Yay! New story :D

When I was skiing in Korea last year, this idea popped into my head. This is going to be my first DGM story with multiple chapters. Enjoy. :)

EDIT: After reading this chapter for the sixth time, I realised that I do not likey this chapter that much. SO, it'll probably be re-written. But the rest of the chapters are fine, for now.

Disclaimer: Must we all do this all the time? I do not own DGM, except for the plot of my story.


"Allen! I miss you so much!"

Allen gave Lenalee a big warm hug while she returned it whole-heartily.

Allen and Lenalee were best friends since high school. But something came up during their junior year which made Lenalee left Allen. She had no other choice because it was her older brother. He was offered a well-paid job overseas. No doubt he accepted the offer, but he came to realise that his beloved sister had to leave her best friend behind. Lenalee, being the understanding one, understood her brother's decision. She bid farewell to her best friend, never forgetting him. They sent post cards, e-mails, anything to get in touch with each other. Recently, both of them graduated from their high schools. Allen thought of a brilliant idea. Since both of them were free from high school, he planned a holiday trip together. Oh, not just any ordinary trip. It was a trip to a ski resort. In Japan. It was just right after new year. Actually, a week after new year. It was winter time in Japan, a perfect time to ski and so, both of them wanted to try out skiing. So there they were, in Japan's International Airport, they met up with each other outside the airport and now, hugging and very happy to see each other again.

"Oh, Allen. You've grown so much. Around the same height as me!" Lenalee placed a hand above her head, measuring Allen's height to hers.

"Nuh-uh. I'm taller than you now, Lenalee." Allen playfully tiptoed so he could get a little taller than Lenalee.

Lenalee giggled and tried pushing Allen down to his original height. "Wait till you're 20, then you'll be taller than me, shorty."

Allen pursed his lips, pouting. "You're mean, Lenalee."

"And you look cute when you pout like that. Like a kid! "

"I'm not cute! Or a kid!"

Lenalee giggled again. "Sure, Allen. Sure."

"So, how's life in Hong Kong?"

"It's good. It would have been better if you're around."

"Yes, I know. But you know how my stepfather is. That bastard won't even let me visit you that time. Only after I graduated!"

"Well, now you've graduated and with me now! From the time being."

Lenalee wrapped her arms around, trying to keep herself warm from the cold weather. "Can we get a cab to head to the resort now? It's freezing here!"

Allen looked around, searching for a taxi. "Or we could take that bus to the resort. It says 'Ja-Pan Ski Resort'. That's our resort we're going to stay in!"

"Okay! As long as the bus has a heater in it, I'm fine with it." Lenalee picked her two luggages up, ready to walk to the bus. Allen did the same.

"Oh hey, are we suppose to put our luggages here? The driver is helping everyone else to put in their luggages."

"I think so. Let's just leave it here then." Allen placed his two rather heavy luggages down on the ground, along with the other luggages and let out a puff of air. Why did he pack so much stuff in there again?

"Now that's settled. Let's grab a seat in the bus and get some rest. It's going to take a while to reach our resort." Lenalee said, already on the steps up to the bus.

"Right behind you!"


"Wow." Allen spent nearly a minute, gawking at the ski slopes.

They arrived at the resort a few hours later and right now, they were standing in front of the resort with the ski slopes facing it. There were so many people skiing on the slopes, so graceful, so well-experience, like a professional. Well, by the looks of it, most of them are professional skiers. How are they going to not look like amateur idiots while skiing? To Allen, it was a mystery.

"Close your mouth, Allen. Or do you want to catch a fly?" Allen closed his mouth, but still unable to take his eyes off of the people skiing on the ski slopes. Seriously, how can they ski like that?

Apparently, Lenalee knew what he was thinking about and answered, "The answer is simple. We're going to sign up for ski lessons! That's the reason why we're here, right?"

"Oh yeah. Plus bonding together." Allen grinned.

Lenalee flashed Allen a smile. "Let's get our luggages, check in into our room, unpack our things and get the ski lessons started!"

Allen shook his head, still grinning. Lenalee couldn't wait until the next day, because she was always so eager to do things, especially things which are new to her.

Suddenly, Lenalee let out a small gasp. "Where are our luggages? Everyone has gotten their own, except for us. And the driver is about to leave."


"Don't worry. I'll ask the driver." Allen tried calming Lenalee down a bit before asking the driver. "Excuse me? What happened to our luggages? Everyone else has gotten-" The driver cut him off and said something foreign to Allen.

Allen gave him a puzzled look. "I beg your pardon?"

The driver sighed and repeated his words slowly so that Allen could understand what he was saying. Question marks were appearing on top of Allen's head. It was obvious that Allen could not understand a thing. So, Allen did what he had to do which was pushing Lenalee in front of him, hoping that she knew what the man was talking about.

"Lenalee, you know Japanese right? Because I have no idea what he was talking about. So, you are my only hope!"

Lenalee stared at Allen with a look that clearly said 'Do you not remember that I'm not Japanese.' It took Allen a moment to figure out what she meant.

