Sakura (present)
Age: 18
Powers: Inhuman strength – best medical ninja (even ahead of Tsunade)
Sakura (past)
Age: 12
Powers: Same as always
Itachi (present)
Age: 24
Itachi (past)
Age: 13
Kakashi (past)
Age: 19
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, shape, or form
Chapter 1: To the Past
"Tsunade-shishou I have recovered the scroll you wanted me to get from the old shrine outside of the Fire country" was the first thing Tsunade heard, gazing at some random paperwork with a bottle of sake in her hand. Truth be told, this time around, it didn't scare her how Sakura made her random appearances, not even being able to sense her anymore. Earlier times though, Tsunade had thrown sake bottles at Sakura, not knowing it was her, but thinking maybe it was an intruder, or at best, Naruto playing a prank on her. Nevertheless, she was getting side-tracked now...
"Still, I wonder Tsunade-shishou..." Sakura paused slightly, placing the scroll in front of Tsunade, on her desk, and then backing away some, lingering by the window in her office, "What was so important about this mission that made you call me back from my original mission with Neji-san and Kiba-kun?" Sakura pondered out loud. No, she wasn't interrogating Tsunade or anything; it was a genuine question, one which he hoped she got an answer to. She had been going on an A-Ranked mission with them, as their medic of course, and all of a sudden to be called back, while in the middle of the mission especially, only to be replaced by a lesser medic was, at least to her, down right preposterous. Or at least idiotic, she'd say. Besides, it hadn't been like the mission she sent Sakura on instead was something somebody else couldn't have handled.
"Well Sakura as you may know, you are the one I trust most on the very important missions, and this mission was far too risky to let anyone else discover." Tsunade said calmly, not missing the way Sakura furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
Sakura was strangely confused and curious, truth be told. It was just a scroll, after all. "Well what does this scroll do then, Tsunade-shishou?" Sakura asked curiously. Surely, if she had to be taken out of a mission just to find a scroll (which, in her opinion, should have been C-Ranked at most, but was classified as A-Ranked), it must be pretty important, or at the most, something they didn't want to let Akatsuki or Orochimaru have, which was perfectly understandable. The only problem was that this scroll hadn't even been heavily guarded or even booby-trapped, almost as if nobody knew that it was there in the first place.
"Well, for starters Sakura, I have realized that Akatsuki is getting stronger and stronger day by day."
Sakura tried her best not to chew on her bottom lip nervously at the mention of Akatsuki. It was true -the power of the Akatsuki was growing each and every day, and now with only a few Jinchuuriki remaining, it was becoming increasingly dangerous to let Naruto out on missions of the like. Maybe Sakura was right... maybe this scroll contained information they didn't want anyone getting their hands on. Or maybe, just maybe, it contained an uber cool jutsu that would help defeat Akatsuki. (In that case though, Sakura would have to slip in a few extra sake bottles to Tsunade to let her be the first to try it out)
"-and one of the main reasons for the cause is because of Itachi Uchiha." Tsunade continued
Okay, a little more confusion than before. "Tsunade-shisou, I know Itachi Uchiha is strong, but I would hardly say he is the sole reason" Sakura began, ready to go off on a giant tangent on how she believed, without a doubt, that Sasuke would defeat the Uchiha and return to Konoha (although deep down inside she knew this to be her own wishing, and not reality, but she believed that she should still hold faith), but before she could, Tsunade cut her off.
"It's not just his strength that has us crippled, Sakura." Tsunade explained. "It's the actions he has taken. Can you imagine how much stronger we would be now if he had never killed his clan? Not only would we have Sasuke back," Tsunade didn't miss the look in Sakura's eyes at the mention of Sasuke, "but we would also have the entire Uchiha Clan backing us up."
