Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, objects or places in this story. They all belong to their respective owners.

Harry Potter and the Soul Reaver

Prologue: The History of Kain

Kain walked the deserted clobber stone street in the dark night. The moon was hidden by thick black clouds. The darkness didn't matter to Kain, for, see, Kain was not human. Indeed, he was a humanoid being, but he was definitely not human. Kain was a vampire. He was dressed only in a pair of black slacks, slightly loose to afford a bigger range of motion, and a narrow blood red flag diagonally across his naked muscled torso, a flag that held his noble past. He had a greenish gray tone to his skin, making him appear like a human with a disease.

Kain shook his head out of his reverie. He was now just little over 8, 000 years old. When he was in his prime, he and Raziel had defeated the perverted creature that thought himself God. Ever since that particular victory, the wraiths of the Underworld had responded to the Reaver and his bearer as their one and only master. Over that victory, he had built an empire, where all the vampires, wraiths and demons could coexist. Naturally, the humans didn't like someone gathering a large demonic force, so they had sent the only human capable of stopping him. Myrridin Emrys. How he hated that name, despised him and his preaches for greater good while he was the one that had attacked first.

A popping sound and a whoosh behind him caught his attention, and Kain simultaneously drew the Reaver from his back and turned around, only to be pierced by a thick wooden staff that entered his stomach and exited from his back. He was bleeding profusely and as the pole extracted itself, he saw his guts spill out on the clobber stone street. He looked up into the eyes of the wizard he despised the most since Mobeus himself. Long white hair and long white beard and moustache on an old wrinkled face, radiating a sense of goodness so great and so false that he subconsciously wrinkled his nose as if it was a foul stench.

"So, Myrridin, finally you have shown your true face and the coward that you are. Instead of a honest one to one duel, you have resorted to assassination. You will burn in hell for this!" Kain snarled as he tried not to pass out from the excruciating pain.

"What do you know of honor, you foul beast?! You are nothing but a lowly murderer, a thief and an abomination!" spat Myrridin, quite literally, as spittle flew from his mouth on Kain's face. Kain sneered through the pain. He lifted the Reaver and put the point to his chest, hara-kiri style, looked into Myrridin's eyes, and sneered.

"You haven't seen the last of me, Myrridin. You are but a human, and one day you will die, go to hell, and I will take pleasure in sending each and every descendant of yours that has your dispositions to join you in your suffering. Farewell, you disgusting old man." and with that he slammed the Reaver through his chest, strait through his second hand heart.

Myrridin watched amazed as bluish white electricity ran through the sword and in the abomination. Almost instantly the body of Kain turned to stone. Myrridin rushed to retrieve the sword in greed, and grasped the hilt. He experienced a pain so great and so strong, that the Crucatius curse he had created had nothing on it. While he could hold the Crucatius on someone until he went insane and foamed from his mouth, and then ultimately, died, this pain lasted only five seconds. Myrridin threw up, then calmed down, regained some of the color on his face and wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his oh so white robes, spat a few times and then stood up. He got the shock of his life though when e tried to apparate. He retrieved his staff and tried to make a portkey from a nearby rock. And failed. That is when he realized that there were no wards created from the sword, but that the sword had drained his magic, and ultimately made him a Squib.

After the confrontation, Myrridin hitched a ride on a villagers carriage, disguised as an old man after dirtying his white robes up a bit, then went straight into Gringotts, where with all the money in his extensive vault bought the land and paid the Goblins to build and ward a Castle where only his blood relatives can enter, and give permission to enter. He updated his will, stating that the Slytherin family gets the Castle, and all his other assets will go to the Dumbledore family. Then Myrridin exited Gringotts and went to his wife and his mistress, fist to Dolorea Dumbledore, then to Sibinaya Slytherin to tell them what happened. He told them to keep their family names and change the names of the children so that the abomination wouldn't find them. They reluctantly agreed. When all his business was over, not wanting to live the rest of his days as a squib, he went to a cave where he knew a dragon resided, and woke up the sleeping dragon by punching it in the snot. The dragon woke up and roared, more in annoyance than in pain, and swallowed him whole.

The descendants of the Dumbledore line and the Slytherin line battled each other constantly, not knowing that they are actually the halves of one same family. Then a thousand years later, Salazar Slytherin and his friends decided that they were going to make the first school of witchcraft and wizardry, and Salazar Slytherin knew the perfect location for it. In Scotland, he had a castle that came in his family's possession nearly a thousand years ago. It had deteriorated a little, but nothing that he couldn't fix with his friends, plus it had the strongest wards in the whole of Brittan, so it would be safest for the students. If he only knew what lay in the middle of the Castle that he and his friends named Hogwarts.