Edward turned his head, licking his lips.

He actually felt like this would work.

With the Joker's hand on his shoulder, Edward lifted his head up towards the bank. It was just a bank. Gotham City's bank. It held all the money-- especially the big bucks. Edward swallowed, mentally slapping himself. Stop being so goddamn greedy, that's not like you! he screamed to himself. Lowering his head, he looked down to his body. He had gained his green suit once more, covered in black question marks. He had his bowler's hat. His hair was now back to its bright red color, resembling so much of a pinkish color. It amused Joker but any mention of it made Edward immediately frustrated. It was fun to see his Eddie frustrated, though.

Any mention of the night before, though, would send the riddle-master into such a strange mood.

It made Edward act so weak, so nervous, and in a way...timid. Such behavior was unlike for such an excitable young man as Edward E. Nygma.

Joker lifted his hand away from the other's shoulder, stepped up to the bank before laughing towards Edward, looking over his shoulder with a maniac's grin.

All Edward was doing was staring. So, Joker decided to give him a little head-start. He turned, walked back over (to someone else it'd look like skipping) to the man and thrusted his arm back. Then the back of his hand met with Edward's cheek, forcing the other's head to the left. Edward barely felt anything at first but then he felt the sting of pain. Quietly, he turned his head back to the clown with glaring eyes. All the Joker did as response, though, was give him a friendly pat on the now red cheek before motioning towards the large building in front of them.

"C'mon, Eddiekins," he said with a soft giggle before turning and hurrying in.

Edward turned his head, hesitating at first before turning his head, already seeing how the Joker had easily broken in.

"...Savage," Edward said bitterly to himself quietly before hurrying after him.

Something kept telling him that this would be all over the news. And that's what probably made the Joker all the more excited. For him, though, it made him a bit nervous. What could the Joker do to him while on camera?


"We're here at Gotham City bank, where a robbery was just committed by two infamous villains by the names of the Joker and the Riddler..." the female reporter explained nervously while standing a few feet away from the bank. She kept turning her head back and forth, as if she were sure the bank were a ticking time bomb. She already knew what the Joker could do, but what about the Riddler?

One last time she turned to the bank.

Then back to the camera.

"There appears to be reinforcements... But none are sure what to do-- they have dealt with the clown before..."


Joker held a knife to a man's cheek while sitting on top of him, staring down at him with an insane grin on his face. All the while, he was talking to the man, "Y'see... This is why you shouldn't talk back to your superiors... Especially when it's quite obvious they're bet--ter than ah-you~..." His head immediately perched up as Edward shouted at him, "Stop messing around with the others, you don't want to get caught!!" Joker shook his head, stepped off of the man-- whom may have fainted due to pure fear. Before walking over to Edward, the clown turned and quickly carved a sloppy Glasgow smile into the other's face. "There, now don't you look darling?" he asked the unconscious other before walking over to Edward. The Riddler seemed to be annoyed at how the other had walked over to him so nonchalantly, as if he didn't give a care in the world. It did more than annoy him in a way... It angered him. Edward balled his hands into fists then unballed them. He kept repeating that while Joker stared at him, eye to eye. Face to face. Edward was going to say something, probably lecturing, to the other but now that he was actually over here... What could he say? He swallowed, turned his head to the side and murmured, "Never min--" A hand cupped his chin.

Turned his head forward, making him stare into the clown's manic eyes.

A grin slowly crept over the other's face, making Edward shiver. He stared up at Joker with rather wide eyes once he felt another hand on his cheek.

"Eddiekins..." he murmured onto the other's lips before forcing them down upon the other's for such a short moment. After only a few seconds, Joker ripped his lips away, biting down on Edward's lower lip and chewing lightly on it. What he got out of Edward amused and made him want the other man all over again. What he got was a sharp and loud moan of pleasure-- the other had to be a masochist. It's the only known reason why Edward would love this so damn much. Quietly, Joker took his teeth away but blinked after Edward took hold of Joker's wrist, yanked his hand in front of his face before smiling at Joker with a now bleeding lip. "...If we get caught..." Edward whispered before lowering down the clown's hand down to his chest, looking down at it with that same fox-like smile on his face. Then he looked back at Joker, who was smiling, although he seemed a bit confused as well.

"...be a little more rougher next time," he said with an eager grin on his face before taking his hand away. Joker, though, kept his hand on Edward's chest while looking down at Edward. That grin, in a way, looked charming... It was fascinating. Eddie-kins easily changed-- not that it bothered him. It just amused him how easily Edward was easily manipulated, if you just tinkered with all the right things. He immediately grabbed Edward by the collar of his suit, jerked him right over and in front of his face. He faked a sneer before grinning and laughing a breathy laugh on his lips. "I'll try to keep that in-uh--mind, Eddiekins..." With that, he forced his lips down on Edward's in a hot, messy kiss. Then he shortly took his lips away, grinned at Edward before looking to the doors where we could see swarms of policemen standing and pointing their guns at the doors. They were waiting for them both to step out.

But they wouldn't actually shoot.

They were shaking.

Shaking in fear.

The Joker could see this.

He chuckled and gave Edward a hard pat on the back, still looking at the glass doors. Shaking. Pathetic... It made him want to laugh all the more, though.

"Eddie old boy... They're waiting for us..." At this, Edward turned his head to the doors. He then rolled his eyes and shook Joker's hand off of his shoulder with a sly smile on his face.

