Greetings everyone...
Wow... midterms took more out of me than I thought _
Anyways, a shoutout to my muses Asuma, Kushina, Zetsu_Akatsuki, Uchiha_Curse, and Konan!

I do not own Naruto or "Psycho" by Puddle of Mudd

Chapter 3: Missing Sanity

Song of the Chapter:
Psycho – Puddle of Mudd
Reason: Moriko's deterioration into a less stable mental state can only spell disaster for everyone around her as she falls in with the wrong crowd.

Sasori cracked his neck and frowned feeling that unfamiliar sensation. It had been fifteen years since he had a human body to experience feelings and sensations with and he still felt out of touch with the signals his body told him. Moriko jumped up onto the rock he had been sitting in and again, Sasori's body sent him a signal the puppetmaster did not understand. His heart pumped a tad bit faster and he felt his eyes close in comfort hearing her voice. "Sasori-sama, when are you to start the demon extraction?"

The redhead felt a slight irritation that the conversation she started was so impersonal but then again, he wondered why he suddenly cared how close they were. Even now, Sasori could tell that she was only maybe a few inches away and if he twisted around, he could have her in his arms but that would be severely out of character for the once unemotional puppet or rather former puppet. "In a few moments. Kakuzu and Hidan are trying to find a safe location so the Leaf shinobi won't attack during the two extractions. I am very surprised those two managed to get a tailed beast or that Tobi managed to snag the three tailed beast with the brat's help."

Moriko merely nodded and Sasori found himself internally missing her emotions and even her talks about loyalty to the Leaf Village would have been welcomed. Now whatever happened to her while in the Leaf Village made her stubbornly quiet but she still made Sasori feel warmth within him. "I am sure that Deidara-san assisted Tobi-san. After all, Deidara-san managed to get a hold of the one tailed beast Shukaku just fine and restraining a demon without a host will be easier anyway." Her voice lacked excess emotion despite the semi-affectionate suffixes.

"Well…" Sasori took a meditative stance as the ritual was starting to begin. "Watch my body; two rituals at once will take a lot out of me." She nodded as she opened the pack of soldier pills she had originally packed for her mission as a Leaf shinobi. Sasori nodded seeing the soldier pills and he was reassured that he would not be totally drained.

"Of course." Sasori started to meditate and noted as he conscious started to slip away, Moriko sighed. Moriko watched Sasori nod off and she jumped down from the rock they were sitting on and she activated her kekkei genkai to extend out an electromagnetic field. She felt relieved to not feel any other shinobi as made a couple of handsigns to set some traps to protect her master's body while she was gone. She focused her powers on locating Hidan and Kakuzu to secure their bodies and upon feeling the exotic metal in Hidan's scythe tug at her conscious, she took off.

Kakashi sat up in the hospital bed and groaned. What happened…? That dream was so real… He looked at the table and saw Sakura in the chair, tired and collapsed from chakra exhaustion. How long was I out of it? Kakashi held his head as he contemplated the recent events.


Kakashi had just hit his eighteenth birthday when Moriko's doorbell rang. She frowned upon wondering who was coming around at such a late hour and when she opened the door, she barely managed to keep a straight face. "What do you lot want?"

The two fangirls definitely showed signs of being drunk as they tried to stagger in but Moriko was starting to close the door when they began to squeal in protest. "Moriko!" The civilian held her ears at the pitch. "Is Kakashi-kun there? We heard it was his eighteenth birthday and we want to give him his 'present'." Moriko's eyebrow twitched thinking of her silvery haired friend.

"He is not here." Without another word, she slammed the door shut and slumped on her couch. Kakashi walked out of her kitchen and raised an eyebrow.

"What's that face for?" Moriko gave a halfhearted glare before rolling her eyes.

"Your damn fangirls." Kakashi chuckled and gave a happy eye crease. "They wanted to give you a 'present'."

Kakashi choked on the sake that Moriko had obtained for this miniature celebration. "What?"

