Ocean Blue

How much longer for this to end?

I am so eager to see you again

How much longer for me endure this wait?

I feel it as if it were a heartache

I look at the constellations above

Simply waiting for you, my love

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I'm falling, baby, down into the ocean blue

Waiting for you, my darling so true

To me, you're just the one for me

I wonder if this is meant to be

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Baby, here it comes again; will you be here just before this storm's passed? (On by?)

Here I am divin' in; just how much longer will this last? (O why?)

Forgive me, but this wait is hard to cope

My friend, it's not simple to keep this hope

This blue ocean I must've created within

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Is killing me and, baby, I'm hopin' you'll save me from drownin'

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Time and time again, my fantasies run wild in my head

'Bout you and me when I'm s'pposed to be asleep in bed

Try and try with all my might, I can't seem to get

To ease myself at night and lay my head to rest

So you see my dear and close friend

You're not the only one going through a suffering trend

* * *

I'm falling, baby, down into the ocean blue

Waiting for you, my darling so true

O, how could I have this come to be

To let myself drown into the open sea?

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Is pulling me into this blue void's end

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Darlin', darlin', I'm drowning

Down, down I'm sinking

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Darlin', I'm drowning

Down I'm sinking

* * *

Dawn after dawn, I stand here pondering

If there'll ever be a time to cease my waiting

I yearn for that special moment

Or maybe I'll consider to repent

For these dreams are hard to hold on to

As I fall into the ocean blue

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Its waves are crashing around me and I'm drownin'