I know I need to finish Without You but this one came to me after the last episode, (fire and ice) so I just had to write it. I wrote this right after my spanish exam actually  let me know what you think. Criticism is always welcome.

Ice Love:

Dr. Temperance Brennan knew she was going to be up all night. She didn't care though. She knew it was the only way to keep her partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth, awake.

"you must make sure Mr. Booth does not sleep tonight. The extent of his injuries can make him slip into a coma if he sleeps." Says Dr. Jacobs.

"of course, ill make sure Booth doesn't sleep." Says Tempe.

They have been ice skating for two hours and they both needed a break. They sat in the penalty box to rest when Booth put his head on her lap and quietly said;

"Bones, I'm getting tired, I'm just gonna go to sleep…"

"No Booth! You cannot sleep. You heard what the doctor said…Booth? Come on, WAKE UP! Please!" she said worriedly.

She started to cry. She held onto his body as if someone was going to steal it. She couldn't see what she would do if he went into a coma. What if he did? It would be her fault. It was her job to keep him awake! What if he never came out of it? What would she do without him in her life?

"come on Seeley! I need you!" she said screaming! She was crying harder than she ever thought possible.

"Erm…Bones…I was just kidding." He said laughing.

"Seeley Booth! HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed. She turned away but he caught her hand.

"Hey Bones…Temperance, please stop crying. Im here. See, look. Here I am." He said worried. She started sobbing hystericaly and crashed into his arms. He didn't mean to hurt her. He thought she would laugh. He never imagined that she'd react like that. Why did she?

"I thought…You were…PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" she yelled.

"Hey Hey Hey! Im not going anywhere, exspeccialy without you. Now lets skate ok?" he said looking into her eyes.

She smiled and said, "alright".

She smiled as he twirled her around. She thought to herself, How long have I felt this? This desire to be in his arms forever. How long have I been in love with him? He stopped twirling her and stood thre, holding her body so it was touching his.

"Bones, I think we need to talk…" Booth wispered.

She put her dead down but he brought it right back up.

"I don't know how long I can take this…" when Bones looked at him confused he continued, " I cant keep denying my feelings for you." He said quietly and looking into her eyes. When Brennan looked in his eyes, she saw nervousness and passion. All she said was, "what feelings?"

He smiled and leaned into her a little, she looked at him confused, " Im in love with you Temperance. Ever since christmas when caroline made us kiss, I cant stop thinking about it. I cant stop hoping it'll happen again. I want it to. No matter what I do, im never going to be able to deny it. I need you. I need to be able to call you mine." And with that, he kissed her. Softly and a short one, but they both knew that the minute that happened, sparks flew.

"But Booth, What about Agent Perrota?" she asked.

"I'll never love her. And I don't want her, I want you." He said.

"Booth?" she said. When he looked at her she simply said, "I think I'm in love with you too." And with that they smiled and shared another kiss, this time longer and with more passion. When they broke apart they continued to skate.

"Temperance, I love you." He said, she kissed him and simply said, "I love you too Booth."

They continued on all through the night. They knew that after this night there was no turning back. They will forever be together, for their love with never end.

The End. Review please. 