Summary: Horio was walking home one day when he overheard a phone conversation that he shouldn't have. Being an innate busybody he told the old crowd and thus initiated a campaign to find out with whom their tennis prodigy is going out. With three persons in suspicion can the old regulars find out Ryoma's real lover?
Rating: K+ for mild mature contents.
Pairings: I am not saying what the pairing is. This story is still (when I have written otherwise?) Ryoma-centric. So for now the pairing is RyomaX?
Disclaimer: I DOn't own Prince of Tennis or any of its character. If I did it would officially become a yaoi anime and well… use your perverted imaginations!
Warning: This is a yaoi story. It has boy x boy love here so for those who can't appreciate such thing you are warned. This chapter is fairly safe. No real adult contents to be worried about.
Note: The whole chapter is done using the point of views of the researchers/stalkers. This means that everything would be subjected to their personal opinions and views. The reports were done using a voice recorder, more specifically those installed in cellular phones and such. Sometimes I will shift to regular narration, but I'll make it as clear as I possibly can. I might skip down a day or two because they can't be monopolizing Ryoma's time…
For this chapter:
Talk – Kikumaru Eiji
Talk – Kawamura Takashi
Talk – Other characters
Chapter Two: Kunimitsu Tezuka
Official Report on Tezuka Kunimitsu
Surveillance under Kawamura Takashi and Kikumaru Eiji
Surveillance Date: June 16, XXXX – June 22, XXXX
Hello, test mike nya! Test mike nya!
Eiji, I don't think we need to do that. We are using your cell phone anyways.
But I want to, nya! This is like so exciting so we need to do all this right, specially this report, nya!
I still think we should have just written a report or something… but I guess this one will be easier, ne?
Yeah, we just talk and all nya! This is so going to be fun, and I can't wait for the things we will found out about Tezuka! We'll do a report even Inui would be envious about.
And hopefully we'll prove one way or another if Tezuka is the one.
Whatever Taka! I just think Tezuka is the one. I mean they have history, and they've known each other like forever and hey, they are like… Seigaku's pillars or something.
Okay, let's just start with the report now…
June 16, XXXX
We didn't see Tezuka until after the lunch brake. It's really hard to keep track of him even in school due to all his extra-curricular activities.
He's like super busy and super active and super… I can't think of anything else Taka. But anyways, he's really moving a lot and it was really exhausting following him back and forth, nya! It's good that I'm like super fast and so agile and so…
But Eiji almost blew our cover a couple of times because he gets so excited whenever Tezuka does… something. From looking inside his bag to fiddling with his phone and laptop-
Because he might be contacting Ochibi!
Well, we really didn't get to know that. But the day seemed pretty normal at times until the end of the classes.
Silence reigned as the former captain of Seigaku and current vice captain (and future captain) of Seigaku High walked to the general direction of his house. There were quite a number of people out on the street on their way home or to meet up with someone, and it was a wonder why it was all silent and stoic…
Taka tried to control his hyperactive partner-in-crime as they tailed the high school sophomore. Either Tezuka was extremely preoccupied or he has lost his touch but he seemed to have not noticed the two following him around. It was a miracle actually, since Kikumaru tended to get excited whenever their subject did something even ordinary
"Look, look! Tezuka just answered his phone!" Kikumaru exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"It could have come from anyone," Taka replied. "Please settle down Eiji or he'll notice us. I, for one, don't want his wrath descending upon us."
Kikumaru scoffed at his words but clamed down a little bit. "Puh-lease! Don't be so over dramatic Taka! Enjoy this mission! It's rare we get to have some information about Tezuka that can be blackmail potential."
Taka sighed as he rubbed his temple. "You've been hanging out with Fuji a lot lately…"
"Let's get closer so that we can hear what he's saying." Kikumaru cut in.
Fortunately, or unfortunately in Tezuka's part, he was standing beside an array of grown plants and trees, and it was a convenient place for the two to hide and listen in on their friend's conversation.
Kikumaru frowned at what he heard.
"I see…"
Taka waited for the next statement.
The red head tried to peek through the bushes to see their subject's facial expression.
The power player tried to pull his partner back to keep him from exposing their hiding place.
A brow twitched. Taka looked at his partner pleadingly, asking him silently to keep quiet and not make any ruckus. But…
"That was it?"
