Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction on here. Hope you guys find it to your liking. I've always wanted to write one about Four Brothers, just never got around to it. All kinds of reviews are welcome; be they bad or good. I understand people are entitled to their opinions, but please people, let's try and keep them polite, eh? So, here's chapter one, tell me what you think.

"Why can't they let me be, why don't I know what I am,

I force this hate into my heart cuz it's my only friend,

My lips are sewn shut; I watch my self bleed,

They push and pull and its killing me within"

--"Sell Your Soul" Hollywood Undead

Chapter One: Only One Night

Bobby Mercer was all too use to the cold Detroit winter. He was also use to the familiar rush of making a delivery.

Drugs: he hated them, what they did to the body and the soul inside it. He had seen them in affect many times before. As a teenager who was sent from one bad foster home to the other he was well aware of how drastically drugs could change a person.

But this, this was necessary. And even though he would never do drugs, that didn't mean he wouldn't deliver them for money. Evelyn needed the money, even though she would never admit it to Bobby or his brothers.

Being adopted first, Bobby felt it was his responsibility to take care of his family. Evelyn had taken Bobby in despite his rep sheet, the acts he was known for, and his violent temper. She saved him, in all the ways it was possible for a kind woman to save a child.

He owed her something. No, he owed her everything. And delivering for money was only one of the ways he thought he could help her. He was pretty sure Evelyn knew what he was doing. More times then not, Bobby would catch Evelyn giving him a sad, loving look. The kind of look that screamed, 'I know and wish you would stop.'

But Bobby couldn't. And, more importantly, he wouldn't. Taking care of his family was all that mattered to him.

Slowing his pace, Bobby took a long look around Wicker Park. The old dilapidated playground attracted drug dealers like moths to a light. Letting out a slow breath, the short stocky seventeen year old made his way to a circle of dark figures. Figures who were acting very strangely, he noted.

Usually, when making deliveries, Bobby met with one person: David. David was always the one to hand Bobby the brown wrapped package, directions leaving his lips with speed the dealer was known for. And there was always four or five people hiding in the shadows making sure Bobby didn't do anything stupid. Though it was for tradition more than anything. Since a young age Bobby had earned a reputation of being reliable, easily angered, and a force to be reckoned with. It had taken a few brutal fist and knife fights, but Bobby was on top.

So, it was rather strange for the teenager to be met with six figures in a circle. And even stranger for the figures to have their backs towards him. Stepping up curiously, he decided to announce his arrival.

"David, you better have some fucking delivery for me tonight, because I know I did not just trudge my ass out here in the cold for nothing."

The figures turned simultaneously, their black sweaters and jackets blending in with the dark background. David stepped up. "Slow down, kid. We just have some business to take car of first," the older drug dealer gestured to one of his companions and Bobby realized he was holding tightly onto a young girl.

She couldn't have been more than fifteen. Her face was pale in the moonlight and her eyes were dark. It surprised him to see her in only a T-shirt and jeans, her expression grim. Her hair was dark red, sharp and edgy around the rest of her angular face.

"This little bitch just stepped into our territory a few minutes ago. Apparently she's new to the neighborhood, thought we'd teach her a lesson." David explained promptly.

Bobby's gut twisted painfully, "Dude, just let it fucking go. I'm fucking tired, and don't need this shit getting in the way of some goddamn sleep." He masked his unease well.

David grinned, "Don't worry; you'll get your money. And this won't take long. You should know by know what reputation means, if we let her go, what will the neighbors think!" The twenty year olds voice was masked with menace and sick sarcasm, his eyes daring Bobby to interfere.

The young Mercer didn't say anything for a long moment. His thoughts were torn between staying in David's good graces and earning money, or helping some poor bastard. If he helped her, his whole business could be jeopardized, and then the money would stop. His brothers and mother would pay dearly for it. But the girl, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time! She certainly did not deserve what David planned for her.

