Note: Well, I'm finally back and sadly summer will be over in a little over a month. I realized that I haven't posted anything! So terrible of me, I know. Don't despair; I'll try to get into the habit of typing up my stories when I don't have anything else to do.

Note 2: There was some DuskyxSpotty fluffyness, I suppose, in the last chapter and lots of crack-ish occurrence. Anyways, I think it was a pretty fun chapter to read (I think ), but either way it contained some Truth or Dare-ness, much embarrassment, and resulted in a tired Spottedtail who decided that Dusky was warmer than Emby and slept at his side. This is where this chapter continues.

Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors, but I do own Spottedtail and Duskpelt. Emberheart is courtesy of Kas (and I think Streakfoot is too?), and TwilightClan and the rest of its inhabitants were created by Blueyblob.

I was in the strangest stupor. The first question that came to mind was…'Where am I?' I realized I was with Duskpelt…okay that was cleared up. I felt like I was drunk, so disoriented. I found that my head was still rested against Duskpelt's fur. I lifted my head slowly and looked about. The sun was about to rise, dawn approaching. Emberheart was still sleeping comfortably. I had also realized that I had curled into a ball next to Duskpelt while he was stretched over me. I blushed, also figuring out that he twined his tail with mine. I looked up at his face. I didn't notice that I had woken him.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Don't worry," he answered. "Please stay…" he pleaded.

"I will…" what the heck was I saying? Stupid furball. Stupid involuntary actions, my mouth just moved. But for some unknown reason, I didn't want to move. I felt…oddly comfortable. It was a thought that scared me. His smile grew, as if he read my mind.

"You know what?" He whispered to me, "I think you're starting to like me." He licked my ear, and I found myself staring at him, feeling like his eyes were trying to peer into my subconscious. It felt strange, staring like this, even though we do it on numerous occasions. My mind still needed to clear itself. I closed my eyes, trying to get myself on track. Then, Duskpelt did it again, the feeling of his muzzle on mine. I opened my eyes and blushed.

I couldn't move this time, my limbs were frozen in place. My head was spinning and I felt dizzy and even more so confused. Curses. You're such a stupid furball. It was he who removed his muzzle this time, I was staring blankly at him.

He blinked a few and blushed as well, "Sorry. It's just that…"

"It's ok." I said, interrupting him midsentence. He stared at me now, curiosity glowed in his eyes. Luckily, Emberheart was still sleeping as this was occurring.

"You are still surprising me," he smiled whilst I yawned.

"I'm still sort of sleepeh.." I whispered. My vision was slurring, I figured that I needed more rest. Probably that's why my mind was so unfocused. He put his muzzle on mine again, before allowing me to curl up next to him. I couldn't help it, but I fell asleep.

My mind raced, and I kept racing along with it. When my legs gave way, I found myself falling in that dark pit again. Sleep was short, my dreams never lasted.

I found myself in the same position I had been , well…sort of. Only difference was that Duskpelt was sleeping behind me, his body matching to the curve of my back. I shuddered, this was a little too much. I was wide awake this time, probably not able to sleep again after that last time I woke up. What had happened? I couldn't recall anything in that short period of time, like I was sleepwalking.

I tried to remember, but couldn't. I would probably be reminded by him later anyways. I got up, worming my tail away from his and being careful not to disturb him. I walked over to Emberheart.

"Wake up you sleepyhead!" I prodded her with my forepaw, "You've been sleeping for like…forever!"

She stirred and turned away from me, "Just a little more…" she said groggily while waving her paw at me. I prodded her again, and this time she turned to glare at me, "Later…"

"Fine," I said happily. It was always fun to annoy her. I slipped out of the den quietly. The first cat I saw was Streakfoot, which reminded me of the oh so many questions I wanted to ask.

"Hey Streakfoot!" I yelled, running over to him, "What was that last night?" He seemed thoughtful, trying to recall. "You know…that thing when Emberheart woke you up in the middle of the night?" That definitely seemed to jog his memory, and there was a trace of blush on his cheeks. I started to snicker, "You replied back."

He nodded slowly, "I don't know what came over me!" He blurted out.

"Sure, I'll go tell that to Emberheart," I turned, but he stopped me.

"What was her reaction…?" His voice was barely a whisper.

"She started hyperventilating and meowing stuff to herself."