Sakura chewed this over in her mind. At least this, she could not deny. They would be most feared if they had three hundred pairs of Sharingan eyes on their side -hell, Akatsuki wouldn't stand a chance if they had a pair of Uchiha that had even half of the strength that Itachi held. "Okay, but what does Itachi Uchiha have to do with this scroll?" Sakura dismissed their previous discussion. As true as it may be, there was no reason that this scroll in particular would somehow hold specific information that would bring about the downfall of Itachi Uchiha.
'Now for the hard part', Tsunade couldn't help but think with a sigh.
"This scroll..." Tsunade wasn't sure how to go about introducing this to Sakura, "It's a... it is a very special scroll that can take people into the past." Tsunade paused slightly, to take in Sakura's reaction. Sakura parted her lips to speak, but Tsunade cut her off. "Yes, Sakura, I am indeed sober, this is only my first bottle of the day." she snapped, glaring slightly at her apprentice. It was hard to think one of the people she respected and cared for most in the world (she was like a daughter to her) would indeed think her clumsy enough to be drunk when it was barely noon (Two hours from now though, was a different story...). "I have come up with an idea. If we could just somehow find a few to keep our Uchiha -that is, to prevent the Uchiha Massacre... We must, at all costs, make sure that Itachi does not make the same mistake he took when he was thirteen, Sakura." Tsunade addressed Sakura with a fiery gaze. "And, if by any chance, he still chooses to take the same path, he must be eliminated, so that he does not become a problem for us later on."
There was a long silence. And then, Sakura quickly burst into fits of laughter. "You're telling me... we have to stop Itachi from killing his clan..." Sakura said slowly, trying to wipe the tears away from her eyes.
"Yes" she nodded solemnly, trying her best to ignore Sakura's laughter. She knew the idea sounded ludicrous, but she had hoped that Sakura would at least have enough respect and faith so as to not question the busty blonde. For crying out loud, she was her shishou, her Hokage at that, and Sakura couldn't take her seriously.
Tsunade made it sound so casual, it almost made Sakura think she was being serious. "Okay, that was a good joke Tsunade-shisou, so what does the scroll really do? Can I try it out before Naruto no Baka?" she questioned.
Tsunade glared. "So you want to be the first one to test out the jutsu?" Tsunade averted her gaze from Sakura to stare at the scroll.
"Hell yeah!" Sakura grinned. "Naruto would be so jealous, it'd be great." she stated, matter-of-factly.
"Okay, we can arrange that..." Tsunade began, watching as Sakura's face changed into a victorious and gleeful grin, "but only on one condition." she added, which made Sakura pout. "Even if you don't believe at this moment in time, I am telling you that this is your mission. You will go into the past, and you will stop the Uchiha Massacre."
Sakura sighed -and they were back to this. "Shishou, look-"
"Sakura, I'm not asking you to believe me. But have this mission in mind when you do the jutsu, okay?" Tsunade leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms across her chest.
You will go into the past, and you will stop the Uchiha Massacre
It was easy enough to remember, Sakura thought, as idiotic as her Hokage was being.
But still, that statement sent shivers down her spine, Sure, she was an ANBU, but she wasn't an emotionless one like Neji or Sai. Truth be told, if it weren't for her relation to Tsunade, and her incredible medical skills and inhuman strength, she probably wouldn't have even made it in ANBU... She was too emotional for them, but Sakura didn't let that stop her.
"Okay, supposing I am "going into the past"," Sakura air-quoted her as if emphasizing Tsunade's supposed joke, "What makes you think I'd even be able to accomplish such a mission? I mean, I know defeating Itachi Uchiha while he is thirteen gives us a higher chance of defeating him... THEORETICALLY SPEAKING," Sakura emphasized before she continued, "but... he's an ANBU Captain even at that age." Sakura frowned in dismay. "To even suggest that it could be done, by me, is ridiculous." Sakura stated matter-of-factly. "You'd have more luck asking somebody like Neji or Sai to go to this "mission"," she air-quoted once more.