Tezuka whipped around when he heard the outburst and saw Kikumaru emerging from the bushes behind him looking annoyed and disgruntled. Soon after Taka also stood up and he looked at them quizzically.
"What are doing there?" he asked.
Kikumaru soon realized what he had done and tried valiantly to think of something to say to prevent their cover from being blown up.
"We were… ah…," Kikumaru trailed.
"We… were… looking for the store Momo recommended was a great place to eat out," Taka improvised.
"Yeah, we wanted to… eat sushi, nya!" Kikumaru added. "Isn't that right Taka?"
"Yeah! Sushi! Such a delicious food…"
Tezuka continued to gaze at them with unreadable eyes. The scrutiny was mere seconds but it felt like hours for the two. And when he finally spoke again they were forced to use their brains to wheedle out of Tezuka's impenetrable logic.
"And Kawamura Sushi is…"
Thank goodness for the nutrients sushi contains or Kawamura would have a hard time bailing themselves out of Tezuka's wrath. And although relative calm and level-headed, Tezuka could be as vindictive as Fuji when provoked.
"I wanted to check out the other sushi bars to keep up with the competition. We're always looking for improvement," Kawamura replied, hopping it will satisfy the other teen.
"Hmn… then I suggest you try out the sushi bar down the road," Tezuka suggested curtly. "I'll be going now."
Kikumaru and Kawamura watched the retreating back of their former and future captain with their attempted innocent looks still intact. When they were sure that he was far away did they dropped the façade, and both heaved a sigh of relief.
"That was really close, nya? I thought we were done for," Kikumaru said.
"I wouldn't want to think what could have happen if he realized what we're really doing," Kawamura added.
"But Ochibi's happiness is on the line so as good sempais it is our duty to watch over him!" the red head exclaimed.
Kawamura contemplated for a while before he replied. "Maybe you're right. Still, I feel uneasy spying on Tezuka. It seemed like we're suspicious of him or something."
Kikumaru scoffed. "It's not like that. Out of the three I want him to be Tezuka because we already know him. And it's also to assure Ochibi stays with us. If he goes out with either of the other two who knows… maybe he'll go to their high school. I can't face Ochibi in an official match in the opposite side of the court! It's like having a quarrel with one of my brothers when they use my toothpaste."
The timid teen tried to process the logic behind Kikumaru's words but decided the process to be too tedious and too hard. Besides Kikumaru himself only Oishi could make sense of what the acrobatic player says.
"Just think Ryoma in those awful Hyotei uniform? Or the hideous Rikkai jerseys!" Kikumaru continued.
"Ano… Didn't you just say last week that we should change our uniforms to something that resembles those of Rikkai?" Kawamura asked.
"That was before their captain suddenly tried to take Ochibi away from us!" Kikumaru flayed.
Kawamura would never understand the hyperactive player, and decided to leave the understanding of the other player in the hands of their mother hen.
June 19, XXXX
Due to the make-up class we needed to take to compensate for the classes we've missed due to our tennis matches Tezuka stayed in the school until it was almost nighttime for the past two days. He heads straight home after classes.
Unnya! And it was optional anyways. I couldn't stay that long in school unless we're practicing tennis… Tezuka is so weird.
Eiji! What if Tezuka accidentally hears you? It'll totally ruin our plan.
Well duh! Tezuka's not here so…
What are you two doing? You're disrupting practice!
So… sorry buchou!/ So… sorry buchou!
I'm not the captain. Yamamura-buchou is. And just because he is not here doesn't mean you can lag behind.
Sorry Tezuka…
And cell phones are prohibited during practice. Ten laps around the courts and after that return to you drill!
Hai!/ Hai!
(Sound of shuffling followed by the soft thud of sneakered feet meeting the hard concrete of the ground)
See, I told you he could accidentally hear us. We should be more careful
Unnya! Gomen ne. I'll be more careful next time. But he seems more talkative today. He actually gave us full sentences. Before it was just like 'ten laps for disrupting practice'.
Now that you mention it…
What are you two doing? You're being too obvious.
Oishi! Unnya! Tezuka's hard to track you know.
Eiji! He might hear you!
Gomen, gomen!
We'll just continue the report later ne?
