Here it is...... the final chapter of THIS STORY. I'll write other stories of course so don't party yet, I'll still be around to annoy you for a reeeeeeaaaaaaal long time. Anything to do with Zelda is not owned by me in any way though I am planning on changing that if gotta have a dream don't you?

Well enough talking on my behalf......lets see what happens when I finally leave these people alone.


Me: Well it really has been great here in Hyrule with you mob and I'm sure we all had our little laughs along the way……except Malon, Zelda and Ruto who had their plans foiled in some weird and random way.

Link: Yeah. This was a really great adventure and I can't wait for another one.

Saria: As long as I'm in it, I also can't wait to see another LinkHammer adventure.

Navi: Well I'm the most important person in any Zelda plot and so I'll also need to be in whatever adventure LinkHammer comes out with from his strange random imagination.

Me: Be careful what you wish for…… be very careful. Well now that all of you are here I have something to say to each of you as individuals.

Malon, you should really get a better lawyer and try to understand that flying hammers can always appear as if from no-where.

Zelda, you should build Impa a tomato proof suit of armour. Also try to make your efforts to have Link marry you a but more subtle, that really scares any guy. Win him over slowly.

Ruto……… COUCH!!!!!! Don't ever try something like what you did earlier, it's just too freaky.

Link, keep up the good work with saving Hyrule and everything. *whisper* don't let the other girls win you away from Saria in this lifetime.

Saria, don't you dare let Link fall in love with any other girl during this lifetime…… also can you teach me your song sometime.

Leo, keep Navi occupied and try to curb her vicious tendencies.

Navi…… you really aren't a bad fairy after all, lets stop trying to kill each other for now and call a truce *holds out hand*.

Navi: Deal.

Me: Farore you gotta let me use your computer programs sometime, they are to cool to resist.

Din, I got your comfy sofa completely repaired for you, that'll cost ya at least 10 iced coffees.

Nayru… I think that this 'relationship' is going too fast for me… We really need to slow this down. For now lets be friends.

Nayru: Ok but you still owe me a kiss.

Me: What!?

Nayru: You do.

Me: *sigh* ok…… *kiss on the cheek* (blaaargh, yucky yucky……hmmm)

Well I'm going now so Cya all *VANISH*.

Link: I can't believe that he has done so much for us.

Saria: He really is a really good if not a bit strange person.

Malon: Time to take his advice seriously.

Ruto and Zelda: Agreed Malon girl.

Farore: hmmmm. I did get a new program installed that he might like to use.


Nayru: He kissed me again!!!!!!!!! I'm the happiest girl in the world…… well happiest goddess at least.

Leo: I'll do my best to help people.

Navi: Wow…… I never expected that we would have a truce. It's a nice feeling not wanting to kill him……


Ow what was that?...... A rock with a message?

'Dear Navi………. Truce ended and me with first point, SUCKED IN!!!!!'

Navi: I'LL KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!

Far away in the place that I call home.

Me: Score!!!!............ hmmm those canon's look really interesting. I wonder if I can send an order for them to be sent to Hyrule?…… This madness is ended for now but just wait for another story that should appear at any random point in time. Be prepared for anything now folks.


And there you have it, the end of this wacky set of events. This doesn't mean you get away with not reveiwing.

Well I'd like to thank all the people who reviewed my story and for the numerous people who even managed to read it without going completely insane (it's hard, I know). Well until my next exciting story is made I wish you all the best of luck and the ability to be random. Cya folks.

LinkHammer signing out to go drink some serious iced coffee......WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!