
Series: Nabari no Ou

Pairings: MiharuxYoite

Summary: Miharu has been toying with the idea of testing just how close he can get to Yoite.

Warnings: Yaoi, nakedness(in subsequent chapters), rating may rise.

Yoite didn't actually like Ms. Hanabusa's house. It was warm and relaxing. He could doze off to the sound of the mantle clock tick. The couch was soft and cupped his form, shaving away his tense alert edge. He relaxed and he smiled and Miharu smiled. Yoite tried not to be comfortable at Ms. Hanabusa's home. Yoite would sit on edge of the same couch, refusing the gentle comfort. He frowned at Ms. Hanabusa and used whatever terse, rude speech he could to separate her motherly presence from himself.

Because Yoite didn't want to like it here.

Even if her sweets tasted like something other than black and her fingers felt like more than ash. He wasn't alive. He didn't need it.

The playful voice of Ms. Hanabusa's voice floated out of the room, brushing Yoite's bangs as a breeze ran by. The death god was outside, curled up, staring, quiet. He was ignoring the warm inside with that woman and Miharu. And she sounded so cheerful that Yoite thought it'd crush him if he paid mind to her voice.

And then, for at least a whole minute, no noise came across Yoite's ears. Frightened suddenly, Yoite lifted his head just a little and strained to hear something from the other room. Was he losing another one of his senses? Taste, sight, hearing, touch. Filed down to a near dull already had he completely lost hearing now? Forever? Yoite almost panicked. He strained harder and harder, reaching out into the dark night for a whisper in the trees or the sound of a book page being turned.

A yawn. A loud, tired, drawn out yawn. It scared him so much that he lifted his head and looked back into that home. Miharu sat, leaned back against the back of the couch, one hand covering his gaping mouth. Ms. Hanabusa giggled at Miharu. Yoite turned away again, his worries about his hearing gone as he quietly tried to melt in with the night again.


"Can I take a bath first?" Miharu fluttered at Ms. Hanabusa, knowing he sounded a little sleepy as he spoke. Oh, he was sure even if he'd asked her normally or even offhandly, she would allow him probably with the same motherly air and wit she always had. But Miharu needed to warm up his devil act before he attacked the real prize.

Miharu wasn't blind. He knew already that Yoite didn't like being at Ms. Hanabusa's house. Although he'd never heard the reason for himself, he figured it had something to do with him not wanting others close to him. Not even Miharu was allowed too close, even though he seemed to be the only one with permission to hold hands with Yoite and hold him up when he was faint. Today the little devil was going to see how close he could get.

Now granted access to the bath, Miharu headed out onto the porch. He unshoed feet paused at the threshold, his little body and head leaning out towards Yoite.

"Yoite." No response. Maybe Yoite couldn't hear him well enough. The second time he spoke louder, "Yoite!"

The pretty older boy moved his head in Miharu's direction, indicating that he was listening but still ignoring him. Miharu considered this to be one of his bad points.

"Yoite. Come take a bath with me," he cooed, pouting cutely at the lump on the steps.


Miharu crept forward just a little, crouching down on his tip toes with his hands folded on his knees by his face. "Please?" now Miharu played an apathetic voice with a bored face. It usually worked best on Yoite since he was used to seeing Miharu acting that way. Miharu supposed that it made him feel like nothing was changing, even though he was asking something intimate nothing was different.

To this he got the response he wanted. Yoite pulled himself up to his feet slowly without rushing or hurry. Miharu followed him up reaching out and taking Yoite's hand. He only needed to tug once to set Yoite in step with him. In fact, there was slack between their arms as they strolled past the couch. Ms. Hanabusa was sternly celebrating Miharu's cunning win into the text of her book.

Author's Note: Reviews and favs and stuff make me write new chapters faster. Also put what kind of service you would like and I'll include it if I can. Thanks.