( A short storie based on Anne Rice's character "Lestat")

My name is Julia Lyons and I'm a writer. I write for many newspapers in New Orleans, relating criminal stories from the criminal's point of view. This is something that has been very popular for me because nobody has done that before. It is truly a unique perspective on relating events. It's provocative to say the least.

Everyone reading the stories is either shocked or outraged by my perception of criminals and crimes. But in reality, what I think they are really upset about, is the fact that through my stories, they can relate and understand, and even feel sorry for some criminals. That is a feeling many people have a lot of trouble dealing with, and they will never admit it to themselves or others.

As for myself, I just find that a criminal's mind is fascinating. It is full of emotions and once you get in there, it is scary, unpredictable, and amazingly twisted. That's why I do it.

This story is going to be about myself; more specifically about a chapter of my life that was at once great and tragic. This event forever altered the course of my life. I shall never, ever forget it.

I could write an entire book about myself, where I come from, my life so far etc..etc.. but for the sake of this story, I will only give you a brief description of myself and I will get right into it. Whatever happened to me prior to this event is no longer important.

I was 32 years old at the time. 5 feet 9 inches tall, blue eyes, long wavy dark blond hair down to my waste that I wear up most of the time. I'm very slim with long legs. My complete size would be 34-24-36. I do have broad hips for my body. Most men seem to like that; I don't. My favourite clothes were a pair of Jeans and a t-shirt and sweater. I wasn't a fancy dresser. I'm all about comfort.

This story starts on the evening of September 28 1998. It was around 10pm and I was just getting out of the office when I came face to face with Lestat, the vampire of course.

As you may remember, Lestat wrote many books and did everything in his power to reveal the existence of vampires in our world. He claimed he didn't want to live in the shadow anymore. I always felt that his character was dramatic, charming and scary at the same time. He needed to be known, to be loved and applauded. He needed to remember what it was like to feel human, a feeling he lost so many centuries ago. But most of all, he needed to find a meaning to his existence as a vampire.

Personally, I never believed this vampire thing was true though I was very intrigued by it. I had met a lot of criminals in my life but a vampire, never. Well I guess I wouldn't have found them in jail either.

Back to my story.

Lestat seeked me out, stating that he was fascinated by my articles. One evening, he was waiting for me, hiding in the shadow of the dark alley that I used every evening to walk home, without fear.

As I was walking, head down, lost in my thoughts of another story again, he appeared in front of me, blocking my way. He was pale as the moon and his blue eyes were glistening in the night. He had this little smile on his face, big enough so that I could see his fangs, but not too wide. I think he wanted to scare me a little, but I just thought he was another freak and I was ready and able to defend myself. I'm a black belt in karate.

" Hi" he said.

" Hi. Please let me pass" I was rude and ready to kick his ass.

" Mind if I follow you home ? "

" Yes. Tell me what you want or leave me alone, but you're not following me home."

" I just want to talk to you, get to know you better, that sorta thing "

" I'm sorry, I'm not interested"

"Don't you know who I am ?"

" Should I ?"
" I'm the vampire Lestat "

" okay, nice, glad to meet you. Now please let me pass" I said abruptly.

Lestat moved out of my way and started walking beside me.

" You never heard of me ? Never read my books ? You're a writer, you must have read my books."

I stopped walking and looked him in the eyes to let him know I wasn't scared. I thought I was dealing with another freak impersonator and that I'd better acknowledge him a little so that maybe, I could avoid engaging into a fight.

" Okay look. I read your books, and they are fascinating. I truly enjoyed the stories and the fictional world you created, it is almost believable, but there are no such things as vampires."

He was now smiling at me. A real big smile so I could see his fangs well now. Great dental work, I thought to myself.

" Of course not" he said.

Then, moving faster than I could think, he grabbed me in his arms and took off running at the speed of light, and we arrived at my house in a flash of a second. I was dizzy with the speed at which we moved. I should have been scared then, but instead, I was intrigued. I've always sucked at not recognizing a situation for which I should not get into.

