My first effort at a One Piece story. And just so you know, yes I am a Luffy/Nami fan myself.


Prologue: Eclipse

It's been nearly a year now, since the day we crossed paths.

I was early in my obsession; you had been toiling so much longer in yours. At first glance, we didn't distinguish each other, except as just another person we'd passed in the midst of our lives. But then I took a chance, and took notice of your work. It wasn't that much longer that you returned the favor, and let me know you appreciated me for being there for you. Those simple words caused me to take the biggest step I'd never taken: I asked if you'd be my friend. Imagine my surprise when you asked me when I hadn't been a nakama.

That was the turning point in my life, I would almost guarantee it. I had been going nowhere; trying to do all I could to make it, day-by-day. And just like that, I had a reason to try again, to be someone better than I was. But then you went and explicitly saved my life; not once, not twice but several times. I only managed to save you once (and it hadn't even really been for your sake, but for my own).

And even though you had something (and somebody) else on your mind and in your life, I was content to stay by your side as a nakama that supported you wherever life took us, through thick and thin.

Because of that day you came to me, and said I was your nakama.

However, something has come up that I feel I must take care of on my own. Please don't worry about me, and continue your journey. May we meet again in the not-so-distant future.

Sayonara Luffy; aishiteru.

It all began when the crew of the Thousand Sunny came across a letter lying face down on the table of the dining room; a mikan keeping the envelope sealed, the contents written in the neat hand of their navigator. The intended recipient was written simply 'My Captain', much to the chagrin of the resident cook. The rest of the crew kept their opinions, if not their emotions, to themselves as the addressee opened the envelope and retreated to his room to peruse the message in privacy.

Within minutes, the structure of the ship gave a shudder from the sheer force of the captain's sudden outpouring of emotion. Having run over to see what had occurred, the others found his cabin to be in shambles and him leaning against an untouched portion of a wall, shaking silently.

"Guys, we're going after Nami."



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