I don't own Harry Potter just some of the plot.
Minerva McGonagall had been sitting outside of number four Privet drive watching the horriable family that lived there. The mother was just a plan gossip. The father you could tell could have a real temper and the young boy who was only about eighteen months was so fat he couldn't even walk straight he waddled like a penguine.
Earlier that day Minerva had heard some horriable news she just hoped it wasn't true there was know way here precious james and his fiary Lily could be dead. What would she do if her baby was dead. She sat on the stone wall all night hoping with all her heart that what she thougt was going to happen didn't but at midnight a man in long flowing robes appered on the street.
The next thing she know he had pulled out something that looked like a ciggarete lighter and all the lights on the street went out. he slowly walked to were she was sitting and sat down "I knew I would be seeing you here Minnie." Albus Dumbledore said sadness tinting his voice as he looked over to his wife who had transformed back into her human form sadness etching her face.
"Please Tell me its not true" she begged "Tell me their still alive" she looked at his face hoping beyond hope that this was just some crul joke.
"No Minnie I'm sorry James and Lily are both dead" you could hear the tears in his voice as he announced that his only son was dead. She flung herself into his arms and buried her face in his chest letting out all her pain and anguish.
"What are we doing here Albus." He looked over at her knowing she wasn't going to like the answer he was going to give her.
"Harry servived some how no one knows he servived the killing curse and I am having him brought here by Hagrid so that he can stay with his aunt and Uncle."
Minerva's face went from elated that her only grandson was still alive to worried that he was in Hagrid's custody to Horrified at were here husband planned to leave there only grandchild. she was now seeing red she reached out and slapped him across the face. Albus Dumbledore you are not going to leave my grandchild with these horrid horrid people do you understand me he is going home with us he will live at Hogwarts how dare you disrespect Lily and James so much you know they wouldn't want this." she was now openly crying again.
"Minerva you know the blood wards will protect him better if the blood is from his mothers side of the family."
"And you know that he is ten times safer at Hogwarts then he would be anywere else." she snapped back.
"Minnie be resonable you have a teaching job and I have to run the school and he will be protected here."
She looked into his "eyes pleadingly "Please don't make me give him up let me keep my baby please he is all I have left of James please he needs me as much as I need him."
He could see it was a losing battle "Ok Minnie he will come home with us" He said pulling her into his arms and kissing her forehead. just then a flying mortocyle came out of the sky and landed in the middle of the street and a large man got off carrying a tiny bundle.
the Minuet she saw them Minerva rushed over to him and grabbed the bundle out of his arms and lifted back the blanket to look at the serene face of her grandson the only thing diffrent about him was the lightning bolt scar that now graced his forehead. She turned to the giant "Thank you for taking care of him Hagrid" she said pressing the young boy closer to her though he still didn't wake.
"Is no proplem professor" said Hagrid watching the heartwarming reuion.
Albus came up and looked over Minerva shoulder at his sleeping grandson and his beautiful wife holding him and know that they had made the best desicion in bringing him to the casel with them. He would never replace James in their hearts but he would help with the pain.
"Come on Minnie" he said gentlly grabbing her arm as he appered all three of them to Hogwarts school of Wichcraft and Wizerdry.
A/N this is just an Ideal that popped into my head it will be a really long story covering all the way from harry's childhood throught the seventh year it will be AU but with some of the importent elements of the origanal and I know my spelling is horriable and my grammer to for any one reading my other storys I will probley have another chapter up tomorrow I will be updating all three promptly with no more then a week betweeen updates please review I appriciate it.