Author's Notes: 16.03.09
I edited this chapter and redid the introduction. The old one? Sucked. I wasn't getting many new readers and I was thinking that this chapter overall was the reason why. I mean, it didn't even have to do with the plot…
I really didn't do much to the actual chapter but added some details and fixed up some grammar- it still is lackey but that's how most chapters are.
I got rid of the obnoxious and ridiculously horrible Author's Note and put this one in instead- and I really think its much better than an eyesore. I plan to somehow make chapters 2 and 3 slightly longer or merge them together- but that's a slightly big hassle with me having to go back and edit every chapter because it says the chapter number up top…
If editing the first chapter helps, I plan to continue and edit the first ten or so chapters because compared to my later ones, they look like crap. No, seriously, a cow ran through the site and shitted on the first ten chapters of this fic and ran out. But- reading over it, looks like the crap wasn't that smelly, so hopefully I can get away with no editing.
I don't feel like rereading 25% of the whole fic, afterall.
If this is your first time reading "Belief at Dawn" then welcome and excuse my ranting :) The first few chapters are quite horrid but after that it's a bit more bearable. Trust me. The beginning of all fics or stories, or most that I have seen, are like that. So, bear with me for the first few fairly short chapters. You won't regret it!
Sunny skies, warm weather, light breezes.
That was pretty much all there was to Kinya Town. Smack dab in the middle of the map. And the middle of the map was pretty much just flat terrains. Nothing much at all.
Not many people came by to visit. Actually, no one came by to visit. Not even to pass. Maybe that was because Kinya was in the shadow of Paranana City right next door- which was big and mighty, and Pokémon breeder heaven. It is also home of the infamous Pokémon School of Paranana, which I plan to attend very soon.
But, this isn't a story of an outshined town with cliché weather patterns, or about my excitement of becoming a Pokémon Researcher, or even pursuing my dream, for that matter.
Nope. This story, as a matter of fact, isn't even really about me, but rather, just me happening to be in the wrong places at the wrong times, and finding the wrong people who had the wrong friends who did the wrong things and had the wrong Pokémon.
Well, maybe I'm just exaggerating. No, make that I am exaggerating.
I must say, before you read on and get engulfed by the drama, the action, the mysteries and surprises...there is one thing left you must know.
If you have a dictionary, can you look up the words "Belief" and "Dawn" for me? Even if you think you know it, please do. And if you have time, please read the following entry. It's what ties those two words together, and it is what break those two apart:
"Trust: the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others."
Chapter 1: The Boy Next Door.
I woke up feeling drowsy and cold. If it wasn't for me trying to find Akeno during the strong winds last night, I would be in Paranana City by now, signing up for the Pokémon School. If I didn't get there before tonight, I would have to wait a whole year before I could sign up again. And who wants to be a whole year behind?
I rounded up all the strength I had and got out of bed to get dressed. After all, just sitting and sneezing won't get me to Paranana. I grabbed an apple on my way out of the door, and began jogging down the rugged road to Paranana. I would've taken the shortcut and go straight through the woods, but without Papa or Akeno with me, the only protection I had against wild Pokémon were pretty much sticks and stones.
Speaking of Akeno, have I told you who he was? Akeno is my next door neighbor. He's like a good friend, but still a little bit of a rival. We bragged to each other about almost anything while growing up. Who could throw the heaviest rock. Who could skip pebbles on the lake the longest. Who could catch their first Pokémon first.
Things like this came up often. But even though Akeno may have a Pokémon, it really isn't his. It's his brother's.
I reached the curve on the road and decided to stop and take a rest; you really do start to lose stamina when you turn thirteen. I sat down on a nearby tree stump, thinking about my enrollment into a Pokémon School. It would seem awkward, sitting in a classroom learning endlessly about Pokémon, but if I was to be a Pokémon researcher, this was necessary.
I was going to be more of a Pokémon trainer, but since I don't live by a research lab or know any Pokémon Researchers, I couldn't get a starter Pokémon or all the gear I need to catch and battle them. Pokédex, Pokéball, Pokétch…I couldn't name them all.
Taking a deep breath, I stood up and decided to continue walking along to Paranana. From here on it was all up hill and boy… I wish I could fly over that thing instead of climbing it.
"Kira!!" A voice shouted from somewhere distant. I looked around slowly to see whom it was, but no one seemed to be in sight.
"Kira!!" The voice called again, this time louder. It must've came from the forest, and it must've been…
"Kira! Hey! Over here!"
…..Yep, guessed it. Akeno.
He was tall, much taller than me despite being only a year older, wearing his oversized Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtle pajamas. I really wanted to laugh- he was so kiddish yet all "grown up" at the same time. He had dark, navy blue eyes and dark, messier than usual Maroon hair that flipped up, out, and away from his face. His bangs needed a trim, dragging over his eyebrows and brushing his eyelids. And to top it off- blue slippers.
"Hey," I gave a half-hearted reply. Akeno ran up to me with his unchanged ear-to-ear smile, swinging his arms like crazy. In his right hand was a shining Pokéball: a metal ball the size of a man's fist colored top half red, bottom half white, with a button in the middle. Clearly, he was ready to brag about something.
"Hey, guess what?" Akeno cried and stood up tall and proud with his little grin-of-confidence on. He threw me the Pokéball and proudly said, "I caught a Pokémon!"
"Okay," I said dully and began to walk away, "oh, and thanks for it."
"Thanks for what?" Akeno asked in his distorted way of asking and ran after me.
"The Pokémon."
"NO! THAT IS NOT FOR YOU!!" Akeno screeched and yanked the Pokéball out of my hands. I gave a small laugh and continued up hill to my destination.
"Wait!! KIRA!!"
"Now what? Did you change your mind?"
"Then I'm off now."
"Come on… don't you want to know what I caught?"
"No…not really."
"Come ON!!!"
"Okay okay, now hurry up and show me then."
I stopped and watched as Akeno backed away a couple feet. When he stopped, he gave out what seemed to be a well thought cry, "GO! POKÉMON!!"
Akeno sent the ball flying in the air. Gravity seemed to have quickly brought it down as the poke ball landed with a thunk and opened up. Bright red mist-like light shined and came out, molded itself, and there it was. A Pokémon. Blue and white in color and around two feet tall. It was one of the cutest Poliwag I've seen.
"Okay…a Poliwag," I announced, "Congrats on your first Pokémon, Akeno."
"Thank you, but It's a Poliwhirl." Akeno replied, truly mistaken.
"Uh, no….Poliwhirl don't have tails," I corrected, "Plus Poliwhirl have arms."
Akeno squatted down and took a close look as his so-called "Poliwhirl."
"You're right…this guy doesn't have arms!" He finally said and scooped the Pokémon up and hugged it, "But it's still soooooooo cute!!"
"Thanks for sharing, but I gotta go," I quickly said and starting to walk… again. Akeno was being such a drag for a girl in such a hurry like me.
"Wait!!" Akeno called and ran up to walk with me, "Where you going?"
That was pretty much all that Akeno had to know. He stood there with his new Poliwag in his arms and watched me walk on, probably feeling a little lonely. Knowing me, he knew I was going to that school; that I wasn't going to go with him and "be the Pokémon Master!!" He knew I was going to study hard. And he probably knew that I wasn't coming back….anytime soon.
*If you like then please give feedback! You can give via Review, PM, or at my forum "Grey Hat, Purple Scarf"!!
Also, if you have the time or the patience, or if you want to see where this fic is going, conintue on to the next chapter (its REALLY short, like, 500 words long) and then the next (which is also short, only like 1200 words long). Keep on going until you reach at LEAST chapter 11- where it starts getting good :)