It was family that won out in the end; she was only one girl, anyways. Grunting Bobby snapped, "Fine but make it quick."

Jason, David's companion tightened his grip around the girl's waist, and Bobby met her piercing dark eyes. They held nothing but anger and spunk.

"I'll wait over there," Bobby motioned to the far end of the park, by a dark alley, "until your done."

David's eyes shone with sick malice, "Don't be a fucking pussy. Join in on the fun!" He gave a sick smile, "I insist." His tone didn't leave room for any argument.

Flinching on the inside, Bobby found a spot in the circle, across from Jason, his eyes unable to leave the girl.

"So, you little cunt," David sneered. "What the fuck did you think you were doing over here? I mean, running around in the dark, don't you know it's dangerous at this time at night?"

The girl's face held no terror, only anger. "What the fuck do you think I was doing? I was coming back from work, you dumb son of a bitch."

A guttural sound of surprise came from the men around Bobby and Jason's eyes sparked with anger. "You little bitch; you think you can disrespect him? Do you know who the fuck you're messing with?" Jason tightened his grip painfully.

The girl ignored Jason's hold on her. She only had eyes for David, her expression blackened and her chin rose definitely, "Honestly, no. And I don't give a flying fuck. You're all the same. You think you're so fucking high and mighty, playing gangster with some shitty drugs and toy guns. Get over yourself, and try to do something productive with your life, like getting hit by a bus. Lord knows the world would be better off without you."

A death wish. That's what this chick had. No one disrespected David in front of his own men. Bobby thought any would have that much common sense. Even if she was new to town, didn't she have enough to stay away from men like these?

David stood silently, brooding for a moment. And then, "You've got some serious guts girly, coming over here and insulting me like that. In fact, I don't think anyone's ever spoken to me like that and lived." He paused again thoughtfully before grinning. "Jason, release her."

Jason looked incredulously at David, but did as he was told. He thrust the girl away from him, as if she was poisonous and she rose herself up to her full height, which could only be 5'4, maybe even less. For the first time since arriving at Wicker Park, Bobby felt hopeful. Every ounce in his being was against the mistreatment of an innocent girl and it was pure luck that David had taken an interest in her. It helped ease Bobby's mind. David wouldn't hurt her now that he found her amusing. And if David didn't hurt her, then there was really nothing to worry about.

"Now, I would beat you until you couldn't feel your legs let alone talk with that snappy tongue of yours. But," David drawled, circling her, "You intrigue me girly. More guts than most men I've seen, no fear, and not too bad looking."

Bobby watched the girl stiffen at David's close proximity. Her eyes fixed themselves into space, her jaw locked into an indifferent expression.

"What's you name girly," David said, this time his lips close to her ear. She didn't flinch.

"It's not girly, I'll tell you that much," She managed to snarl.

David chuckled darkly, "Snappy today, aren't we?"

"Snappy?" She laughed precariously, "What are you talking about? I love to be jumped in the middle of the night after coming home from work. You know, it just wouldn't be a good day without a few death threats."

David ignored her, that same dark malicious smile on his lips as he reached up to brush her hair. "I think we can use you." His hand hovered above her pale cheek, "Not bad looking at--"

David was cut off as the girl instantaneously raised her fist and smashed it into his nose. Blood poured out of it, and David staggered back.

"Don't touch me," The girl growled all traces of her previous dark humor gone.

"You stupid fucking cunt!" David screamed, his patience shot to hell. "You're fucking dead!" And before Bobby could breathe Jason was on the girl, taking David's place with his fist smashing straight across the girl's jaw. His aim was impeccable. In response, the girl grunted, falling to her knees in front of the man and spitting blood at his face.

"Go fuck yourself," She rasped as more blood fell and another fist spiraled towards her gut, throwing her on her back.

