Last chapter :( I can't believe it is done. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed. You have given me such inspiration to just keep on writing! Thank you! :)

And here is the last chapter of Inanimate Objects


Two and a half weeks after the earthquake, John was currently signing Sam and Dean's release papers, while the boys sat on Sam's bed in their room.

Dean had a t-shirt and sweatpants on while he held his crutches in his left hand. His right arm was wrapped around Sam's back. Sam had a large hoodie and sweatpants on. Despite the fact that neither boy was anywhere near recovered, they each had a large smile on their faces while they joked around with each other, both eager to get out of the hospital. They were going up to Bobby's to stay with him until the casts came off both boys.

John walked into the room smiling at the laughs erupting from both of his boys.

"Are you boys ready to go home?" John asked.

"Hell yeah!" Dean exclaimed while Sam smiled in relief.


Two orderlies wheeled Sam and Dean to the entrance of the hospital while John pulled the impala to the front doors.

Once both boys were situated, Sam in the backseat and Dean riding shotgun, John pulled out.

Within minutes Dean had fallen asleep. John looked in the rearview mirror and saw Sam staring out the window lost in thought.

"Hey kiddo, something on your mind?" John asked Sam.

Sam jerked his head around to face his dad.

"Dad can we go back to the old house?" Sam whispered.

"I don't think so Sammy," John answered hesitantly. The last thing he wanted to do was go back to that house.

"Dad please," Sam begged.

John thought about it for several moments, but the tone in Sam's voice convinced John to turn the car down a side road that would lead them to the old house.


Five minutes later, John pulled up to the damaged temporary house of the Winchesters. Sam stared at the destruction in shock. He didn't remember it being that bad.

"Sammy do you want me to wake Dean?"

Sam continued to stare at the house. "No," Sam mumbled. "I need to do this myself."

John nodded and got out of the car to help Sam out. Sam slowly climbed out of the car to avoid causing any pain to erupt in his tender back.

John and Sam then slowly made their way to the house. Once they got inside, Sam slowly began walking around the house taking it all in.

John leaned against the wall in the living room watching as Sam sat down on the couch.

John then noticed Sam's shoulders start shaking gently.


Sam slowly lifted his eyes and turned his tear-stained face to his father.

"I thought we were going to die dad. I mean I really did. We were both sitting here," Sam pointed to the floor next to the couch, "And Dean was in so much pain, and I could feel the blood pouring down my back. I was so scared."

"I know you were Sammy," John whispered as he walked over to Sam and sat down next to him wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

Sam clenched his hands together and stared at the carpet. "Dad I don't know how we got out of this house. I was being stupid, I was so concerned with taking care of Dean that I almost got us both killed."

"What are you talking about Sammy?"

"I should have told him I was hurt and got us both out of the house as fast as I could. Instead we moved slowly and the stupid aftershock almost killed us. I should've been there for Dean. I should've got him out of the house sooner."

John opened his mouth to say something to Sam when a voice in the doorway spoke up. "Sammy, you did get us out. Without you we both would have died."

Sam and John looked up to see Dean leaning on his crutches in the doorway.

"Dean, stop trying to make me feel better. I can't do anything right. Your leg was screwed to hell. It was my one chance to take care of you and I couldn't."

"Sammy, you were bleeding out. Sam you almost died!" Dean yelled in frustration.

Sam jerked as Dean's volume escalated.

Dean noticed and immediately softened his tone as he crutched to his brother.

"Sammy, you saved me. I could not have gotten us out of the house. You were dying Sam and you got us both out. Sammy if Bobby wouldn't have found us when he did you would have died. You were dying Sammy, but you still managed to be a hero. You saved me Sammy. You saved us both."

John then spoke up. "Sam, you were the hero. You saved Dean and yourself despite how injured you were. I have never been more proud of you. You were a hero kiddo."

"Really?" Sam whispered.

"Yes Sammy," both Winchesters answered in unison.

"I love you Sammy and I promise you we will be okay," Dean whispered to his little brother.

"Promise Dean?"

"I promise Sammy," Dean whispered as he enveloped his brother in a hug.

"We are all going to be okay," John whispered to himself as his sons shared a rare 'chick-flick moment.'

Once Sam and Dean broke up the hug the teasing ensued between the brothers. John chuckled and said to the boys, "What do you say we head to Bobby's?"

"Yes please Dad, get us the hell out of California!" Dean exclaimed.

"Weren't you the one who wanted to go to California more than anything? I believe you mentioned bikinis." Sam said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah well who knew earthquakes sucked so bad."

"Uh... the whole world," Sam answered sarcastically as the brothers walked out the door leaving a dark part of their life behind.

John smiled at his boys as he walked out the door last. Before closing it behind him he took one last look at the house. "We are going to be okay," John whispered once more before shutting the door and following his boys to their true home.



I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story. It meant the world to me! Thank you all so much! I have had a blast writing this story! :)