Title: Entity
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato
Warning: None Really
Summary: Chapter 1 - A not so routine rift investigation
Author's Notes: Sushi Chi && I are writing this one together. Thanks to her for coming up with the story Idea.
Disclaimer: Torchwood and the team are owned by BBC && RTD

"What is this thing Jack?" Gwen asked as he drove, maneuvering into on coming traffic, cutting off a few now angry people.

"Nothing I've encountered yet. The only information I have is from the phone call Tosh tapped into. Someone said something about a giant machine." He explained, not taking his eyes off the road.

"So how are we supposed to hurt a machine?" Owen mused.

"That's easy Owen. Water." Ianto chipped in, smirking.

"Bloody know-it-all" Owen murmured as Jack pulled the SUV to a sudden halt.

Jumping out of the car, Ianto and Gwen ran to find a fire hydrant, leaving the others to run into the abandoned warehouse. Tosh fiddled with the devices in her hands, searching the screens for the machine, hoping to get a good reading on it.

"I'm reading rift activity right in the centre of this place." Tosh spoke quietly, only loud enough to be heard by everyone over the wind in their ears. The wind sent a sudden chill down everyone's back.

"Owen you go left, Tosh take right." Jack ordered, walking straight towards the centre. The other two nodded and went in their respective directions.

Ianto tied a hose to the nearby Fire Hydrant with Gwen's help. Ianto was just glad he had Gwen's help. He once had to tie it by himself and that was no easy task.

"Torchwood have their own fire hose?" Gwen asked glancing at Ianto, confused.

"Always prepared." The Welshman murmered as he finished attaching the hose.

Shrugging, Gwen pulled a bit on the hose, to make sure Ianto got it secure.

"How are things coming out there?" Jack's voice rang over the comms.

"We got it on now Jack. Ianto will run in with it, give me a shout when you want the water on." Gwen said, nodding towards Ianto. He took it as his cue to leave, running with the other end of the hose. And damn, Gwen didn't understand how Ianto could run let alone do fieldwork in a suit. Not to mention hardly ever getting his tie out of place.

"Jack, we've got company!" Owen called, eyes wide as he watched the machine move out from the shadows of the wasteland warehouse. Jack stayed firm in his spot, praying that Ianto would arrive in time to help them. The machine rapidly gained speed and was nearing Owen.

"Ianto! Speed it up!" Jack called just as he ran in. Glad the hose was long enough to reach, he'd never really thought about that before. If it had been too short, there would have been a problem.

"Now Gwen!" Ianto called over the comms as he donned the correct stance for holding onto the powerful hose.

The water gushed from the hose and Ianto aimed it for whatever part of the machine he could see. Sparks began to fly from the machine much like fireworks, causing Owen to back away. Eventually the machine hit the floor with a whirring sound before falling silent.

"Okay Gwen." Ianto said, watching as the water flow slowed.

"Well that was easy enough." Tosh smiled. As far as most missions went, it really was easy.

"Oh Tosh you didn't!" Owen yelled turning to glare at his workmate.

Eyes growing in question, Toshiko asked, "What?"

"Now something bad is going to happen! You jinxed it Tosh!" He groaned and cursed under his breath.

Jack joined Owen in moaning in frustration. Tosh dropped her gaze, causing Ianto to glower at the others.

"Ignore them." He smiled at her. He hoped she wouldn't take it to heart. He knew how little things could build up and snowball.

Gwen ran into the room to check that everyone was okay. She frowned when she noticed that most of her teammates looked downtrodden.

"What's wrong guys?" She asked worried.

"Nothing, Jack and Owen are being twats." Ianto answered in a clipped tone.

"No change there then." She mumbled a small smile gracing her face.

Ianto chuckled at the scowls Gwen received. Walking towards the machine carefully, Ianto looked it over ignoring the water as he bent down to see it clearer.

"How are we going to dispose of this?"

"Take it apart. That's the easiest way." Jack explained with an easy shrug.

Ianto walked out to get the toolbox from the SUV, leaving an awkward silence in the room. Jack and Owen walked towards the machine shoes splashing in the shallow water. Tosh walked over to Gwen and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Sorry about Owen and Jack." Gwen murmured when she felt Tosh's arm around her own.

"It's okay. You get used to it." She gave the Welshwoman a sad smile.

"You shouldn't have to." Gwen reminded her.

"Well that's what Owen is like, Jack sometimes surprises you with it." A small shrug to go with the small voice coming from Tosh.

"I'll get him back for it later." They turned towards Ianto's voice, smiling, a twinkle in his eye.

Ianto passed out tools to take it apart and they got to work. It took ten minutes before the first piece finally fell to the floor with a wet sounding clang, but it was at that moment that they realized the mistake they had made. A deep red gas escaped the machine and floating above them before rushing into Ianto's body. Ianto collapsed half of his body on the machine, the other half in the water soaking into his suit. He was out cold. Owen growled in anger.

"Why'd you have to jinx it Tosh!?" He yelled glaring at her.

Jack ran over to Ianto, holding his head up out of the water. The worry was written on Jack's face. He swallowed, he had to be the Captain right now. And had to make sure Ianto would be okay.

"Come on guys, lets get him back to the hub. We'll get the rest of this thing later. Tosh take that piece for scans." He ordered, pulling Ianto's body up in his arms. He pulled Ianto into the passenger seat of the SUV and buckled him in while the others jumped in the back.

"I was hoping to get back home tonight. Bloody Torchwood." Owen mumbled as they pulled away from the warehouse.

So Theres Chapter 1. We hope you like it. Reviews Are Loved.