Okay Taka! Last one to finish the laps gets to drink Inui's new juice!
Kikumaru felt something different about the day that made him more energized and hyperactive than normal. And as they continued to watch (subtlely) the fukubuchou of Seigaku High control the lot with more finesse than their current captain he couldn't help but get more excited. While Kikumaru exasperated over all little things Taka was busy trying to maintain their mission's inconspicuousness.
Luckily, unluckily in Kikumaru's part, after they set off in another batch of ten-laps-punishment the red-head was so engrossed with peering over to watch the tall teen Kikumaru took a glass of suspiciously yellowish liquid from Inui, one that normally the hyperactive teen sought to avoid at all cost. The result was for Taka to finally have a break from watching the other teen and for Oishi to hover over Kikumaru worriedly.
Kikumaru was revived after resting for over hour, just as the stoic vice captain finished up with his extra-curricular duties elsewhere. And it was just in time, having had lady luck on their side this day and enabling Taka to get a glimpse of their target's cell phone while he was changing his clothes in the club room. Tezuka had forgotten it was still open, a simple text message still in the window, as he was called out by their coach for a last minute discussion.
"Are you certain that it really came from him?" Kikumaru asked for the umpteenth time.
"Yes," Taka replied patiently, also for the umpteenth time.
Their attention was called by the tall figure exiting the school premises. Kikumaru and Taka followed the enigmatic teen as discreetly as they could, dodging people as they tried to match the pace of Tezuka. They stopped when they noticed Tezuka enter a fast food joint.
Kikumaru and Taka looked at each other and both emitted a smile of victory. If there was anything to indicate that Tezuka is seeing their former baby, this was one of the best proofs. Kikumaru fished out his phone and started recording the developments.
Unya! We just got the best scoop in town!
Eiji, please, not so loud!
*whispers* I'm sorry Taka, I just got excited. Okay, we followed Tezuka as soon as he left the school after Taka read a text message from Tezuka's phone.
I know it's not the nicest thing to do, and as soon as we clear this up I'm going to apologize to Tezuka.
Whatever, Taka! And now we're here at McDonalds! This is like THE PROOF, unya!
Uhm… what Eiji means is that this is a solid proof because we all know that Tezuka's preference in food does not really ran in that direction. Ryoma's, on the other hand…
He simply loves it! I bet they inside, having a date and being all mushy mushy. Maybe Echizen just took a bite of his hamburger, then he leans over and offers the same burger for Tezuka to bite on, and then he does take a bite and he chews and looks at Ochibi with eyes full of love and tenderness and…
Oh my gosh, Kikumaru, Calm down a bit. And we won't know what they're doing inside unless we try to get a little closer so that we can sneak a look through the window.
Oh, okay Taka. But I'm just saying, sharing his burger will be very romantic of Ryoma. It's like when Oishi buys me a cone of ice cream and I eat it, and then I make Oishi taste it, and then he blushes but looks at me with tender eyes, and then I reach out and…
Waaah! I don't need to hear that Eiji!
Look, Tezuka and Ochibi are leaving! Either Ochibi was really hungry and finished his food really fast or Tezuka is being cheap, and doesn't treat Ochibi to his normal amount of burgers…
In any case, let's continue to follow them.
Okay. We're walking after them. They're a few meters ahead of us. I'm not sure where we are going. I know it isn't towards Ochibi's house, because we should have made a right turn a couple of blocks away. Neither is this the way to Tezuka's house.
They might be going to a tennis court, maybe practice a little bit and…
Look! Taka, look!
I'm looking and… *Taka's jaw dropped at what he saw*
This is it Taka, the proof we are looking for! Quick, you phone! Take a picture!
*Taka reached for his phone and snapped a picture of the couple.* Oh my, the crowd is really not going to believe this!
Yes, we are right! Tezuka really is Ryoma's lover! And we have a proof!
End of the report
I know a lot of people hate me for the super late update. But as I always said, better late than never *dodges all the shuriken thrown my way*.
Thank you to all who reviewed! I have very limited time to spend surfing the net for pleasure, so I apologize for not being able to thank each reviewer for leaving a feedback. But please know that your comments are much appreciated.
Please wait for the update of my other stories as well. Hopefully by next week I have finished reviewing the old chapters and writing the new one. Until the next chapter!