Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Final chapter! It came out a little shorter than I had expected so I kind of integrated a mini epilogue at the end. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, guys!

XrazorxpiesX: I don't really see Voldemort as loving Bella. He just takes advantage of her love to suit his needs.

vertpassionrouge: you're so sweet! Well I hope this update wasn't too late.

LazyCatfish27: haha I know, but cliffies are needed in a story.

J3nny: don't lose hope yet for Rod 

Smaginn: awww thanks! Glad u like the tom/herm. Most people were kinda weirded out, but when you really think about it, they have a lot in common so I don't think it's too much of a stretch.

Thanks for the reviews.

Rodolphus looked startled as he entered and found his wife standing right in front of their lord. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting, my lord?" he said attempting to sound off-hand, but the pain in his eyes was visible, and it made Bellatrix want to pull her hair out.

"No, we were simply having a discussion," Voldemort said quickly and moved away from Bellatrix who was looking everywhere but at her husband. "What do you need?"

"His lordship knows by now, I'm sure, about Bellatrix's and my divorce, but I just thought you ought to hear it from me. It would be disrespectful to go about it any other way," Rodolphus said. Bellatrix tried to look at him, but she still couldn't; however she didn't want to gaze at her lord because she didn't want Rodolphus to feel uncomfortable. "I also want to assure you that this will in no way affect my loyalty and devotion to you and the cause. The vow I took all those years ago is fresh in my mind, and I do not intend to break it as you have given me no reason to. Everything you promised to do we have achieved; so I feel nothing towards you except the utmost respect."

Bellatrix turned to look at her lord whose hard gaze was fixed on Rodolphus. "Are all the claims you just made to me true?"

"Yes, of course, my lord," Rodolphus said quickly while taking a step towards him and inviting him to search his mind.

Just then, the door was opened; and the tension in the room was momentarily lifted by Hermione's unexpected arrival. "Rodolphus," she greeted with a candid smile before coming to stand next to her husband. Bellatrix involuntarily took a step away from the Dark Lord and threw a glance at Hermione.

"You see, Rodolphus, I have the feeling that your loyalty has suffered due to recent occurrences, and I can't risk the consequences of that," Voldemort finished staring coldly at his servant who seemed to have just realized the gravity of the situation. Out of the corner of her eye, Bellatrix saw the look of fear on Rodolphus' face and quickly averted her eyes to the carpet while biting her lip to prevent herself from losing her composure. She knew he wouldn't live much longer. It was when she rapidly looked upwards to dry up the involuntary tears that sprang in her eyes, that she saw Hermione gazing at her. Bellatrix blushed at the idea of the mudblood seeing her cry, but that thought was quickly overridden by more pressing worries.

"Haven't you checked Rodolphus' truthfulness, my lord? With your Legilimency skills you could easily put any worries at ease, and I am sure that Rodolphus has nothing to hide," Hermione was saying.

"I've already checked him," Voldemort replied looking down at his wife.

"And seeing as how Rodolphus is still alive, I am to assume that you have verified he is not ill-intentioned," the brunette went on. Bellatrix was staring at their exchange with bated breath. She knew Hermione was Rodolphus' last chance at survival.

"Yes, but there is always a chance . . ." he muttered, brown eyes shining.

Hermione peaked an eyebrow. "So, you're doubting your skills, my lord?"

Voldemort's eyes flashed, and he threw back his head as if he had been slapped. "Never," he snapped.

"Well then shouldn't you be dismissing Rodolphus and Bellatrix? I am sure they have a lot to discuss amongst themselves," Hermione replied.

The frowning Dark Lord stood silently, his large eyes found their way to Rodolphus', and a few seconds later, fluttered away like a butterfly that lost interest on a particular flower. He made a dismissive wave with his hand and turned away towards the corner bar. Bellatrix swallowed somewhat audibly, could it really be happening? Were they off the hook? She didn't even have enough time to answer her question as she was pulled away by Rodolphus who led her outside while holding her tightly by the arm. Once they were out of earshot and in a deserted parlor, he turned to her in a fury.

"What did you tell him about me? You were going to have him kill me; if it hadn't been for the Lady I would be dead right now," he finished as if he still couldn't believe he was alive.

"No, I didn't want to kill you! It was all him, he assumed that you would want to get revenge on him for sleeping with me all these years. He wanted me to kill you, but I didn't want to and before you came in that's what I was telling him!" Bellatrix said coming towards him. "Rodolphus, it's over, and to tell you the truth, I don't mind as much as I did when you left."