"The reason I sent you is because I trust no one else more than you to recover such an important scroll, and I plan to take you to the past Sakura, for I know you will obey my orders, even if you don't believe me." Again, Tsunade sounded so, so calm, it almost scared her. Is she serious? Hey, she wasn't one to back down from a mission, let alone a challenge but... She crinkled her nose.
'This is... Uchiha Itachi we're talking about...' She couldn't help but frown in dismay. Even if her shishou was currently on crack, the thought that she seemed so adamant in sending her in the past kind of unnerved Sakura a little -what if she were, somehow, being completely serious? What if it were truly possible? Why her?
"Not to mention, Sakura, you have a unique Kekkai Genkai." Tsunade began. "Although you may not have it mastered, it'll be useful. Think about it... it's nearly as strong as that of the Sharingan, which would surely give you an advantage, if you had to kill Itachi," Tsunade said in an optimistic voice. "Even Neji's Byakugan stands no chance, and you know it." she stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
Sakura's eyebrow twitched. "You're nuts. You're officially nuts." Sakura chuckled incredulously, opting to turn away from her Shisui as she scratched the back of her head nervously, staring out to the village. How was she supposed to relay the news that Tsunade had officially gone bonkers? Naruto wasn't ready to assume the role of Hokage yet!
"Sakura, trust me... you're the only one who could possibly even come remotely close to completing the mission."
"Why not send Naruto or something? He's by far, stronger than anyone I've ever seen, and not to mention keeping him in the past would keep him safe from Akatsuki." Sakura noted, seeing how that would be an advantage to them. Y'know... if her shishou made any sense at all, anyway.
"Naruto's a dimwit" she stated, rolling her eyes. "With his loud mouth, he'll probably ruin his cover. Not to mention, six, twelve, or eighteen, everyone would easily be able to tell he was the Jinchuuriki, which only means trouble." Tsunade stated. "You on the other hand, would slip right in."
"Oh yes, because no one notices a girl with pink hair and green eyes." Sakura muttered, rolling her eyes at, once again, Tsunade's idiocy.
"You know that after the Massacre all records of you were erased Sakura." Tsunade stated, flinching slightly when Sakura looked away, a pout on her face at the mention. "Only clans such as the Uchiha and Hyuga had any clue of what the Haruno Clan was able to do. Fortunately, the Uchiha Clan was taken out, and the Hyuga is devoted to Konoha, so would never let that information slip. Besides, only Hiashi and the Clan Elders know anything about it." Tsunade sighed. "To the people in the past, even though the massacre had probably occurred only a few years after you arrive, you would be nothing but a young girl with peculiar hair, who happens to be super strong, and have capabilities as strong as an ANBU... They after all, knew nothing of the Haruno Clan, and knew nothing of appearances that were common."
It sounded incredulous, but hell, Itachi, the Uchiha heir, had done it, so why not Sakura, a Haruno heir? (Even though technically, they'd be missing out on that information, considering no one knew she was an heir, after all)
Sakura knew Tsunade had a good point, so she moved on to another problem on her mind. "Theoretically speaking, wouldn't I be needed here though? I mean, surely, my medical skills and everything can't exactly be replaced..." Sakura was slightly upset about the fact that it seemed she wouldn't be needed, even at times like these, but hid it as best she could.
"Of course you will be needed Sakura, but this is a matter of where you're needed most; and its in the past. This mission is far too important and dangerous for any mere ninja. And besides Sakura, you have a special power; you can bring anyone happiness with your kind, warming, and loving smile. I am trying to get Itachi alive, so he can be of use to the village, and if it possible, maybe even have him marry a powerful clan to strengthen Konoha to protect Naruto from Akatsuki. Of course, the most powerful clans that were and still are in this village are the Hyuugas', Uchihas' and of course the Haruno's." Tsunade said with a sigh. "Unfortunately, you are the last Haruno, and if we don't do anything, the Uchiha Clan will all but be extinct, no thanks to Itachi" Tsunade said it distaste. "That is also why I want you to go, you being one of the most powerful and trustworthy kunoichi out here, I am sure you can succeed." Tsunade commented, earning a smile from Sakura. "The only thing that worries me though, is that this whole time-traveling mumbo-jumbo requires a big sacrifice. So you must be prepared, for there is a goddess sealed in this scroll that will tell you a sacrifice that is equal to what you are asking for." Tsunade finally finished.