" What the hell was that and how do you know where I live ?"

" I followed you home many times before. I was waiting for the right time to make my presence known. As for the first question, well, it was me, I told you I was a vampire." He was clearly proud of the fear and excitement he generated in me.

" You mean to tell me that all these things in your books are real ? That's BS, how did you do that ? Come on, tell me your trick. And those fangs in your mouth, they look kinda funny by the way."

He was loosing his patience now which isn't surprising. Patience wasn't something many of us had as we got older, imagine centuries old vampires.

With great strength and speed, he pinned me to the wall, without hurting me, and under the light of the outside lamp of my house, I could see his face fully, and it was scary. His skin was so white, I could see the veins underneath. His teeth very sharp like fangs. The blue of his eyes was big and shiny. His golden hair was tied behind his neck. He was wearing a pair of black leather pants and a white shirt, covered by a black light jacket that was long all the way to his knees.

At that point, I began to be scared, but more than that, I was even more intrigued. I was beginning to think that just maybe, these things called vampires might exist, and I should let things playout so I could find out more about this.

I had been in the minds of the worst of criminals but a vampire, never. I never even let myself ponder over the fact that they might exist.. This was so interesting to me now. But then, I remembered a little detail, they drink blood. Maybe he came here to kill me. I tried to get out of his grip but he was so strong. I kicked him in the balls but, since everything down there was dead too, he didn't even move although, he laughed out loud and let me go.

" Relax, I'm not going to kill you or hurt you, I just want to talk to you."

" Okay"

" Is has been a long long time since someone sparked life inside me, and you certainly did that with your stories. They are so different from anything else out there these days. They are so provocative, it's amazing how you capture the other side of crime. I had to meet you and I have to say that so far, you haven't disappointed me."

" Okay well, what do you want to know ?"

" Can I come into your house and chat for a while ?"

" Do I have a choice ?"
He laughed again.." Not really "

" So come in then"

I am the biggest idiot, this is why I do this job so well. I'm attracted to trouble like a magnet. If I see anything out of the ordinary, intriguing, unexplained, I have to see, touch, know. And so therefore, I was willing to pretend that maybe this was a real vampire, and I probably wanted to know more about this than what he wanted to know about me. I wasn't ready to let this opportunity go just yet, even if it might kill me. But I wasn't even thinking that far yet.

Lestat and I talked all night. He was very interesting. He had had so many life experiences it was absolutely fascinating. Of course I had read his books but as you know, books are meant to be fictional to a certain point and therefore, he admitted that not all of it was true, but close to it. He had a way of telling his stories and he sure was a proud man. He had a different perspective on everything; life , love, religion.

I agreed to meet with him the next evening, and the evening after, and the one after that. Soon, he was waiting for me every night after work and we would spend the night together, just talking, laughing etc.. It's a good thing I don't start work before 2pm. I could sleep a bit but I was tired and my things at home were not getting done. But somehow, I didn't care much.

My attraction to Lestat was growing very strong. Quickly, I stopped seeing the scary vampire in front of me and I started seeing his soul, as I did so many times with the criminals I interviewed. There, was the key to my success. Who he was as a person was very interesting and intriguing. This is what attracted me so much. Never in my life had I met someone with whom I felt such at ease to be myself. Someone I felt a strong connection with. It was an amazing feeling.

Also, he wasn't exactly bad to look at. A bit pale however. When he fed, he didn't look so dead, I guess. Or maybe I just got used to it. I didn't bother to ask him what or whom he fed on. I didn't want to know because if I did, it would mean that I couldn't morally see him anymore, and I didn't want that at all. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

We had been seeing each other like this for about 3 months. Tonight, I was going over to his place for the first time. He was going to show me all the relics he has collected over the years. His collectable items and things from his past lives. I admit I was very excited. I love museums and things from the past. His was going to be so real and accessible.