Fuck! What the hell was she thinking! Bobby was rooted to the spot his mind reeling. He had never seen someone so stupid and so full of pride. He could only watch as the girl attempted to rise herself up only to be kicked down again by David, who had finally recovered enough to go on the offensive.

The man her down and straddled her waist while his companions beside Bobby jeered with laughter. Bobby himself was sick.

"Afraid now, you stupid bitch?" David snarled. His arms pinned hers to her side and the girl raced for a solution to her current predicament. She wouldn't let it happen again. Not this time. Seeing only one way out, the girl smashed her head into her captor's, making him stumble backwards off her torso. Rolling on her side, the girl hunched herself above the ground, struggling for breath and trying to get her bearing when the click of a gun barrel sobered her up. Truly afraid for the first time she lifted her eyes only to see the gun pointed at someone else.

"That's enough." Bobby said quietly. "Back the fuck away from her."

David's bloodied face met Bobby's eyes, "What are you doing, Mercer?" He growled lowly. "Think about it long and hard because there's no going back."

Bobby met David's gaze with certainty. "I said get the fuck away from her."

Jason made a move to reach for his gun, but Bobby expertly swung the pistol around to smash the bunt of it against his jaw. Jason fell to the ground, blood pooling from his mouth.

"I don't want to kill you. Not tonight." Bobby felt the anger radiating through him mix with the guilt in his stomach. He should have stopped it sooner. This girl might not be his family, but she was somebody's.

Bobby had never used the gun before. It was only a security measure. But he was glad for it now. And even though he was not use to holding the gun, he held it in his hands firmly.

David coughed up blood on the sidewalk before catching his breath. "Betrayal. Yours stings the most. I thought I could trust you. All those years we have together. That means nothing to you?" He sputtered disbelievingly. "Fuck, man! I didn't even tell my men to bring guns! I thought we were family."

Under his layers of confidence Bobby could feel his certainty wavering. David was like a brother to him. He brought Bobby in under his wing and showed him the ropes.

Was this worth it? For one girl?

Bobby glanced at her on the ground. She was in a sitting position now, her mouth bleeding as well as her head and nose. The blood was as red as her hair.

But it was her eyes that held him. They seemed so…helpless. And Bobby was instantly reminded of himself. He had been lost. And he would still be if it weren't for Evelyn. It was only lucky chance that threw him into her arms. He was lucky, the girl was not.

Would he have been like her if not for Evelyn? Probably. Maybe even in a worse position.

David was his brother. But only to a small part of him. To the part of him that loved the rush of delivering, that loved to get lost in his own reputation and anger at the world. That was the part of Bobby that felt close to David. But, the other parts of him, the one's that wanted to make Evelyn proud, that wanted to play professional hockey, and that wanted to leave this all behind, they felt no tie to the dealer.

David only used Bobby for deliveries and nothing else.

Bobby was decided. "We were family." He said before kneeling beside David's fallen form. He tapped the barrel of the gun against the man's head, "But not anymore. I'm done."

Bobby raised himself up again only to see that four of David's original men had already left. Either they were going for guns of their own, or they didn't want to experience Mercer's wrath. Bobby guessed it was the later.

David pushed himself to his feet, realizing the same for himself. "So this is how it is."

"Yes, this is how it is." Bobby said definitely.

David pursed his lips, eyeing the gun with hate, his dark skin slick with sweat despite the cold. Sighing he said, "I hope she's fucking worth it."

"It was never about her, specifically," Bobby clarified while David pulled Jason up.

David didn't respond and Jason only attempted to moan in pain, his jaw disfigured. He glared hatefully at the girl and pushed his companion into the shadows in the opposite direction.

Bobby stood frozen for a moment, gazing after the two men before he turned to the girl again. She had pushed herself to her feet by now, her arms wrapped around herself as she starred wearily at him.

Bobby met her gaze, a bit thrown off. "You're welcome." He stated gruffly before walking towards her, peeling off his jacket to put it around her own shoulders.

