Disclaimer: I do not any of the Harry Potter characters. I only own my own characters and the plot.

A/N: Sorry for the wait!! So this is the end. *Sniff Sniff* I hope you enjoy!! Oh and there's a sex scene near the end so look out for that!

Chapter Sixteen


Two Years Later

"Are you ready, Harry?" Ron asked.

"As I'll ever be," Harry sighed, "How do I look?"

"Very handsome. Now it's time for you to get out there," Draco said, pushing him gently towards the door. Harry grabbed the handle and swung it open.

"Well gents, let's get me married." Harry, Ron, Draco, Blaise, and Oliver left the room and entered the church, quickly taking their places at the altar. Ten minutes later, all the guests were seated, and the string quartet started the processional. All the heads turned to the back as Lily stepped forward, throwing violet flower petals. Harry grinned at his little girl in her pale lavender dress. She smiled back at him as she tossed another handful of petals into the air. Next came Lisa, Hermione, Marie, and Grace in pale lavender dresses with thick straps and a v-cut. The dress hugged at the top and slid into a loose, flowing bottom with light design around the bottom. They each carried a bouquet of lilies, violets, and lavender springs. The anticipation grew as Grace reached her place.

At that moment, the wedding march was heard, and everyone stood and turned towards the back. Violet stepped through the door, escorted by one of her old school friends, Apollo Lestrange. Harry's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. They had decided on a Wizarding ceremony with Muggle wedding attire. Violet was resplendent in white. Her dress was made of the finest silk with white beading along the bodice. The dress had a corset style top with wide straps and a v-cut neckline before flaring out into a princess style floor length skirt. Her veil was handmade lace. Her hair was pinned up in loose curls held by mother-of-pearl combs. Harry thought her angelic. His face split into a wide grin as his eyes met hers. She finally stood in front of him, and Harry took her hands. Violet's eyes shimmered with tears as they turned to face the minister. Kingsley smiled at them before beginning the ceremony. Soon they were binding themselves magically and exchanging rings. Violet slid an ornate gold ring in the form of a serpent with two glistening emerald eyes onto Harry's finger. As it made contact, it flared with protective magic. Violet's ring was a silver dragon with bright amethyst eyes. Her ring sparkled with protective magic as well. As Kingsley declared them husband and wife, Harry swept her into his arms and caught her lips in a passionate kiss. The crowd clapped and cheered as the couple turned to face them. They quickly signed the appropriate papers and went to the receiving line.

After everyone had gone through, they all made their way to the Potter Mansion for the reception dinner. Once everyone had settled, Ron stood to give his best man speech.

"I would first like to thank everyone for coming and helping us to celebrate this wonderful occasion. I'm not very good at speeches but I find this one necessary. Harry and I have been best friends since we first started Hogwarts. We've been through everything together, good and bad. And no matter how stupid I've been he's always been right by my side. When I decide to fly the car to Hogwarts and ran us into a tree that decided to fight back or when I was crying like a baby when my wife, Lisa, was giving birth and told me that she hated me and that I was never allowed to touch her again. I mean really, seeing your wife turn into the Exorcist is frightening for any man. But Harry's been like a brother to me and I am eternally grateful for him. And now he's given me a sister, no offense Gin, and a wonderful one at that. I wish them both happiness and joy in their marriage. Welcome to the family, Violet. We're glad to have you. Here's to you both," Ron finished, raising his glass in a toast. The guests copied him and said a toast to the couple.

After everyone had eaten, they all moved to the ballroom. As the soft melody of the first waltz began, Harry pulled Violet into his arms.

"So Mrs. Potter, how does it feel being married to the man who is madly in love with you?" Harry asked with a grin. Violet smiled back and laughed as he twirled her around.

"Well, I'd have to say it feels pretty amazing since I'm so madly in love with him. So the feelings are pretty mutual," she finally replied after the spinning had stopped. They shared a quick kiss before Apollo whisked Violet away to dance. Harry danced with Hermione all the while watching Violet.

"It's good to see you so happy, Harry," Hermione said. He grinned down at her.

"It's good to feel this happy. I have everything I've ever wanted. The most wonderful woman in the world is my wife, and we have an amazing daughter. Who wouldn't be happy? I'm just trying to figure out how I ever deserved all of this," he said, his eyes going back to Violet as he spoke.

"Well, you did save the world. That's always a good start," Hermione said laughingly, "But aside from that you're an amazing person and you love her. That makes you deserving, Harry, and after everything you two have been through, I think you deserve a happily-ever-after."

"Thanks, Mione. Now, I do believe I have a little princess to go dance with. If you will excuse me?

"Of course. Tell Lily hi for me will you?" she replied, releasing him. He smiled and strode towards the head table where Lily was sitting with Draco and Grace.

"Hello princess. May I have this dance?"

"Of course, daddy!" Lily exclaimed as she bounded into Harry's arms. He swept her up and twirled her in circles around the dance floor. The reception flew by in a blur of lights, laughter, and drinks. The time soon came for the couple to depart for their honeymoon. Lily would be staying with Draco and Hermione for the week her parents would be gone to Italy.

After saying their goodbyes, Harry and Violet activated the Portkey to the hotel. Violet barely had time to look at the room before Harry pulled her into his arms. His hands made short work of her clothes. Once she was naked, he placed her gently on the black satin sheets of the bed before divesting himself of his clothes. He lay next to her and began worshipping her body with his hands, mouth, and eyes. Harry relished in the small moans and whimpers he drew from her. When the fire had built too high, Harry settled himself between her legs and entered her in one swift stroke. He groaned at the sinful wet heat that clenched around his length. He made love to her then, a slow tender lovemaking that lasted for hours and led to an explosion unlike any they had had before. Harry stared deep into Violet's eyes as the waves of pleasure crashed over them both. Using the last of his strength, he lay next to her and gathered her in his arms.

"I love you, Mrs. Potter."

"I love you too, dear," Violet murmured sleep overtaking her as she curled into Harry's side, head pillowed on his chest and an arm around his waist. They soon drifted off to sleep, love cocooning them.

Far away in England, a little girl stared out her window at the night sky.

"Thank you, Mr. Star, for bringing my daddy home. Now we can have our happily-ever-after." Lily climbed into bed with her stuffed owl, Hedwig. Far above, Lily's wish star twinkled brightly as it shone down on her. Over in Italy, the same star shone on Harry and Violet, connecting the family for now, for tomorrow, and for always. Oh, the power of a single star.

A/N: So it's now officially complete. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, alerted, added as favorites, or just read. I hope you enjoyed it!!