Disclaimer: Really wish I owned it, but I don't.

A/N: Something me and my friend noticed when we were watching a music channel and this group came up. Go check it out, see if you agree with us ^.^

Readers are needed. Reviewers are wanted.

"I've figured it out! I've figured it out!"

Shawn ran down the main hall of the police headquarters, breathlessly shouting his mantra until he reached Detective Carlton Lassiter's office. Once there, he leant against the door frame, panting heavily.

The Detective jumped to his feet: "What? Have you figured out where the money is?"

He shook his head no, still catching his breath, and Carlton sighed in exasperation. "Well, what is it then?"

"What's what?" Shawn replied, finally able to breathe.

The muscle in Lassiter's jaw ticked and he once again thought that Shawn came here only to annoy the hell out of him: "What is it that you've figured out?"

"Oh, right – I've finally realised who you remind me of!" and he produced a picture from his side with a flourish and a grin. The Detective went pale. "Oh come on, Lassie! You can't say you can't see the similarities, y'know, if you take away the moustache and the fact that he's dressed as a cowboy...and that he was in one of the gayest-"

"Get. Out." He snatched the picture and stared at it intensely.

"Look on the bright side, at least you know what to dress up as for Halloween," Shawn pushed, instinctively taking a step back as the detective looked at him with a murderous glare and he nodded patronizingly. "Ok, ok I'm going – but just remember Carlton," he stopped just outside of the office, pointed at the angry man and whispered: "They, want, you!"

Lassiter slammed the door in his face.

Walking towards the bin, he stared at the picture with contempt. "There is no way I look like that," he stated and promptly threw the image of 'The Village People' in the trash.
