
Charlie: Good evening Julia.

Me: Hello Charlie!

Charlie: Is there something you need?

Me: Would you like to do the disclaimer?

Charlie: why of course!

Me: Thank you Charlie!

Charlie: Julia does not own twilight or me and the angels for that matter.

Me: Umm Charlie?

Charlie: Yes?

Me: Can I be an Angel?!

Charlie: mmm (he's thinking)…No!

Me: pah-les (puppy dog eyes)!

Charlie: Good night Julia. (The speaker goes dead.)

Me: I swear I will be an Angel! Anywho, Charlie is telling the story enjoy

Charlie's Angels

Once upon a time there lived three very special little girls. Orphaned at a young age the Swan twins moved to The Lost Angels Orphanage. There the two meet a pretty blonde girl named Rosalie Hale, the three became fast friends.

One day one of the Swan girls was in a corner of the play room crying. One of the other children notices her. He was about her age with bronze hair and emerald eyes filled with worry as he approached her. He crouched by her and patted her head.

"Why are you crying?" Asked the bronze haired boy. "It's ok." He consoled her. She looked up at him with puffy chocolate brown eyes. Her hair was a chest nut along with her sister as well. She sniffled and cried "I wa…wa..want…. my momma… and papa back!" her brown eyes swelled with tears. He knew her pain. "I lost my parents too," her stated. "I'll stay with if you want."

"Promise," she asked while sobbing. "I promise."

"I'm Bella …sniffle...Bella Swan who are you?" she asked him her sobs calming. "I'm Edward Masen." He said, "But please don't call me Eddie." He begged. "Ok just don't call me Isabella." She blushed one of her annoying traits.

From that moment on they were like two peas in a pod. Along with her sister and friend Rose, they were always together.

That was until he was adopted. They all made a pact to find each other one day and parted ways with him. Before he left the he gave her his mother's heart-shaped diamond to her to keep her from feeling lonely. (Of course he didn't know it was a diamond). (Eclipse)

She kept the heart on a gold chain the house lady gave her. Eventually the time came when they would be adopted too.


Three weeks later a couple came to the orphanage to adopted a little girl. They worked for the agency Angel Corp. Victoria was a retired Angel and wanted a family. You see Angel Corp. is a corporation of female spies known as Angels.

Her husband James still worked for Angel Corp., as a briefer. He would brief the Angels on their missions. He met his wife that way and now the current angels are retired. So they decided too adopted a daughter.

"Are you sure you're up to this?" asked James. "Of course James I want, no I need this." They tried to conceive but Victoria suffered damage to her abdomen during work many years ago. He was silent for a moment. "I'm just making sure." He smiled a loving smile and kissed her hand.

They pulled up to the building and walked through the front door to find a line of little girls waiting for them. Three little girls caught the eyes Of Victoria. They were together holding each other's hand. 'They seem to draw together like magnets.' She thought to herself.

"Now ladies meet Mr. and Ms. Brandon. They are here to take one of you home today." The three girls became sad and frightened as the elderly woman spoke. 'They must not want to be separated.' Thought Victoria, she would not want to do that. She squeezed James's hand to get his attention.

"What?"hewhispered. She motioned to the girls and gave him a pleading look. "You want the three of them," He whispered, and she nodded. "All of them?" she nodded once more. "Ok, if it makes you happy." She beamed at him.

"Now be on your best behavior. Understood?" The old woman spoke again. "Yes Mrs. Copper." All the girls said in unisons.

James spoke up. "Actually we are going to bring three of you lovely ladies home with us today."

"But on the phone you said one." Mrs. Copper stated confused.

"Well… We changed our minds once we arrived." Victoria said smiling at three as she spoke. The three relaxes once she smiled at them.

"Well I assume you have chosen them then." Mrs. Copper eyed them spuriously.

"Yes, we have!" they said at the same time. Victoria crossed over to the three in question and knelt in front of them. "What are you names?" she asked sweetly. The slightly shorter spoke up first. "I'm Alice and this is my twin Bella." She pointed to the girl to her left. Alice had short spiky chest nut hair, with big chocolate brown eyes. Were as her sister's her was loner and softer.

Next was Rosalie. "I'm Rosalie, but call me Rose Please." She smiled big. Victoria stood up and turned to Mrs. Cooper and smiled. "Have these three packed and ready to come home with us." Mrs. Copper nodded and led them to their rooms to pack.

"Bella, you Rose and I are now officially sisters!!!" Alice was bouncing a hundred miles an hour.

"But we are sisters Alice." Bella corrected. "Oh, you know what I mean," Bella looked confused for a second. "ROSEISNOWOURADOPTEDSISTERBELLA!!!!" (ROSE IS NOW OUR ADOPTED SISTER BELLA!!!!") Alice screamed in one millisecond still jumping up and down at rapid speed.

"Yah Bella we're sisters now!" Rose joined Alice in jumping up and down.

Mean while James and Victoria were signing the adoption papers. "We should let them keep the last names; it is the last thing left of their parents." James thought for a moment then agreed.

"Just sign here….and initials here…and...We are all done. I will mail you their birth certificates they should arrive in two to three weeks." informed Mrs. Copper. "Thank you so much." Victoria said smiling. "I'm glad that they are together, they already lost a friend to adoption." She frowned at the memory.

Victoria seamed saddened by this. "What was her name?" asked James with pure curiosity. "Well, his name was Edward Masen. They were good friends. It was the cutes thing, before he left they made a pact to find each other one day." She smiled at that part of the memory. James was a little shocked. "We also have males here as well." She informed him sternly.

"Well thanks again." Victoria smiled sweetly.

They led the girls to the car to put their items in and left. Bella was extremely shy so she blushed when their new parent started asking question.

"So girls….how old are you? Victoria asked sweetly. "Um...Bella and I are eight and Rose is nine!" Alice stated bouncing in her seat. 'I love her energy, she'd make a great angel but I'll never let that happen' Victoria thought to herself. James was thinking the same thing except he would let her choose her own path. To become an agent or lead a normal life.

They drove for about four hours until they reach their destination. Their mansion still had secret passage ways from Victoria's spy days and planned to leave it that way. They figured if there ever came a day where the Angels came back together it may be of use.

Bella, Alice, and Rose gaped at the big mansion for a good five minute before James cleared his thought and motioned for to go inside. They ran to the door and waited eagerly and Victoria giggled at the energy. They went in at choose their rooms and got settled.


Ok Charlie will come in soon I promise! (I wanted to tell the girls story first)

Reviews please tell me what you think!