Pffft. So first she talks about time-travel and then she shifts her attention to goddesses sealed in scrolls?
"Hai Hai, Tsunade-shishou; I will obey at all costs." Sakura agreed after a long moment of silence, albeit sarcastically. Seriously, why was her shisou even making up such a strange scenario? Whatever, as long as she got her hands on that jutsu...
"Excellent, I'm glad you're on board Sakura." Tsunade smiled, opening her desk drawer and shuffling some things around until she pulled out a scroll, neatly tied and sealed with a jutsu. She handed this to Sakura, and Sakura stared at it curiously. "I want you to give this to the kage when you arrive." she merely stated.
Kage? The kazekage? So now Sakura was going to Suna?
"Hai, I understand" Sakura nodded, although in truth, she didn't understand a word that Tsunade was saying.
"By the way, there is a chance you may, or may not be able to come back to the regular time." Tsunade added in slyly, trying to slip that comment in without her noticing.
"What?" Sakura questioned in annoyance. "You're telling me you planned to send me, you're best student, to the past, not knowing whether or not I would come back?" Sakura glared at Tsunade. "THEORETICALLY SPEAKING!" She added in near anger, seeing as she was nearly starting to think Tsunade wasn't that crazy to begin with.
Tsunade looked to the left slyly, taking a swig of her sake, avoiding her glare. "You have to understand you are the first person to ever go back in time that anyone knows of." Tsunade began. "Frankly, all of this is relatively new, so I can't exactly say what will happen once you activate the jutsu." Tsunade explained.
Sakura sighed, shaking her negative thoughts away. All for this stupid jutsu... she was starting to think that perhaps it wasn't worth it... after all, Tsunade was sure to tell somebody in one of her drunken babbles, and Sakura would absolutely be the laughing stock among her friends.
Still, Sakura was in this deep, and she doubted her shishou would let her back out now... Sakura didn't really have a choice now, did she?
"What will I have to give in exchange, then?" Sakura said bitterly, going along with Tsunade.
"I can't really say for sure. Again, this time-travel stuff is relatively new stuff no one has really studied on, so the effects and sacrifices could be anything. I doubt it'll be anything like a soul, arm, leg, etc. though." Tsunade explained.
"Oh I see." Sakura said understandingly, wondering what hippie had started their ravings at Tsunade.
"Okay then, I guess everything is finally settled. "Whenever you're ready, you may open the scroll." she allowed Sakura to approach her desk and finger the scroll curiously. She opened the scroll, reading over the hand signs. She did them slowly, not even realizing that when she was nearly done, her body started to glow a light blue.
When Sakura did the last hand sign, she felt her chakra quickly leaving her body, but began to panic as she realized that it was leaving much too quickly. Alerted, she looked at Tsunade, who merely looked at her expectantly. "I know I'm old but I'm not senile Sakura, I know what I'm telling you."
This was one of the very last things Sakura managed to hear before she felt herself pass out.
Meanwhile, Tsunade frowned as Sakura began glowing a light blue, and then slowly disappeared. 'I'm sorry Sakura... but it's really the only way...'
If she could, she would send someone else less precious to her... but no, Sakura was the only one right for the job... The only one who could do it.
'Mrrrr.' Sakura couldn't quite pinpoint where she was, or what she was doing. The last thing she recalled was that she was in Tsunade's office, trying out a jutsu. Sakura tried to look around her surroundings, but found that all she could make out was white. 'Perhaps I'm in the hospital...' Sakura questioned herself.
