AN: No I'm not dead. No I haven't abandoned my other projects. RL just decided to throw a bunch of curve balls at me and the muses are being contrary. I wrote this a while ago and finally got around to getting it edited.
Story Notes: The quote in the Summary is from the movie Newsies. This contains mild slash, an implied threesome, and violence. Read at your own volition.
Justice Maker
This wasn't the world they had been fighting for. He shifted slightly, careful not to draw attention to himself in the crowded room. This farce was not what his Prowl had given his life for. He fingered a hidden blade as he watched the so called jury shuffle back to their places.
He wasn't supposed to be here. The Senate would handle the trials for war crimes. All the mechs from the Ark were retired. Except Jazz. Officially he too was no longer needed for the Autobot Army, but that was exactly why he was here, why he had been silently watching the mockery of a trial playing out before him.
And a mockery it was. Each mech dragged before the bench was guilty before they were seen. Evidence was presented, but the accused was given no chance to defend themselves. This was not the world that so many had died for. Not the world of which Optimus Prime had yearned for, but even he was not here, locked away as precious Cybertronian relic. If this was how the Senate thought they, they who had coward and hidden, could run things, they were wrong. Dead wrong.
"And how do you find the accused?"
"We find the defendant, Starscream Second in Command of the Decepticon army and Air Commander, guilty of all charges."
That was his cue. Jazz stood abruptly drawing every optic to him. A knowing smirk flashed across the seeker's face.
"You! You aren't supposed to be here!"
The former third in command ignored him as he stalked up the aisle. Despite that outbreak, the room was silent. He stopped when he stood in front of the Senate, commanding everyone's attention. "Who are you to sit judgment on this mech? Who are you who hid from the defense of our world? Who are you who will allow this farce of a trial to continue?"
"Justice must be done! He must be punished!" The cries of outrage erupted from every corner of the Senate.
"Silence." He paused. " This mockery is not justice. What do any of you know of justice, you who let the worst of the criminals sit beside you." His glare fell on the Senator Ratbat.
"Arrest him!" The senator bellowed, anger and fear apparent on his face. No one moved.
Jazz continued as if nothing had been said. "You who sit and waste resources on this unnecessary slag?" He gestured to the Senate room, one of the first places to be rebuilt. "A symbol of hope for the future," they had claimed. "While mechs starve and die in the streets."
The uproar seemed to slide off him. Words were getting him no where. They would not listen, and he would not let Prowl's memory be tainted by this filth.
"Starscream did not kill Prowl."
"We have evidence he did!"
"You're so called evidence is the word of Ratbat."
"And what evidence do you have that he didn't?"
Jazz smirked. "Bondmates do not kill each other." The stunned silence permeated the room. Jazz watched as the realization crossed every senator's face, but by then it was too late. He pulled the seeker into a hungry kiss as the first of the explosions started.