WARNING: The following story contains a lot of sexual innuendo (hence the "M" rating), characters are also going to be excessively out of character. This story is for humor purposes only.

(Disclaimer: Don't own the series. Kind of sad about that)

John and Cameron sat at the kitchen table working on their schoolwork. To be more precise Cameron was working on her schoolwork while John tried to find the focus necessary. Looking at his cyborg counterpart he felt a sense of envy. He had to admit that machines certainly had their advantages. Being able to take on life-threatening situations like they were nothing more that a walk in the park, having no concept on stress while also not caring for public opinion, being able to just tune everything out. John sometimes wished he could do that.

Cameron noticed his stare and stopped writing to gaze at him unblinking, "Is something wrong?"

"Just nerves, I'm having a hard time dealing with all that's been happening lately."

"Do you wish to talk about it? Talking about your problems is a means to alleviate them," she stated.

He smiled at her attempt to help him, "Thanks, but no thanks. Somehow I don't feel talking would do me a whole lot of good."

"Do you have an alternative suggestion?" She inquired.

John took a moment to ponder that question. Talking was out, but what more could he do? If he was honest he wanted to have fun, to cut away from the reality of his life and enjoy a few moments of peace and happiness. He deeply wanted to experience that but knew Derek and Sarah wouldn't approve, just like he knew that trying to keep his actions hidden from them wouldn't be possible because of Cameron. To be able to fulfill his desire of having fun, he would have to find a way to include everyone and not serve as a risk to their safety and security.

Rolling the thought around in his head for a while an idea came to mind. It was diabolical, crafty, and completely insane, but if it worked it would be fun as hell for him. He took a quick look at Cameron, who had yet to stop staring at him. The idea unfolded even more. The possibilities were endless and if he could enlist her help the possibilities would grow that much more. He continued toying with his idea and found that the longer he thought on it, the better it sounded.

"I do." He said, answering her earlier question. "Cameron, how would you like to start a riot?"

She blinked and had an answer for him immediately, "Such an action would be inadvisable. It would draw a great deal of public attention as well as Cromarite's. Such an act would also jeopardize our location and we would have to run again."

John let out a soft chuckle before replying, "Not that kind of riot, Cam."

The terminator tilted her head to the side as she stared at him in confusion. John's smirk was etched into his face as he explained is plan to her and based on the twitching of her mouth he knew he had her hook, line, and sinker.

(Let the Riots commence)

A/N: Alright this is my stab at writing humor. All chapters between this and the end are their own story. By that I mean chapter 2 starts and ends in chapter 2. None of the chapters will reference each other so if there were 10 chapters including the start and finish it would be possible to read 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, and 10 and not be lost or confused. I chose to write it like this so if there was a chapter you didn't like, you can ignore its existence.

The ending is already finished so all that is left is to write the "Riot scenes" as it were. Win or lose, this is the second project. After, I finish this story I will move on to my largest project which will take on the same serious tone as "A Reason to Hate". Due to the short nature of this chapter I am uploading it with the first "Riot chapter".