Chapter I: A Quiet Evening

Hello, everyone and welcome to another tale from your friendly neighborhood Peach Wookiee. This new story deals with some serious subject matter and explains the story of how little Mokuba Arthur Kaiba, the son of Mokuba Kaiba and Rebecca Hawkins Kaiba, came into the world. This story shows how even the best of people have errors in judgment and that even those errors can lead to good things.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise. I just own this story, the Kaiba children (except for Noah), and this particular version of the Yugi-verse. Thanks!

Author's caution: Definitely an implied lemon in this chapter, though it isn't graphic. I just wanted to warn you. Thank you.

Nights that can change lives start like any other. People go out for dinner, to the movies or spend a quiet evening at home, little knowing that things are, for good or ill, about to change. This is the story about how two lives were changed a bit more quickly than the people intended.

It was the evening of Friday, March 22, 2013 and Seto and Kisara Kaiba were going out for the evening. The brown-haired, blue-eyed 25-year-old CEO of Kaiba Corp and his white-blonde wife, a doctor at Domino Children's Hospital, were in need of a night out together. They were the parents of two sets of twins, 5 years old and a year old, respectively, and didn't take date nights too often since they had been busy lately. Seto's 18-year-old brother, Mokuba, had noticed his brother and sister-in-law's tiredness and wanted to give the couple at least one night alone together.

Mokuba Richard Kaiba had grown into a very handsome young man. When he was 11 years old, the world, his friends and his brother and sister-in-law saw a little boy with long raven hair, blue-gray eyes, chubby cheeks and a devil-may-care smile. Now, three months and 16 days away from his 19th birthday, Mokuba stood as tall as his brother. He still had the raven hair, though it was trimmed to his shoulders now instead of tumbling far past his shoulders in an unruly mop. He still had a devil-may-care smile but it was tempered with his age now. But the biggest change was that he had a girlfriend with whom he was very serious. And tonight, she was here to keep him company. That girl was Rebecca Hawkins.

Rebecca and Mokuba had met when he was 9 and she was 8, nearing 9. When she was 8 years old, Rebecca was a few inches shorter than Mokuba, with golden blonde hair pulled into pigtails and held in place with twin bead holders. She had freckles across her cheeks and held a teddy bear. When they met again not quite three years later, she had gotten a pair of glasses, probably owing to straining her eyes over her college textbooks. She had a major crush on Yugi Muto at the time, but time changes things. She had grown into a lovely young woman. Her long golden hair was pulled back into a ponytail using a scrunchie, and she had a slim, yet curvy body. She still had the freckles across her face but now, she loved Mokuba Kaiba.

"You kids sure you'll be okay with the kids?" Kisara asked worriedly. "I mean, I trust you two, of course, but we're going to be gone overnight."

"Kisara, don't worry about it," Mokuba soothed, used to this and remembering how protective she'd been of the now five-year-old twins, Noah and Serena. She hadn't wanted to leave them, even though she trusted Joey and Mai with the twins when they were a year old. Suffice it to say, Mokuba was used to soothing his sister-in-law. "Becks and I can handle this. Don't worry."

"Yeah, Kisara. You've been training me to be a good nurse and I'm top in my class," Rebecca added. "You got them all to sleep and if they wake up, we can get them back to sleep. And if they need you, we can call you, okay?" Rebecca added.

"Yeah, babe…We're going out and these two can handle the kids. Noah's no worry and Serena follows his lead and Jamie and Jenna will be okay. Just let yourself relax," Seto added, reflecting that as late as 6 years ago, his family would've had to tell him to relax. He still had a tendency to overwork himself but was able to rein that tendency in. "The kids'll be fine and you need the rest. Got it?"

Kisara sighed, smiling. "Yes, dear. Rebecca, don't you work too hard. The enemy of nurses and doctors is pushing too hard."

Rebecca nodded and gave her mentor and friend and hopefully future sister-in-law a salute. "You've got it, Kisara. I'll remember. One Friday night off won't hurt. Mokuba and I can just relax and watch some movies or something, right?"