"Excuse me!"
Sakura yelped, suddenly being touched in the shoulder by an icy cold touch. She turned, coming face to face with a young woman. "Who are you?" Sakura questioned.
"Who am I?" the goddess questioned. "Who are you? You're the one who summoned me, it's only right you introduce yourself if you require my services." she stated blatantly, eyeing Sakura.
'What? Summoned?' Sakura questioned, trying to look at her surroundings, but found that everything was still quite literally a blinding white. There was absolutely nothing, and it didn't even look like Sakura was sitting on a floor. "My name... is Sakura Haruno." she stated with a dumbfounded expression on her face.
"Hmmm... interesting." Something within the girl's eyes flashed, perhaps interest, perhaps mischief, but Sakura couldn't find it within herself to care at that moment. "What is your purpose here?" she questioned.
"My purpose..." Sakura repeated slowly, as if not understand.
"Yes, your purpose child, spit it out." the woman laughed heartily.
"Oh, umm..." Sakura blushed in embarrassment, noticing that she had been making a complete fool out of herself. "To... travel to the past..." she stated, although it sounded more like a question. Hopefully this was just code word for something, and she would soon find herself in contact with Tsunade who would just scream "April Fools!" at her.
"Ahh, I see... Yes, back before the Uchiha Massacre, yes?" the woman questioned.
"Umm... yes.. how did you-"
"Hush, no time for questions my child." the woman smiled.
Sakura didn't even have time to question why exactly the girl kept referencing her as "my child", seeing as the girl could be no more than 10 years older than her, if that.
"Time for your sacrifice..." she gave Sakura a small smile before she turned around and began walking around aimlessly.
"What should we start with? Maybe losing your memories of someone special to you?" the Goddess muttered. "Perhaps, Naruto-kun?"
Sakura's eyes widened in sudden alertness, not just because anything to do with Naruto always got her anxious, but because the woman knew of Naruto, and Sakura had never met this woman in her life before.
The Goddess merely laughed at Sakura's reaction. "Don't worry, dear Sakura-chan. I am not evil, nor your enemy" she smiled at Sakura, who merely relaxed a fraction of an inch at her words. "I would never tamper with your memories... Memories are, after all, one of man kind's most precious thing" she kept on going, but Sakura found it strange that this woman even thought she could somehow tamper with Sakura's memories.
Sakura waited for a long, long time, what seemed like hours, really, as the supposed "Goddess" kept thinking of things, shooting out random ideas, and then quickly rejecting them. Meanwhile, Sakura was sitting there, in a criss-cross apple sauce position, wondering how the hell she had gotten herself in this mess. All she wanted to do was try out that damned jutsu.
"You know what?" Sakura suddenly looked up, staring at the Goddess who seemed to finally have made up her mind. "I have finally decided." she smiled, and Sakura merely stared at her, expecting all of this to be over soon.
"I have finally decided... that I like you, Haruno Sakura"
Sakura's eyes widened just a little as she looked up, only to find the Goddess now in front of her, her knees bent just a little, only a few inches from Sakura. So what did that mean for her...?
"I won't take anything from you" she simply concluded, approaching Sakura.
"W-What?" Sakura was confused. Sakura hadn't even said one word to her! How could this woman, this supposed "goddess" sealed inside the scroll, openly proclaim to like Sakura when all she had done was answer a few questions -not even all that politely, if she were being honest.
"Very well then, you shall now be taken to the past." The Goddess didn't even give Sakura time to react, or say anything, as she planted a small kiss on Sakura's forehead. And with that, the goddess started glowing a light blue glow, and soon after Sakura did too.
"Argg! What's going on?!" Sakura questioned, staring at first the woman and then herself, noting that Sakura didn't know how to become her very own night light.
"You're going to the past, silly." The Goddess laughed a hearty laugh, but before Sakura could even question her once more, she found herself dizzy and passed out once again.
Rewritten, so as to look like crap ;D