12 years old

"Crap, crap, crap! CHARLIE! Crap."

"Yeah bells?"

"Can you help me?" Charlie laughed and took my heavy luggage from my hands and went down the stairs. "Gosh you make it look so easy." I said following him. This was going to be my first trip away from both parents. I had obviously flown on a plane alone when I was going from Arizona to Forks but this time I was going to Europe for 2 weeks with a group, but without parents, which suited me just fine. Charlie put my luggage in the trunk and we drove off to the airport. This was going to be sort of my getaway, from both parents and rainy forks. I was glad no one else from around here was going. I would be able to tell because on the first day we all had to wear the same thing; khaki pants and a white shirt. We made our way through security and Charlie left me by my gate.

"Bye Bells, see you soon." We gave each other an awkward hug and I walked out into the plane.

"Hello there…Isabella, have you flown unaccompanied before?" said the stewardess.

"Umm, call me Bella, and yeah I fly all the time."

"Good then you know what to do, just go on and look for seat and don't forget to wait for me before you get out."

I made my way down the tiny aisle looking for my seat and I wasn't paying attention to my feet. I tripped on a backpack that was on the ground and prepared myself for collision with the floor, which surprised me by never occurring. I opened my eyes to see a very pretty stranger with his arms wrapped around me. He had perfect, bronze hair and brilliant emerald green eyes. Wow.

"Um, oh, I'm, a, I'm sorry, I tend to trip a lot, and yeah I'm sorry. But, thank you." Leave to clumsy old Bella to stutter at pretty strangers who might I add are very pretty. The boy smiled and set me back on my feet.

"No problem, just try not to hurt yourself anymore." He chuckled, "I'm Edward."

"Bella." I looked at his seat number and almost fainted. "Well I guess this is my seat." I showed him my boarding pass. He got out of the aisle seat ad let me pass by to the window seat. When he sat back down I turned to face him, "Thank you again, for catching me before I really hurt myself."

He looked down at me and smiled, "No problem, what kind of guy would just let you fall like that?"

"You make a point." I said. I caught his gaze and something in them just held me there. I couldn't look away no matter how hard I willed myself to. And neither could he. Just then, enough to ruin the moment, the pilot came on the intercom and we both snapped out of our trance. I blushed, embarrassed at how I must have looked just staring at him.

"Hello and welcome aboard the…"the pilot went off into all those instructions on safety you hear before the flight, with the stewardess demonstrating it. I slumped down in my seat. Then I noticed, Edward was wearing the same uniform that I was. As soon as the pilot announced the plane would take off soon, I turned to look at Edward.

He was looking down at a book in his lap. It looked pretty big too. "Hey Edward, if you don't mind my asking, what are you going to do in Europe?"

He chuckled and looked up from the book, "Well, Me and my siblings are all going on this trip with kids from around our area. For two weeks alone. It sounded like a good experience so my parents signed us up. You should meet my sister. She would absolutely love you."

I blushed, "Well maybe I can meet her. I'm going to that trip too." I said motioning to my outfit.

"I'm sure she'd be delighted." He said then turned to his back to his book.

I could hear the loud hum of the engines starting, and felt the wheels moving against the pavement. Soon we were in the air and on our way to Europe. This was going to be a long ride. I slipped into uncousness a few minutes into our flight.