Mokuba grinned. "I got a few good ones for us, Rebecca. Guys, go! You don't want to lose your reservations at the Bolero!" And with that, Seto and Kisara left for an evening of dinner and romance. The minute the limo left, the 18-year-old young man grinned at his girlfriend. "So, do you want to order pizza? Chinese? Japanese? Mexican?"

Rebecca thought a minute. "I think I'd like some Thai food, actually. How about that?"

Mokuba nodded. "Yeah…Becks, it's your call…" He knew he was in love with her, and knew he wanted to marry her, but he hadn't figured out the proposal yet. He just hoped he'd find the right words.


Later that evening, about 10:30, the teenagers sat on the couch in the media room, watching a romantic comedy starring Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. It was a musical, but unlike the three previous musicals the two had been in, this musical was set in New York City and not in a high school. "Wow, they've really improved," Mokuba commented. He was dressed in dark blue pima cotton pajamas and very relaxed.

"Yeah," Rebecca agreed, clad in pink pajama pants with teddy bears on them and a sleeveless pink cotton shirt. "They have awesome voices, and if I didn't know otherwise, I'd think they were a real couple…"

Mokuba looked at his girlfriend and noticed how dreamy she looked. "Yeah, they do look like that…" Something told him to kiss her, which he did, gently, putting his arms around her. They had progressed slowly in their relationship, kissing, cuddling and then some making out. They had been committed to waiting until they were married, but on this night, their control and the thoughts of what to do if things got intense would be lost.

Rebecca put her arms around her boyfriend as they kissed, deepening it and then rubbing his back. He did the same to her, and then they moved their hands under each other's clothes. This was something they'd done before, but never when in pajamas. Their hands were touching each other's bare skin, and before they knew it, skin was all they were touching as they tumbled to the floor onto a blanket…

Later that night, the couple was snuggled up in Mokuba's big bed. Their hormones had ended up in control of their minds and they had moved from the media room to his bedroom. But again, they had forgotten all they had learned about being safe. Right now, though, they weren't thinking about the consequences of their actions.

"Mokuba…I love you so much," Rebecca murmured, her long hair undone and falling around her. She laid upon his chest, listening to his heartbeat. What they'd done twice was amazing to her, and it had been her first time being intimate with anyone.

"I love you too, Becks," he murmured, exhausted but trying to stay awake to cuddle her. His first time had been amazing. And then he realized that this was the perfect time to ask her. "Becks, let's get married…"

She pushed herself up and met his eyes, hardly daring to believe it. "Mokuba…are you…ouch," she winced, feeling some soreness. "Serious?" she finished, blushing slightly.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked in concern. "I mean…I didn't exactly know what I was doing."

"It's all right," she answered. "But…were you serious? About us getting married? Because if you're asking just because we were…"

"No…Rebecca Marie Hawkins, I am crazy about you and I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't love you. I want us to be together forever. I would love to be your husband if you'll let me…I don't have a ring yet, because I thought we could pick it out together. Please say yes," he said, meeting her bright blue eyes with his gray-blue ones.

Rebecca listened to her heart and knew what she wanted. She loved this young man and knew that if she asked him, he would wait for her. "Mokuba…yes…we'll have to wait a little bit, though. I want to finish my nursing program. If I take off in the summer, I'll be done by this time next year. Can you wait that long?"

Mokuba looked into her eyes. "I can wait for you…Rebecca, I want you to be happy. And I want us to get married when it's right for us to, not because we want to get married to get married, and your grandpa will want to be part of it. Man, everybody will want to be part of this."

And so, the young couple made their plans and after a trip to the shower got into some fresh pajamas, climbed into bed and fell asleep. But neither of them knew that their plans would be changed even before they were finalized. Within Rebecca's body, a change was taking place that would forever alter her and her fiancé's lives forever.

I think you all can guess the change that's happening. Needless to say, it will be quite a journey. Please read, review and stay tuned for next time! Thank you!