Angel I am so sorry for doubting." I began sincerely. "You are right your are all angels, but I just don't see how I could be part of that, my past Kelly, it haunts me, it terrorizes me! I want to be an angel like you, but you are so pure, so innocent, so loving!" I continued starting to sob, yet I felt no shame, I just let it flow out of me, all of my past torment.

Quickly the air around us changed, and Kelly was standing before me looking more angelic than usual, suddenly her shirt ripped open, and she was not bare, she had the most beautiful wings I had ever seen of emerald green, gold, silver, blue, black, and violet totally encompassing her body, and she had a lightly glowing halo illuminating her. I suddenly had to catch my breath, in her beauty. She knelt beside me and caressed my face and just let me cry it out, once again.

"I don't deserve you Kelly! You are so amazing.." I sobbed into her arms.

"My Jasper, My Angel, you two are an angel, let me show you my love..." She said quietly

She slowly and lovingly started undoing to the buttons to my western shirt... And I felt pure love, and admiration roll off her, I sighed heavily.

"There there my Jasper now look in the mirror", she said, as she led me to the bathroom while caressing my arms softly.

I gasped at what I saw next, in all my years I never would have thought it possible. But there we were totally engulfed in our wings... I had actual wings. They were a golden bronze, blue, green, silver, black, and white.

"My angel, how did I.." I started to ask but I was cut off.

"My dear sweet Jasper, you know very well, you always wanted to be good, you never were blinded by power or greed." She said innocently.

With those words I did what I felt natural, I kissed my wife, my mate, my angel, my lover.

At this rate we would be in our room for a very long time, just the feel of her made me never want to leave her side... I wish it could last forever, and now I knew it would, I was complete finally not broken.