
All-Knowing-Person POV

For the rest of the trip, Edward and Bella were inseparable. They got closer with every second they spent together. Everyone, including the gang, would accidentally think of them as REAL boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course, this bugged the heck out of Alice simply because she knew they both liked each other. A lot.

Everyday, Tanya would watch them. Trying to figure out what he saw in her. Boring brown hair and brown eyes. She saw nothing attractive about Bella at all. At the same time, she was planning her revenge. Something so huge it would hurt both of them for the rest of their lives.

A week before the end, Edward confessed that he liked Bella. He had really liked her the whole time. Bella said the same. It was easier now, since they didn't have to pretend. Tanya never got to put her plan in action. A week later was goodbye. It was sad, and I'll spare you the details of tears and snot-rockets. Would they ever see each other again? Only fate can decide.


I had just gotten home from the airport. I ran up to my room, slammed the door, and cried into my pillow. I really liked Edward and now, I would never get to see him again. I heard the little ding from my computer. I got a new message apparently. I got out of bed lazily and opened up the message.

Dear Isabella,

I hope you enjoyed your trip! Every year will get more exciting as we work our way through Europe! This email has a list of emails and screen names to choose from. You get to choose one buddy from your group. Hopefully you will get to know each other some more and figure out who you are. No names are listed with the emails. Good luck and Have fun!















JFK traveling for students

I randomly chose Goldengreenpianos. Someone with that email should be interesting. To tell you the truth, I had no clue which one was Edward's. I don't think he would use something like Goldengreenpianos. That just…..I don't know, didn't sound like him. It was more like someone else I knew. I probably wouldn't even talk to my "buddy". Charlie and Renee had my life booked.

"C'mon Bella! It's time for Yoga!" shouted Renee. Yeah like that would help my hopeless coordination at all.

"Coming!" I yelled. I signed out and went down the stairs to face the rest of my life.


"Alice! No one will know that's me! And who in the world is BelllllaBellyBean? Do I really sound like I would use Goldengreenpianos?"

"Nope. Not at all! But trust me! That's the point. If Tanya chose yours because it was obvious, would you be very happy?"

"No. But what if Bella picked me."

Alice smiled evilly. "Don't worry." She said trying to hide something.

"Alice don't lie. What did you do?" I said and started walking towards her slowly.

She started to back away, "Nothing my sweet, dear brother. Bye!" she said and bolted out of my room. I sighed and went to sit down on my bed. I would never get to see Bella again. Ever. We didn't even exchange emails or numbers before we left. I threw myself back on my bed and stared at the dull, white, ceiling.

A/N: Alrighty guys, you knew this was comming srry if it just popped up suddenly. I really want to het to 60 reviews!!! It isn't that hard! I only need about 13 to get there! you know you want tooooo!!! PLEASE PLEASE!! PRETTY PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! thank u!!!!

Alex 33