A/N There is no name or description for this woman, she is you the reader.

Bobby waited patiently, it wouldn't be much longer. She knew better than to keep him waiting. He had sent her a text message telling her to be at his apartment at 7:00 pm. It was now 6:58. His pleasure would be here soon.

He thought back to how she had gotten that name: my pleasure.

They had been dating a few months when they began talking about fantasies one night. They had both been slightly embarrassed to admit what they really wanted; domination and control.

She had finally crawled into his lap, straddling his growing erection. She leaned in to kiss him.

"Tell me," she whispered, "Tell me what you want."

Bobby grabbed her hair and jerked her head back. "Did I say you could kiss me?" he asked.

"No," she said, desire flashing in her eyes.

"No; What?" Bobby huskily whispered as his grip on her hair becoming tighter.

Her eyes grew hungry and Bobby could feel her wetness on his groin.

"No, Master," she replied.

Bobby brought her face to his and kissed her hard. Flipping her over on her back he entered her and she screamed out in pleasure and pain. He took her hard and fast, taking her to the brink of orgasm and pulling her back. Her nails dug into his flesh until she drew blood; the pain only spurring Bobby on.

He felt her begin to cum and pulled out, rolling her onto her stomach. He slapped her ass hard, "Did I give you permission to cum?" he growled, his breath hot and moist against her ear.

"No, Master. Forgive me, Master"

Bobby slapped her ass again, this time hard enough to leave his handprint on the reddened flesh. "Beg me," he said, lust and need in his voice.

"Please, Master; please fuck me, Master. Please let me cum Master."

Bobby pulled her up on her knees and began to savagely fuck her. He knew he was hurting her; but it was as though she had released a wild animal in him when she had made that fateful statement: "Tell me what you want."

Bobby could tell that she couldn't hold on much longer. He felt her muscles tighten, her hands gripped the headboard; knuckles white, she bucked back against him wildly. He could faintly hear her begging "Please, please, please, Bobby"

Bobby leaned forward, covering her body with his. "Cum for me, baby," he whispered.

She screamed as she flooded his cock and thighs with her juices. Bobby quickly followed pumping load after load into her.

They collapsed on the bed, spent and unmoving. Bobby rolled off of her, pulling her with him, cuddling her against his chest.

"I'm sorry," he said into her hair.

She rolled over so she was facing him, a confused look on her face.

"For what?" she asked.

"I know I probably hurt you and I just…"

She placed a finger on Bobby's lips. "Shhh, you have nothing to be sorry for. I know my Master would never hurt me."

Bobby smiled as he lowered his head to gently kiss her. He was her Master and she was his pleasure.

Bobby heard the key turn in the lock. He checked the clock, 7:00 pm on the dot. His pleasure would never keep him waiting….


I stood outside the door, waiting for 7 o'clock. I thought of what was waiting for me on the other side. Of all the games we had played, of all the games we had yet to play.

I had never let a man dominate me before, but Bobby was different, he was unlike any man I had ever known. He was always so gentle afterwards, as if trying to show me and himself that he didn't always need to be in control, to be the Master.

I thought back to that first time, I had been too embarrassed to say what I had really wanted. I had hoped when I crawled into his lap he would see what I needed, hear in my voice what my darkest desire was. Not only did he know, but held the same fantasy, need, and dark impulses that I held.

He was almost animalistic in the way he fucked me that night. Filling me to the point I thought I would pass out from the pain and the immense pleasure. If I close my eyes I can still feel his hands pressing into my flesh, controlling how and when I moved my hips. I can feel his teeth on the back of my neck; I can feel his breath and hear his voice in my ear as he tells me to cum for him. I can still feel his cock, long and hard; swelling inside of me as drives even harder into me; taking us both crashing over the edge.

I check my watch, I have one minute. I resist the urge to touch myself, only he decides when I will have my pleasure tonight.

I begin to think of the morning after. I had seen the bruises in the mirror before I got into the shower. I still get wet thinking about his handprint bruised onto my ass, his fingerprints on my hips.

I let the hot water run over my sore body, my mind drifting to the night before. Suddenly I feel those same strong hands on my hips again and a new need courses through my body. I lean into his chest as the water washes away the last scents of our night together.

I feel Bobby lower himself to his knees behind me, this fingers lightly, lovingly tracing the bruise on my backside. His fingers are replaced by his tongue, licking and softly kissing the place where he had marked me as his. He turns me around pressing my back against the shower wall. He repeats the same motions on the small bruises he left on my hips, before parting my legs and placing an open mouth kiss on my aching lips.

His tongue finds my swollen and throbbing clit; he pulls it in between his teeth as his probing fingers separate my folds. My hands are in his hair now, pushing his face deeper into me. He moans as a fresh wave of wetness hits his tongue. He laps it up eagerly.

He drapes my right leg over his shoulder as his tongue enters me; his thumb massaging small circles around my clit. I'm panting his name now, grinding myself into his face; desperately searching for that sweet release.

He can tell I'm close. He drags his tongue up to my clit sucking it back into his mouth. He places one, then two fingers inside of me; pumping them in rhythm with his tongue. I can't hold on any longer, I scream his name as my body thrashes wildly. I flood his mouth with cum. He continues to suck and lick, drinking in every last drop.

I go limp, the only thing holding me up is those strong hands. Bobby rises, rubbing his stubbled face over my body. He kisses me; I taste myself on his lips.

I check my watch again; its 7 pm. I unlock the door wondering what surprise he has waiting...