He watched her on the dance floor; he must have been sat there for an hour by now. Normally she would have realised he was around, but tonight she seemed to be far too engrossed in the music to notice anything going on around her, him included. He wondered how she always found him so easily, but something always kept him from asking, tonight he found he didn't care, he was fine just watching from a distance; just as she normally did.

She was a tempting sight, he couldn't help but admit. The tight fitting black hipster jeans emphasised her slender yet powerful legs, and of course gave a rather nice view of her behind. She had changed her usual loose t-shirts for a silver metallic and irrevocably skin-tight boob-tube that left her well-toned stomach bare. The thin sheen of sweat coating it just made him want her more.

He had never really thought of her like this, but she had never exactly dolled herself up before, never tried to make herself look as stunning as she did right now. The outfit was perfect, down to the black stiletto sandals he wasn't really sure how she was balancing, given some of the dance moves she was performing, and a performance was really what it was, stunning, beautiful and perfect.

There were a lot of other eyes on her, he had noticed that straight away, in fact, looking to figure out who everyone was staring at was the only reason he knew she was here. A nightclub was far from being his usual haunt, but for whatever reason he had wanted the atmosphere tonight and he wasn't disappointed by the coincidence. He didn't really like them staring, but he couldn't stop them, it was a public place and she stood out.

As long as they looked, he could deal with it, as long as they left her alone to move and twist and sway as she pleased. If they touched her on the other hand, someone would be finding their way to the infirmary. Ruby belonged to him and no half-drunk idiot would be putting their dirty hands on what was his. Sam was protective of his things, possessive maybe, not that Ruby was an item, he didn't think of her like that.

Some random idiot or other made the mistake of getting a little too close for Sam's liking, not that Ruby seemed to notice, it was a nightclub after all, people slipped past other people on a regular basis. When his hand grabbed her backside however she noticed, not that she had any time to react to it before Sam was there. The idiot hit the floor well before he even realised he'd been hit and Sam wrapped an arm protective around Ruby's waist, leading her away.

Ruby laughed gently when they got outside. "I could have handled that myself you know? Some people would think it was an act of jealousy…"

Ruby was pushed back against the wall, Sam kissing her possessively. "I don't like people touching what's mine."

He didn't miss the satisfied smirk that crept onto her lips before he was kissing her again. He knew she wouldn't mind him claiming her as his own, they had already slept together and she always gave him whatever he needed. Dean would be pissed, assuming he found out; Sam didn't think his brother really needed to know that particular aspect of his private life, nor why Sam wouldn't get back to their motel until morning.