Whoop! This is the first fic I've posted anywhere in a long time. First Joker fic ever, so please don't shoot me.

Hope you enjoy it! :)

The Joker awoke with a migraine and the taste of alcohol burning on his tongue. He groaned, sitting up, and took in his surroundings. He was sitting on a threadbare couch in a sparse living room. Across the room was a TV, turned off. He was mildly surprised to see a girl of about seventeen sitting in a chair next to the couch, reading the Gotham Times. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked up and smiled.

"Quite a night, huh?" she asked, unconcerned that she was speaking to the most feared man in Gotham. The Joker grimaced, trying to recall who she was. He gave up when his migraine came back with a vengeance.

"Who the hell're you?" His voice was gruff and his throat was sore, like he'd spent the previous night screaming his lungs out. The girl simply sighed, her nonchalant attitude annoying the Joker slightly.

"I am the girl you decided to kidnap last night. At least, I think you kidnapped me. You were so drunk last night; I couldn't tell what you intended to do with me."

The Joker scowled, angry that this… girl had seen him as anything other than the feared killer that he was. He made a mental note to instill some fear into her. …As soon as his hangover wore off. He sighed angrily and lay back down.

"Whatever. Make yourself useful and get me some Advil," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "And tell me what happened while you're at it."

She nodded her head and got up, heading toward the kitchen. The Joker heard glasses clinking and water running as she filled him a glass. She walked out of the kitchen, pills and water in hand. Handing them to the Joker, she began to explain to him what happened.

"I can only tell you what I know, and that's not much. You were already drunk when you kidnapped me, around 1 o'clock in the morning. I was sitting in an alley when you walked up and threw me over your shoulder. Which was quite rude really, when you think about it."

That was the last straw for the Joker. He jumped up, grabbing the girl by the front of her shirt and slammed her into the wall, pulling a knife out of his pocket and pushing the blade into her cheek. He growled at her, his throbbing headache and rising nausea worsening his already foul mood.

"Listen here, little lady; I am sick of your goddamn attitude!"

Just then, his nausea overwhelmed him and he turned away from her and retched up what little was in his stomach. His throat burned as the alcohol came back up, making him cough uncontrollably. His apparent hostage grimaced and rushed to refill his glass of water, adding some ice in for good measure.

"Here, drink this, lie down, and don't move around too much," she said, simultaneously giving him the glass and grabbing his wrist to lead him back to the couch. Exhausted, he complied and lied down. Not even minutes after he closed his eyes, he was asleep. She sighed and shook her head.

"What am I going to do with you?"

Short chapter, I know, but they will get longer. Promise. :)

Reviews are love!