Moriko's eyes narrowed as she poured herself a cup. "You heard me; please do not make me repeat myself as hearing it was bad enough."

Kakashi hummed in understanding and took another sip from the sake. Moriko's eyes snapped to his and she realized he was not wearing his mask; that and the fact that he was coming close to her. "Moriko-chan…" he embraced her and at first suspicious, her eyebrows shot up when he began to nuzzle her neck.

Ignoring the sensations sent up and down her spine, she attempted to pry Kakashi off of her. "You are drunk if the fact you are walking around without your mask or your headband is any indication." He chuckled and began to nip at various intervals. "Kakashi, if you are trying to be funny…" she threatened but when he looked at her, she could see past the haze that had clouded his eyes. There was a sharpness that told her he was aware of the consequences his actions were having on her.

"You know I would never hurt you right Moriko-chan?" she bit her lip as he paused in his motions to lean his forehead against hers.

Moriko's heart began pounding as she stared into his eyes. "I know you would never hurt me Kakashi-kun." He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip and Moriko just stared with her eyes wide. Ignoring the sensations was impossible with those two eyes staring into her soul. The slightest tip of his thumb slipped into her mouth and out of instinct, her tongue traced the thumb and she lightly sucked on it as her eyelids slipped shut.

She felt his lips near her ears and the husky tone made her heart beat even faster. "I can make you feel as good as I feel right now Moriko-chan if you let me…" The words made her eyes widen and she pushed away from him, unable to believe what her ears were telling her.

"Kakashi-kun… why are you saying that…?" His eyes drifted to hers and he instinctively knew that coming towards her would most likely be a poor decision.

"I have a mission in a couple of days." She raised a raven eyebrow and they both sat on her couch, her holding his hands.

"You are a shinobi Kakashi-kun; you always have missions." He gave a sad smile as he sighed.

"It is a seduction mission." Moriko's eyes widened and she looked away for a second.

"You could always find someone… to help you with that." He looked at her as if she had sprouted a second head and tightened the grasp he had on her hands.

"I know it is just sex but I don't want my first time to be with a fangirl or with the wife of a crime lord." Moriko looked up at him and saw exactly how sober and serious he was. She put a hand on his face and he leaned into her touch.

"This is a dangerous mission?" He maintained eye contact as he nodded. "What was the rank thing?"

"S Rank mission." Moriko's eyes widened as the seriousness of the words hit her.

"So… how difficult is this mission?"

"Exponentially above an A Rank mission. This mission is very life threatening." She bit her lip and looked away to try to hide the worry in her eyes.

"Why are you taking such a dangerous mission?" He chuckled but his civilian friend did not find the humor.

"I am a ninja Moriko-chan; danger is what I am, what I live for. Protecting the Leaf Village is my duty and I have no qualms about sacrificing everything to save what I hold dear." Moriko's eyes dimmed with understanding as she turned away.

"This lifestyle prevents you from enjoying the life that normal civilians like me has… Do you not have regrets?" He gave her a sad smile and kissed her forehead gently.

"I live everyday with regrets; you know that." She nodded and Kakashi began to kiss gently down her jaw line. "I don't want to do something you will regret however."

Moriko scoffed as she kissed Kakashi on the lips. "It is my choice to determine what I do and do not regret and with you, what regrets are to be had?"

He smiled and his hands moved to the buttons on her shirt. "We shall do this right then…"

End Flashback

Moriko shook herself out of the dream that she had fallen into and she frowned. I had not thought of that night for… a long time. She looked up and saw Sasori still in mediation for extraction; his stance not disturbed in the slightest by Moriko's movements. She ran a hand through her raven locks and looked up at the clouds. "Am I being punished for trying to do what is best?" I no longer want to give this up… I do not want to give up anything anymore. I do not want to give him up. She brushed some of Sasori's hair out of his eyes and instinctively he leaned into her touch. I am a criminal now or rather… involved with a criminal.