This is my first FanFic so please don't be too harsh. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you will enjoy reading it.
Disclaimer: I don't own any Twilight stuff's, only in my dreams!!!!
"This is me," I pronounced. "I'm broken, you of all people know that, but eventually I'll heal, Take it or leave it"
"I'll take it," he said and then he was in front of me and he was crushing his lips to mine. An experience too long denied, that was my last coherent thought for the next fifty minutes. We broke apart with a jolt when I heard my parent's car pull onto the drive and parted unhappily a few moments after that. I danced to bed with a Cheshire cat grin stretching my face. I caught a few of my parents' secret glances to each other, but didn't care enough to worry what they thought was up with me. That night I dreamt. I didn't know that a very happy cat sat curled at my feet all night and watched me sleep. When I woke the events of the night before came flooding back to me and I started to sing.
I woke from my daydream with a start.
"Bella, Earth to Planet Bella. Are you receiving me?" My English teacher was saying. The entire class, minus one, burst into peals of laughter and only the feel of Edward's hand on mine stopped the anger, which was bubbling up inside me, from overflowing. He leaned over and whispered in my ear,
"Careful, Bella, concentrate on something else." But I was already concentrating on the velvet quality of his voice and his fingers intertwined with mine. Concentrating on the sparkling jade colour of his eyes and the love shining from their depths. Love of me. But life wasn't always like this; I shuddered as the memories came flooding back.
The room I was in was cold and dark. The tears felt like they were carving lines into my face. I had been locked up in here for hours. It felt like the walls were closing in on me, I wondered if I would ever leave this place, would this be the last thing I saw? The darkness, before I went into the light. The notion amused me so much I nearly laughed. I checked as a shaft of light flashed onto my face. I felt a cold finger slowly graze my cheek, and then the air around me shimmered. It no longer bothered me knowing that it was something inhuman that had captured me.
"Morning Bella Bunny" the familiar voice murmured. The pet name irritated me, and she knew it.
"Bella" Edward's soft voice broke into my reverie; I shivered and reached up to touch my cheek. But before my hand managed to reach the spot where those rivers of tears had run, another stroked slowly along my cheekbone. Edward. I had internally sworn not to ever think about those dreadful few weeks again. I always slipped up occasionally but lately they had started to getfewer and far between and this one, so vivid, had surprised me with its intensity.
By some good fortune I had managed to drift through the day without accident. We were in the car before Edward spoke.
"Bella, what was it today?" he said with a sigh. I could tell it wasn't from impatience, but from worry that I was slipping back into the awful depression that his return had pulled me out of. One day he had come to my house and at a single look at his beautiful face, I was fine. I was very nearly happy. From then on it had all gone up hill. I got back my good grades; fell completely head over heels for him, my parents no longer looked at me like I was mental. Not that they know what Edward is, they would hit the roof if they found out, that much I can tell. I'm not a mind reader, unlike some people I know, namely Edwards's friends, but I can tell. The fact that Edward can Read Memories (Not Minds) can be helpful. Locked in that room with only a rat for company, I didn't realize that there was a witness to my torture, not until the day he turned into a human. In human form I fell hopelessly in love with him and he went through it all with me. He could feel my pain mixed with the love I felt for him and he helped me through it all. I sometimes wonder, even now when everything is great, whether I would have gotten out of there if it wasn't for him. I hate to dwell on stuff like that, being away from Edward makes it harder and he knows that so it's not often that we are apart. So an overview, I have the most gorgeous, clever, amazing boyfriend ever. Even better than all that is the fact that im in love with probably the coolestthing ever. A ShapeShifter. Group Two to be exact.
What do you think? Any good for a 13 year old? Please review it and let people know if you think it's any good.