"Watch." That's all Edward said to the Joker before hurrying out of the sight of the police, dragging Joker by the arm with him. He then began undoing his suit's buttons, wrinkling it quite a bit, messing up with what he could of his hair, tearing off his "mask", overall making it look like he had just got done being in a brawl and not being the victor. He flashed the clown a smile before grasping onto the other's clothing, jerking them towards him. Their lips floated over the other's as they both gave their beloved a sadistic smile.

"You're a sly bastard, Eddie..." the Joker whispered onto the other's lips.

Edward chuckled again, "Yes, yes. I know, I know..." He then took his hands away from the Joker's shirt, put them up to the clown's green hair and messed it up even more. He then moved his hands down to his face, pressing his fingernails lightly into the skin. The Joker did not cringe or flinch, all he did was snicker at the slight twinge of pain he felt at those fingernails. His eyes managed to look at them more closely, seeing that they were painted black. Nice color... "Goes well with you, Eddie..." This caused Edward to stop his nails and look at Joker with a slightly confused face. "Excuse me?" he asked.

"The nails... They go well with a man like you, Eddiekins."

That's what made Edward smirk, slowly drag his fingernails down Joker's cheeks, causing light cuts in his skin.

Edward then proceeded to pull Joker's jacket apart, making sure to pull here and there at the buttons to make it look like he had a bit of difficulty during such brawl. After Edward was done "fixing" them both up, he clasped Joker's hand in between his hands. Bringing the hand up to his lips, he gave the middle knuckle a gentle peck and looked to Joker with a weak yet proud smile on his lips. The whispered, almost hushed words, came from his lips, "...Darling... If you get bored with your life of crime... What do you do? I want to know..." The Joker tilted his head at hearing Edward's question. "...I hope it's something at least a bit exciting..." That's what made the Joker grin down at Edward and use his free hand to cup the other's chin in his fingers. Jerking at his chin, forcing the other to look up at him. Edward, though, was smiling at him brightly. It made the Joker feel something different. Something...positive, for a lack of a better word.

"Trust me, Eddie..." the Joker whispered roughly and quickly on the other's lips before looking around the bank.

Then he looked back down at his Eddie and murmured the words onto the other's lips,

"It's very exciting."

With that, he pulled his hand away from Edward's chin, turned his back to the Riddler but still spoke to him.

"Sometimes... When I'm so...bored, I rather just go back to Arkham."

Edward blinked wide eyes before staring at Joker with his mouth open. The Joker seemed to sense the other's shocked expression. He looked over his shoulder at the riddle-master. He gave out a breathy giggle before looking back forward. Edward wasn't so sure of what to say to the clown-- was he being serious!? He wasn't sure-- it wasn't, in any possibly way, obvious-- how could he even think of going back to that hell hole!? The very thought almost enraged Edward as he stepped forward, grasping him by the arm and managing to give a strong jerk, forcefully turning the clown around to face him. There was just a faint hint of rage in the other's eyes, he could see it. He smiled, though, thinking of it adorable and rather all the more attractive. It just appealed to him in much more ways than one. Edward narrowed his eyes, as if feeling the Joker's growing feelings for him-- as if they couldn't increase any more. He growled at the Joker, though it was light and faint, once the clown had shaken his hand off with such little effort despite him thinking he had grasped so tightly.

It was...impossible.

So very impossible.

Edward then raised his voice, almost shouting but knowing if he was any louder, they would be caught.

"You're willing to go back to Arkham!? After all the work-- all the work you had to spend trying to break out!" Edward was seething with anger. He could not figure out the logic behind the Joker's words. How was Arkham, of all places, more exciting than a life of crime! He wanted to know. He wanted to know desperately. Desperately. What was so good about Arkham Asylum? All he got as an answer was a grin. Edward opened his lips, about to scream at him. Quickly and suddenly, a hand threw itself over his lips. Joker moved his face in front of Edward's, laughing right in his face before moving his lips right besides the other's ear. He parted his lips, letting his tongue slide over the soft, almost pale skin of Edward's ear. He chuckled when he got a shiver out of the other, figuring the shiver was out of pure excitement.

Edward didn't want to admit it, but it truly was a thrill-- a thrill to have this man all over him.

Joker took his tongue away, whispering such harsh and frightening words into Edward's ear, "Eddiekins isn't allowed to raise his voice at his clown prince..."

Edward immediately froze up as he was pushed up against the wall, forgetting all about the police standing outside, pointing guns at the building. His mind quickly remembered all of the police. Shouldn't they have the common sense to walk in...? It's taking so damn long for them to actually come out, what's the point in waiting? They'll have less of a chance of catching the criminals-- the most dangerous criminals in Edward's opinion.

Then his mind was a blank.

A blank because of the Joker angrily (it frightened yet excited Edward) saying, "It'd be nice if you could apologize to me."

Edward turned his head to the side, shut his eyes and sighed.

"...I will not apologize to yo-- hnngh!!" His words were immediately halted when the Joker had clutched what he could of Edward's hair, forcing him to look back.

His eyes widened at the sight before him.

A.N. Hullooo~ :D Sorry for getting this chapter up so late... soo late... School has started for me a while ago and there's barely any time to get in any work. So please feel free to yell at me if this chapter isn't as pleasing to you guys. Also sorry if the grammar is horrible-- I'm so sure there to be at least 9000 mistakes in there... Reviews would be so nice, though~!