"Ok, carry on," he waved his tail in dismissal and I went straight back to my den to go tell Emberheart. I decided to wake up everyone instead.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE!" I yelled as loud as I could. It worked well and I smiled. Both Emberheart and Duskpelt jumped up from their nests. Hysterical, Emberheart should see the look on her face: frightened like a tiny kit with her eyes wide open. Duskpelt was obviously used to my yelling, I frowned, I wanted to scare everyone.

"Whatcha do that for?" Emby yelled at me.

"Oh no reason, no reason at all, besides, you do need a good wake up call," I teased as my smile grew, Duskpelt smiled at me while Emberheart grimaced.

"Well, I didn't need your wake up call. I was about to wake up anyways," she stuck her tongue out at me. Lies. "Oh, by the way, I'm staying here for a few more nights." Uh-oh. That means more sleepovers and more chaos from her.


Duskpelt walked over to me, Emberheart watched with interest. "May I stay?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded, and his pelt brushed mine as he left the den. I could feel my face go hot.

"That was…interesting." My face grew hotter. Emberheart, rubbing things in. I had decided on one thing, and one thing only about her stay at my den: That Streakfoot would have to come tonight.

"Oh yea. Streakfoot said he didn't know what came over him when he told you 'I love you too' last night." I told her, and now she blushed. I started laughing. "He just blurted it out!" I said between chuckles.

"I'm over Streakeh," she replied, it silenced me completely. How could that be? It was like the impossible and I refused to believe her.

"How?" I gasped out, shocked.

"I don't know, I just got over him," for a short second, I had believed her. But then I realized that uncertain tint in her eye. She wasn't over him. I smiled.

"Ok, fine." I watched as Emberheart vanished into Froststar's den and I looked around camp. I saw Cookiefur and Brackentail from the corner of my eye, arguing as usual. I haven't seen everyone in camp lately, it was either that, or I haven't been paying much attention to them on my herb gathering rounds. I realized that it was both. I decided to ask Streakfoot to come right now, better now than later.

I found him near the camp entrance. "Hey Streakfoot, can you please come to my den tonight? For a little sleepover I'm having with everyone." I gave him an innocent look, my thoughts were already on plotting. He narrowed his eyes and then nodded.

"I'll come."

"Thanks!" I shouted and ran away over to the warrior's den, just to make it like I was asking more cats to come with us. No one was in the den luckily, everyone was outside. I didn't want to be questioned. After pacing around the den, I left in a heartbeat.

I went back to my den, finding Duskpelt there. Why come he's still here? He can't just get up and leave already? It's me, I figured. But he could always leave and come back to visit…but noooo, he just wants to MOVE in with me. I silently spat in disgust. I couldn't blame him, he loved me. That thought just made me smile and I realized that he was smiling back at me.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Plotting," I answered and he went over to me. "You know…inviting Streakfoot over and Emby not knowing and whatnot." He joined me at my side and wrapped his tail around mine. I didn't care.

'Reckless' and 'stupid' Emberheart would call me when I didn't care about things when I should. Like the time when I almost fell off this cliff, she yelled at me so much. I kept on telling her "I'm fine, it doesn't matter" then she replies with a "You could have killed yourself!" and I would tell her, "I don't care." Many things I didn't care of. And I didn't care. Heh, funny.

"Hunt with me please…" I asked Duskpelt slowly and involuntarily. He smiled.

"That's a first," he replied. I blushed. Darn mistakes. Darn involuntary actions. Darn my stupidity. It annoyed me, all of those things…they just happened. "Yes, I'll go." He took a pleasure in me being friendly and all to him. I, apparently, brightened his day with that little unintended invitation. Not that me not minding his affection brightened his day already. Before we left the den, he softly muttered an "I love you."

I was silent, blushing more than ever. All I could do was look away from him, the fur on my back tingling. The air hung still with his words as he took in my little moment of shock. Stupid furball. I shook my head and my tail away from him. I'm a medicine cat and I shouldn't be hanging out with him, not at all in any like this… Starclan must be angry with me, but I didn't care as much about that as I should have. I wanted to be with my friends. Then we stepped out.

I took in a sharp breath as a cat flung into me.

The camp was being invaded.

Yay~! I'm planning on posting the next chapter soon I promise. If I don't, then you can have the delicious shrimp scampi in my fridge right now. ;D Anyways, yeah I know not very interesting but hopefully the next chapter will be. I love where I ended this one and reviews are gladly appreciated~!