I woke up in a bright room. I heard faint beeps and I moaned. I didn't even need to ask- I knew where I was, I knew who was most likely with me.
"Bex…" I groaned.
"Oh thank bloody God." I laughed, and it hurt, "don't try to move. You lost a lot of blood. The damned bloody guard got the vein in your shin and calf, and your hip. We were all so worried. We took them out easily. Since you killed Raoul, they had no sense of order, they were easy. Although, Zach got a concussion, from being to distraught by you getting hurt. He got knocked into a wall. That boy can't forget you for a second." She giggled. I opened my eyes now.
"Where is he? Is he ok? Where is everyone else?" I asked quickly.
Heavy footsteps entered the room, "Hey babe, do you have any change, the vending machines are so stupid, they only take change." I laughed at Grant. Obviously he and Bex were together now.
"Babe?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh! You're awake! Let me get Zach, I had to trick him into drinking a sleeping liquid to go to sleep. He wouldn't go to sleep or leave you alone. I know its not safe when he has a concussion but he's a big boy, of course you would know that you slept with him…"
"GRANT!" I yelled as Bex's mouth fell open at the last part.
"YOU SLEPT WITH ZACH!?" She screeched.
"What's Bex screaming about now?" Zach said, walking in the door. His eyes sparkled when he noticed I was awake.
"BEX! He's right there! I'm not going to tell you when he's right there!" I clamped my hand over her mouth and turned to see Grant teasing Zach who was currently turning red.
"Grant!" I yelled, "Why don't you go make out with Bex somewhere to keep her quiet?"
"Alright! If you want me too!" I said happily as he dragged a protesting Bex away.
I laughed, and Zach sat down at the foot of the bed.
"Wow, Bex talks a lot." He commented.
"Yes she does, and she mostly says "Bloody"." He laughed.
"I thought we lost you for a second…" he murmured.
"I would never die when you need me." I said, smiling.
"Good." He leaned in to kiss me, and it felt good. Unfortunately we were in a hospital so that's as far as we could go.
It's been two years since I saw Zach again. My mom is pregnant…with Solomon's kid! When she told me I was like, "ok…" and then I totally freaked out when I got home, but I guess I'm okay with it now. I've just been hoping my Dad will come home, but I know now that it will never happen. My Dad is dead.
Solomon's a pretty good step-father. He doesn't bother me about boys, well he doesn't really have to considering I married Zach.
Yep, I married Zach. Bex and Grant are planning on getting married soon too- Bex wears the pants in that relationship, lemme tell you that. It's funny when they fight, because Bex always win, then Grant gets sad, and Bex kisses him and he gets happy again.
Bex, Macey, and Liz were my bridesmaids, and Grant and Jonas were the groomsmen. My mother wouldn't stop crying that day. I think it might of also been her pregnancy hormones- but, who's to say? Solomon walked me down the aisle. Even if he wasn't married to my mother, or ever dating her, he would have probably been the man to walk me down the aisle anyway.
Anna and Tina also attended the wedding. Tina finally stopped flirting with Zach when she realized that he was really mine. Seriously, she never got the picture until I showed her the ring.
Life is good. Zach and I are still spying, and my best friends are safe. We're all one big happy "family" of freakishly good spies.
But we'll always be Gallagher Girls and Blackthorne Boys. And we never forget the day we all met each other, and what happened in those halls, and we never forget what we were meant to do, or who we are, no matter what our legend says.
We're the best, and everyone knows it. You can't beat us, because you'll already be dead. You mess with a Gallagher Girl, you just messed with about a hundred more, plus a hundred Blackthorne Boys. And that's just per class. Did I mention we're geniuses that know how to kill you with our bare hands in over 13 different ways? I didn't? That's a shame.
Whether I'm the Chameleon, The Seductress, Jacqueline Paesado, Cameron Morgan, or Cameron Goode, or just plain Cammie- I'll always be a Gallagher Girl at the heart. And no one can change that- or mess with it.
Cameron Goode- Spy- Gallagher Girl- lethal weapon.