"Do you still love him?" Rodolphus said quietly, the anxiousness in his voice palpable.

"I do, and I always will, but I found that the closer I grew to him, the more my love faltered. It's . . ." Bellatrix struggled for words, "it's as if he were a rose. It is something so beautiful and perfect at first sight, but when you come closer; you see the thorns, and the bug-ridden center . . . " Bellatrix voice lowered with each word before dying off. "I don't want to get so close to him as to become disillusioned."

"No one's perfect," Rodolphus said quietly.

"No one," Bellatrix admitted looking at him in the eye. "I'm not proud of the way I treated you all these years. You had to put up with a lot; you never complained, and you stuck by me no matter how badly I treated you. I had to lose you to be able to realize this, and so now all I can say is that I want you back. You mean so much to me, and I couldn't imagine life without you anymore."

"How do I know you won't go back with him?"

"I don't want to," Bellatrix said coming closer to him, "and he won't want to because I disobeyed a direct order by refusing to kill you. He knows know that my love for him is not as unconditional as he thought."

For the first time, a small smile made its way onto Rodolphus' face like the sun peeking from behind stormy clouds. Bellatrix returned his smile and reached for his hand. "Are we good then?"

"Yes," he replied taking a stronger hold of her hand, "we are."

"What time do I need to be at the ministry?"

"At four, my lord," Bellatrix said looking down at her lord who was sitting at the table under the gazebo. It was a beautiful summer day; her lord wore a thin linen white shirt and black pants while sipping out of a martini glass.

"Should I push it back to five?"

He shook his head. "No, there's not that much to do around here, anyway. Ever since that baby came, Hermione's been spending every waking minute with it."

"Isn't it a boy, my lord?"

He shrugged. "It's not going to be sexually active until a while from now so does it really matter?"

Bellatrix didn't reply and fought the amused smile that wanted to appear on her face. Voldemort was silent as well as he stared out at the Koi pond they were in the middle of. Further away stood the mansion's back entrance, the grand doors had been opened to allow the gentle summer breeze in through the rippling white curtains.

"How do I look, Bellatrix?" He asked suddenly, a hint of a smirk on his face.

"As stylish as usual, my lord, a paradigm of elegance."

His sideways smirk became more pronounced. "You find me attractive then?"

It was Bellatrix's turn to smile coyly. "Your wife is a very lucky woman, indeed."

His smile disappeared, and an annoyed look took over his face as he waved her off. Bellatrix walked back onto the lawn feeling proud but anguished at the same time. She had resisted his advances! Would Narcissa be proud, she had always referred to Bellatrix as the Dark Lord's 'favorite plaything', but that was no more. At times it was hard for Bellatrix to not fall into her old routine of complete devotion; However, at the same time, not much had changed: she still loved him, was fervently loyal and would do anything to assure his well-being. The difference being, she was a little more selfish. Bellatrix was sure that the small degree of selfishness she had gained would vanish in an instant if her lord pushed hard enough, but he hadn't. It was as if he too had realized that the parasitic relationship he'd imposed on her had run its course. He had other things to worry about now and occupy his time. There were always occasional relapses of course, – like the one at the end of their conversation – but Bellatrix was able to fend them off when they occurred.

"Are we still going at four?" Rodolphus asked Bellatrix as she walked into the foyer.

"Yes, he's not changing it," she said as she turned towards the music room where many female voices could be heard crooning and squealing.

"Ooh, he's so cute!"

"Look at those big eyes with their long lashes," one of the women said in a baby voice. There was a collective squeal. "Look at him smiling! Awww"

Bellatrix turned to look at her husband who was rubbing his ear as if it pained him. "This is what I've had to deal with while your were out there having your chat with him."

Bellatrix sniffed humorously while grabbing his hand and leading him outside. "I told you to come with me."

"He's still kind of mad at me."

"If he were, he wouldn't be taking you with him to the ministry today," Bellatrix replied walking past the maze and towards a path leading into the forest.

"Still," Rodolphus muttered, "just because you get off completely doesn't mean he doesn't harbor some sort of suspicion towards me."

"I didn't get off, Rodolphus, he let go." She turned towards him, stopping in the path. "We're all better off this way."

"You still love him though," Rodolphus muttered a little resentful.

"Yes, but I love you, too. I might be in love with him, but you keep me happy and stable whereas with the Lord, I would eventually . . . collapse into myself like a dying star. We are too similar, he and I, and you can't put out a fire with more fire, you need water, which is what you are to me and Hermione to him." Bellatrix finished with a smile; not so much directed at Rodolphus, but at herself, because for the first time, she understood.