As soon as Cammie ran out of the room my mind told my feet to move after her. Despite the yelling of my friends and Mr Solomon I chased after her, through the computer lab door and towards the school.

'Cammie,' I yelled trying to get her attention. 'Cammie stop!'

She didn't turn or even break her run. I watched as she yanked the front door open and disappeared inside. Pushing myself to run faster I jumped up the front steps and pulled the heavy doors open myself. Inside was utter chaos, students ran around as teachers yelled loudly to quiet them down. I felt myself get shoved and hit as I stood there looking for Cammie. My eyes zeroed in on a girl pushing her way through the masses of people towards the stairs and began after her automatically.

'Cammie,' I tried to yell again over the roar of the student body but it was no use, all I could do was force my way through as well after her.


As soon as I realized where the hacking was coming from I didn't think I just reacted. I don't think I had ever run so fast in my life as I did when I was moving up the steps to the second floor. The corridors up there were clearing out since all the students were to meet in the dining hall, so that just left me to face what was to come alone. While running I noticed a pointy looking object on the wall and quickly yanked it as I passed to use as a weapon, my footsteps became lighter as I slowed down outside the room that was pin pointed on Liz's computer... my room.

I tried to calm my breaths when I noticed the door was open a slither, I couldn't afford the risk of them hearing me, I needed the ultimate advantage of surprise if I wanted to stop them.

'They found our signal,' a man said from inside the room. I stepped closer to the door and let my eye peek through the crack. I chocked back a scream when the tall muscular man turned side on allowing me to see his face. It was him, the man that betrayed my father and attacked me in the park, Connor Barkly.

Suddenly feeling less brave I tried to back away but ended up bumping into something firm behind me. My heart gave a jump start as my eyes widened unusually wide. Before I could scream a hand covered my mouth and pulled me against a hard chest.

'Cammie, don't scream, it's just me,' Zach whispered soothingly in my ear. As soon as I heard his voice my body sagged against his warm one in sudden relief. 'Don't ever run away from me again.'

I nodded fiercely since his hand was still covering my mouth and because we had to be quiet. Seeming to realize this Zach quickly let go, moving his hand to my waist and leaning closer to my ear 'Who,' was all he asked.

'The man from the park,' I murmured back and moved my hand to cover his.

'That's not good enough!' A sudden loud voice yelled causing me to jump. 'I need all there information and personal files. There is no way I'm letting these little shits send me to death row by helping the CIA to track me down, especially the Morgan girl. If she is anything like her father she will not stop looking.'

'But boss I-'

A soft clicking of the safety hatch of a gun being removed was heard throughout the room, followed by a deep gulp.

'DO AS I SAY,' Connor said dangerously slow. 'And do it now!'

'We can't let him get those files,' I whispered to Zach.

He looked down at me and nodded then suddenly focused on my other hand holding the pointy object. 'Pass me that.'

I gave him a curious look and handed it over without question. Zach let go of my waist much to my dilemma and lined himself up to the crack in the doorway.

'Get ready to run,' he said then held his arm back over his shoulder as if he was about to throw something. The pointy object (which I now think is some kind of antique pen) glistened in the light before being propelled forward by Zach's fast hand into the room.


Bullseye, I cheered to myself before turning and pulling Cammie into a run. Gun shots began to fire immediately at the door and making holes in the wall across the hallway. I had managed to shatter the screen to the laptop they were using to hack with and hoped it would be enough to keep whatever they wanted out of their hands.

I looked back to see the door being pulled open and two men step out holding their guns in our direction. I grabbed Cammie's hand and pulled her into the nearest room just as a bullet zipped past my ear.

'You found the hacker I see,' a voice said behind us, as I slammed the door closed. I spun around to see Bex and Grant standing on either side of the doorway with random objects in their hands.

'Yeah and there pissed,' Cammie said moving further into the room.

'Quick we have to-'

I cut off when the door got slammed into by what I would imagine to be a man's body trying to open it. The door handle rattled wildly as the person turned it in agitation.

'There's no other exists,' Grant sung nervously eyeing the room.

'Yes there is,' Bex said running to the window.

'Are you crazy,' Grant argued. 'It's a 15 foot drop.'

Bang, Bang, Bang.

'Actually in this case never mind,' Grant corrected himself helping Bex open the window.

'Zach,' Cammie called. 'Help me with this chest.'

I looked over to see Cammie pushing a heavy looking set of draws towards the door to block it. I came up next up and put my arms on either side of her and gave a firm push. Despite the situation I felt my body tingle as it touched hers in a way that made me want to turn her around and kiss her.

'You two come on,' Bex shouted.

The pounding on the door became louder then suddenly stopped. I paused what I was doing and stared at the door in suspision.

'Do you think they're gone?' Grant asked.

'Where is Mr. Solomon?' Cammie said slightly out of breath. 'Shouldn't he be here kicking ass with his killer moves.'

