As I drove halfway to nowhere everything seemed to sink in. Three of my coven mates were gone. Not only gone, but with a demon after us all they were in danger. I picked up my phone and dialed someone that had something that would protect them for a short time. If I had a conscience I might have felt uncomfortable about driving while using a phone.

"Yo" Adal said at the other end of the line.

"God, how many times have I told you to stop saying that? You are middle-aged! Start acting like it!"

"Long time no see, Hellcat."

"I told you never to call me that again! Anyway, I need a couple Golems. Where can I find you?"

"Why is it every time I hear from you its about Golems. You know I sell other things: candles, crystals, elixirs, and other things."

"Why is it every time I call you you're always saying yo? I mean who the fuck says yo? Besides you candles are nasty; your crystals don't work, and your elixirs only work on attracting the undesirable. Golems are the only thing that you sell that are worth shit. Now, where are you?"

He mouthed out a few more sentences about how his merchandise worked, but I just ignored everything that wasn't him telling me his location.

I inwardly cursed as he mouthed his location. It turned out that he had moved his store location. His scams were being caught on by much of the practitioners in Oregon so he relocation to Manhattan; he had some family there.

I knew I would have to astral project there, but I was counting on him being able to ship the Golems and not have me astral them to my physical body. What seemed to be a simple task just turned into one that was a tad bit more tricky. I would have to do it though.

I pulled over in the back of a local diner. This would give me plenty of time to get the golems before the diner closed. I turned off the ignition and started to prepare myself for leaving my body. I focused on the place I wanted to be and slowed down my breath. I could feel my spirit beginning to leave my body. It took longer than it usually would, for it had been eight months since I last astral projected. The process was excessively uncomfortable in that it was causing me to feel dizzy. I took one final breath before the last of my spirit existed my body.

I stumbled as I appeared into the shop that housed the golems I needed.

"Shit" I muttered to myself.

I looked around the shop and quickly decided that Adal had made serious upgrades since he had relocated. He had more quantity of his supply, different forms of candles and crystals, new equipment, more space, and it was much cleaner.

I walked over to the counter only to see no one was there. Impatiently I tapped the push-down bell several times until I heard the iritated voice of Adal.

"Yo! I am coming."

"Remind me" I spoke. I didn't start speaking again until he came out from his man-cave or where ever he was at. "why haven't I smacked the shit out of you for saying that abominable word yet?"

"Because I supply you with much needed golems."

I smirked. Right, like he was the only one I could get them from.

He began to ring them up, but he began to do the small-talk thing.

"So how's everybody?"

"Lets get one thing straight. I don't beat around the bush. If you wanna know something just ask."

"You're one of my usual customers. Why have I not seen or heard from you in eight months."

"Not that its any of your business, but I was under one of Catya's illusions so that they could get information."

"Information on what?"

Here we go again. Its like Emmett; so many God-damned questions.

"Here's the skinny, nosey josie: A demon is chasing my coven and I and we hoped that if everyone was under the illusion that I was a hollywood star we could get information on how to kill this demon. Unfortunately all we found was three ingredients that could weaken him and a vampire who are really turning out to be a pain in the ass."

He handed me the bag he had put the golems in. I could feel by the weight of the bag that these were the real thing and not the miniature golems he passed off as real golems that only could fend of garden gnomes.

"Is it Gahjidi?"

I gave him a stone cold look before responding. "Yes."

"Can you do it? Can you really kill him?"

"He stopped being the man I loved the moment I sent his soul to the astral plane. He is nothing more than a demon now."

"Very well." He muttered and went on with his business.

"I'll be using your man-cave to astral these things and myself back to my car."

"Hellcat wait!"

Before I could enact the full extent of my wrath on him I noticed a vial being thrown towards me. I out-stretched my hand and caught the vial between the index and middle fingers of my right hand. I twirled the vial in between my fingers until I balanced on the tip of my index finger. The label on the side of the vial said: "5 ml of Labrador duck's blood."

I was infuriated. How the hell could he know we needed this? If he had this then why hadn't he given it to us earlier?

"Don't be mad. I knew you would need this, but I couldn't give it to you until now. You had to go through this journey."

After that I totally blocked out everything he had to say and approached him slowly, but deadly. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and turned his face until his ear was adjacent to my face. I moved my head until my lips were three inches away from his ear.

"Listen good, mother fucker. You are going to let me use your man-cave and you will not bother me. I will be gone within the hour. When I call you in the future looking for more golems you will not charge me, for I could, at any time, let the Borogani part of me take over and that would be goodbye for you."

I could feel him shaking in fear and in pity I pushed him away and walked towards his man-cave where I would astral project back to my car, which was parked by the diner.

It had been around two hours since I left the Cullen Mansion. I was getting texts and texts from Benjamin, Alice, Esme, and Edward. How Edward got my number I will never know. Benjamin was worried and needed for me to get there as soon as I possibly could; Alice's texts mirrored that same concept as did Esme's. Edward demanded that I get back there and then he would deal with the demon.

I closed my eyes and sighed in frustration. What did he think he was going to do rip Gahjidi's head off and then everything would be okay? Such an idiot! Dealing with demons is not a job for vampires. If they interfere in a fight between a witch and a demon they will be breaking one of the fundamental rules, which will cause a vampire to be arrested and if convicted the vampire will be executed. While having Edward gone would solve the problem of his idiocy it would make the rest of the Cullens sad, which would be counter-productive for what I needed to use them for. They would play a role, but could not take place in any of the actual fighting and slaying of Gahjidi.

I looked at my watch for to see how much longer it would take until the golems would start to guard the house in which my three wayward coven-mates were hiding out at. It was nine-thirty in the evening, which meant that the Golems would be ready to defend them by dawn.

I looked over at the golems, who had already grown five times what they had originally been. I took the note that I had written to the girls and forced it into one of the golem's right hand.

"When Catya comes out give this to her." I demanded.

The Golem didn't speak, but if it could have I believe I would have been addressed as master. After that I headed back toward the Cullen Mansion to see what the problem was.

"What's going on?" I yelled once I opened the door to the Mansion.

I didn't get a response, but continued to walk until I found where everybody was.

"Bella, what does this mean?" Alice asked holding up a piece of paper with a symbol on it.

This symbol is a symbol that I never wanted to see ever again; The eye of Boroagi.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath.

"Its a symbol used in demonic rituals in order to obtain deadly weapons, dark magick, and to obtain foresight before battle in exchange for power. In essence it means that playtime is over. It is time for us, all of us, to get to work."

Okay this is the end of the chapter. I will try to get the next chapter up next week probably friday or saturday... Rate and Review...