She took five steps back, "Don't touch me." She growled again.

Bobby sighed, exasperated. "I was trying to give you a fucking jacket, Jesus. God forbid I try and help you out. I hope you know you just got us in a shit load of trouble." He looked to the starless sky worn out, his jacket still hanging in his arm.

But the weight of his leather jacket only lay on his arm for a moment more before it was lifted. Curiously, Bobby leveled his gaze to see the girl thrust her arms through the coat, a frustrated expression forming on her face as the sleeves practically swallowed her.

"I'm not the one that threatened to kill them," She pointed out smartly while zipping up the large jacket.

Bobby raise his eyebrows, the girl had stepped closer to him, but was careful to keep space between them.

"And, I never asked for your help," She continued, choosing to turn around and meet his gaze instead of standing by his side.

"Right, like I was just going to stand around and let them hurt a girl." Bobby said, annoyed.

The girl's eyes sparkled mischievously, "Well, you were content to do that for the first five minutes."

Bobby could have screamed. He did not fucking need this shit. He went and saved a girl only to be mocked in the process. Growling under his breath he turned on his heel and began walking home only to be joined a few seconds later.

"Hey, wait up! I was only joking. Jesus sunshine! Take a joke?"

Bobby kept walking, "No."

It was silent for a few minutes and Bobby began to wonder when the girl would just leave him alone.

"Where are we going?" She quipped, appearing to be in a much better mood.

Bobby spun suddenly, a light from the streetlamp uncovering his features and the girl's as well. "What do you mean, we? I'm going home. You're going somewhere else. And frankly I don't care where that somewhere else is, as long as it's far away from me. You said yourself; you were just walking home when you were jumped by David. And fucking hell, woman! Didn't your mother teach you when to cross the other side of the street? Couldn't you tell those guys were bad news?"

The girl listened to him rant silently, trying to adjust the cuffs of his jacket. "I don't have a mom," she pointed out. "And, I lied. I wasn't coming home from work. I, uhm, well, I'm running away."

Bobby Mercer starred at her blankly. "Running away?"

"Yup. Have been for awhile now, actually."

"Dammitt, I do not have to deal with this shit. Come on, I'm taking you home, you can't run away from your problems."

"Alright, let's just hop on the next flight to Chicago and we can bite this problem right in the ass," she said cheerily.

"You came from Chicago?" He couldn't help but feel a little impressed. How the hell did she get his far?

"The Windy City," she elaborated with a happy, mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Why you running away, kid?" Bobby wondered aloud.

The girl's expression darkened in a split second, uncontained anger swallowing her eyes. "None of your fucking business you fucking bastard," she snapped dangerously.

Bobby took a startled step back at the tone of her voice. "Are you schizophrenic or something?" He growled, pissed off.

She looked away, guilty. "No. I just prefer not to talk about that, ah, particular subject."

Bobby nodded in understanding. "Okay Skitz. I get it. But you're not following me home. We don't take in strays." He lied through his teeth.

Skitz look at him pleadingly. "I won't be trouble! I swear. I just need a place to stay for the night. That's all! I mean, your parents won't even have to know. I'll be gone before you know it."

Bobby studied her features, indecisive. Her face was still bleeding, though the flow had slowed, and her eyes were desperate.

"Fuck!" He groaned. He couldn't just turn her away. "Fine, alright. Fucking fine. One night and you're gone. No one knows or else you'll be in a bad way. Got it?" He practically shouted.

But his attempts to scare the girl were useless, her split lips only cracked a grin, "Thanks sunshine!"

"Whatever," he snapped, walking briskly in the direction of his home, the snow crunching beneath his feet. He heard the girl struggling to keep up behind him, his leather jacket weighing her down. "What's your name anyways?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Skitz!" She yelled ahead towards him.

"Fine, be that way, stupid bitch." He muttered under his breath.

What did it matter if she told him her name? She was only going to be here for one night anyways.