'Shh,' I hissed, stepping closer to the door. My inner senses told me something was up, they wanted us dead and here was there opportune moment to do why give up so easily.

'Zach what is it?' Cammie asked.

A soft beep met my ear as I pressed it against the door. Beep, Beep, Beep, it sounded almost as if they were speeding up as if to signal a countdown...

'Shit,' I cursed in realization jumping back. 'Find cover, NOW!'

I ran over to Cammie and dove on her, tackling her to the ground for safety. Just as our bodies slammed onto the wood floor an ear shattering BOOM erupted in the room, blowing it to peices.


I squeezed my eyes shut and held on tightly to Zach as my ears began to ring and debris fell around us. Zach had managed to knock us under one of the 4 poster beds and amazingly out of harm's way. I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly trying to get the dirt out of them. As I looked in front of me I saw a now gaping hole in the front of the room with smoke and black markings around its jagged edges.

Dirt and dust floated all around the room and into my mouth and nose causing me to go into a sudden coughing fit.

'Are you okay,' Zach coughed from beside me.

'Just dandy,' I croaked out, turning over to face him. 'Are you okay?'

'I have a beautiful girl in my arms, why wouldn't I be okay?'

I hit him as hard as I could while being trapped under a bed and tried not to blush while keeping my stern face in place 'Can you please be serious.'

He gave a soft smile 'I'm fine, don't worry about me.'

'How can I not,' I said then suddenly chocked in horror causing me to go into another fit of coughing.

'Christ Cammie,' Zach said in alarm squeezing my free hand. 'If anything I should be the one constantly worrying about you.'

'Bex... Grant,' I coughed out and pushed him.

He seemed to get the idea of what I was saying because he gracefully slid out from under the bed and jumped up. Seconds later a hand appeared from above which I grabbed gratefully. Effortlessly I was tugged out and pulled up by Zach into the now destroyed room.

'Hate to be the person, who stayed here,' Zach muttered then scanned the room. 'GRANT!'

'BEX,' I wheezed out while kicking things out of my way. Nothing in the room was in place or even intact. The wall which the window had once been in was now another giant hole in the wall with a strong breeze blowing through. Everything had a layer of ash and dirt over it and was charcoal black.

'GRANT, BEX,' I yelled again.

'Where down here,' Grant's voice shouted from somewhere far away.

I glanced at Zach who looked equally as confused 'WHERE?'

'Down on the ground you idiots,' Bex yelled.

I walked over to the massive hole and peered down. Sure enough there was Bex and Grant lying sprawled out across the lawn.

'Holy Crap,' Zach laughed looking down next to me. 'You two actually jumped.'

'It was either that or get blown up,' Grant called coughing slightly. 'I choose life!'

Bex leaned over and whacked him in the stomach 'You only jumped because I pushed you.'

'And you only landed without breaking your back because I broke your fall,' he retorted.

Bex smiled slightly at that and tucked a strand of lose hair behind her ear 'I know and that was very... gentlemanly of you.'

'You sound surprised by that,' Grant smirked. 'I told you I can be a gentleman.'

I watched in shocked and sheer delight as Bex leant down and gave Grant a kiss on the lips 'Well I believe you now. Thank you.'

When she looked up to smile at me I saw the dreamy faraway look on Grant's face and couldn't help but laugh.

'He's whipped,' Zach chuckled pulling me into his side.

'One couple down only Liz and Macey to go,' I mentally ticked off. 'Should be easy.'

'OH MY GOD,' a new voice squealed from the ground. Liz and the others were running up the lawn to Bex and Grant from the direction of the computer labs all of them yelling things at the same time.

'What the hell happened?'

'OH MY GOD, Bex did you just kiss Grant?'

'Grant you sly dog!'

'That hole must have been caused by a type C class handmade bomb.'

'Are you two okay?'

It was this voice from behind me that caught my attention making me turn away from my friends below me. In the other hole doorway across the room stood my mother and Mr. Solomon both holding guns skilfully, ready for an attack.

'We're fine,' I said stepping out of Zach's hold and walking over to my mother.

She pulled me into a fierce hug as soon as I reached her 'Oh Cammie, why are you always in the middle of situations like these, you're giving me grey hairs girl!'

I laughed into her shoulder and shrugged 'It's in my genes.'

'Well they got what they wanted,' Mr. Solomon said gravely.

'What,' Zach demanded. 'I thought I destroyed the laptop in time.'

Mr. Solomon shook his head and sighed 'Jonas and Liz said they managed to download most of the data onto a device of some kind, you did cut them off before they took everything but they did get a fair amount of information.'

I gulped and pulled away from my mother's grip so I could stare her in the eye 'So what now?'

Staring me in the eye my mum gave me a look of worry. 'We move you 8 into hiding.'

RECORD! A week to update! Sadly I've been sick all week allowing me to work on stories and stuff instead of doing school work because of my even shorter now attention span. PLEASE REVIEW!