"...Oh wait. You're Chinese.." Allen laughed sheepishly while scratching behind his head.

Lenalee resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

They heard some snickering from behind. They turned to look to see who was the idiot-I mean, guy who was laughing. It turned out to be a cute red-headed guy(according to Lenalee) who was the one snickering at them. Apparently, he was watching them trying to communicate with the bus driver, but failing to understand. Next to the red head was a gorgeous-looking raven-haired Japanese man with a high pony tail tied behind his head with a scowl pasted on his face next to him. Clearly, he didn't want to be there, but his red-headed friend somehow managed to drag him there.

The long-haired man elbowed his friend hard on his ribs, causing the red-head to wince, but still managed to laugh while in pain. After recovering from the pain, the red head nudged his Japanese friend and pointed his finger at Allen and Lenalee, whispering into his friend's ear. Feeling a breath tickling his ear, the Japanese man shoved him away.

They were confused, especially Lenalee. The red head noticed their confused looks on their face and started to chuckled softly. He told his long-haired friend something in Japanese, smirking a bit. The Japanese narrowed his eyes at his friend, mouth turning into a frown. His friend kept on nudging him, like he was asking him to go do something. The Japanese muttered something before sending a glare at his red-headed friend. He then started walking towards them. Now, Allen and Lenalee were really confused. The red head winked at Lenalee, assuring her not to worry. A hint of pink could be seen across Lenalee's face. Yes, she was blushing.

The long-haired man asked the bus driver in his native tongue. The bus driver answered something back and pointed at Allen's direction. Allen widened his eyes a bit, pointed his finger at himself. The long-haired man motioned Allen to walk to him and so he did.

"What were you trying to say to that man just now?"

To Allen's surprise, the long-haired Japanese man spoke fluent English. And he looked very handsome up close. Allen stared into his set of brown eyes. It may be brown, but when you actually look really deeply into his eyes, you could see a beautiful blue in them. Allen was mesmerised by them and stiffened a bit when he compared himself with this handsome man. Wait, a minute.. Was he checking this guy out?! He quickly regained his composure, because the man was starting to look impatient.

"Er. Well, everyone has gotten their luggages except for us. We tried asking the driver whether he had seen or taken out our luggages, but he was speaking-" The long-haired man didn't bother to listen to the rest and returned to his native language when speaking to the bus driver.

After some talking, the bus driver bowed, looking apologetically and left them alone along with Lenalee.

"Um, so what did he-"

"He said he might have forgotten to put your luggages in when you were in the airport."

"What?!" Allen was in shock. "No! We need our things and-"

"But he said not to worry. So, calm down, brat."


"For your information, I'm-"

"I don't really care how old you are."

"Will you stop cutting in when I'm-"

"I don't care."

"Why you-"

"Allen, would you please keep quiet and let him finish so we can all move on with our trip?" Lenalee interrupted their little argument.

Allen folded his arms childishly and muttered under his breath.


"He said that your luggages will be delivered safely here later at night. You can check with the receptionist later in the hotel lobby." The long-haired man finished.

"We'll be getting them back later!" Lenalee felt delighted. "Now go say thank you to the man."

"Hmph. I don't get why I should thank that jerk."

"Because of manners. Remember your manners."

"Fine," Allen sighed, arms still crossed over his chest. "Well, thanks for your...help?"

The man was already walking away from them.

"See? I bet he was forced to do this-"

"Allen." Lenalee said in a slightly stern tone.

"Thank you for your help!" Allen shouted behind him.

The long-haired man's back was still facing him, not caring about Allen at all and continued his way to his red-headed friend who was about to get punched in his face for making him doing something stupid.


Allen's conclusion was that the long-haired man was a jerk. A beautiful-looking jerk. Wait, ignore the beautiful.


"Yeah! Way the go, Yuu-chan! Give me five!" Lavi held his right hand up, waiting for his friend to give him a high five. But instead, a punch from his Japanese best friend greeted his face.

"What the hell was that for?" Lavi rubbed his sore cheek, looking hurt.

"One, for making me to do something stupid and two, for calling me that. Do. Not. Call me by that name!" Kanda snapped angrily.

"Sheesh. Do you need to get so worked up about something that?"

"I have to deal with you for every fucking day. Of course I can get so worked up because of that!"

Lavi threw his head back, laughing. "I just love it when you have that expression on your face."

"Shut it, rabbit."

"Heh. Well anyway, what do you think of that cute Chinese girl and that white-haired British boy just now? Wait, he's British right? And what's up with his hair? Is that his natural hair colour? Because to me, it looked kind of fake, but it looked kind of real too. And he is so cute. I feel like-"

"Shut the fuck up. I don't give a damn about that boy. So, just shut up."

Lavi blinked, and then widened his mouth into a big grin.

"Shut up. Just shut up."

Lavi, still grinning said, "I'm not saying anything, Yuu."

"Che. Baka usagi."

First chapter done! Hopefully it was okay… Review?

The next chapter won't be updated so soon. Because CHINESE NEW YEAR IS COMING!

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Pau Na Lai! XD Have a happy chinese new year!