Yes a new fanfiction! I've been thinking about this one for two days seeing how I only finished Shadow Kissed three days ago and Hated the ending so this is what would ahppen if Dimitri came out fine. I hope you enjoy! I do not own vampire Academy Richelle Mead does

Left Behind

Snow crunched under my boot and the sound was out of tune with everybody else's. Me, Dimitri, my mom, Lissa, Christian, Adrian, Mia and Eddie were walking to that old abandoned guardian post by the pond to go ice skating. The royal Moroi family that my mom guarded was visiting their kids so my mom had time to spend with me that meant not a lot of time with just Dimitri and me. It had been a couple days since the we attacked the Strigoi and people were still shocked so classes were out for a couple days and I just couldn't get that night in the cabin with Dimitri out of my mind.

"Rose! Earth to Rose!" Adrian yelled.


"Did you pay attention to anything I said?"

"No, I didn't. I was busy thinking."

"Let me guess, you were thinking about names for our future children! I personally like Adrian J.R. and Rose J.R." I rolled my eyes and Dimitri peeked at us from the corner of his eye with a disapproving frown. I could have sworn I saw jealousy written all over his face.

"Adrian, I wouldn't marry you let alone have your kids even if I was the last dhampir in the world!" I saw a small smile flash across Dimitri's face; it was gone as fast as it came. I had no idea how he sent me these messages while holding a conversation with my mom.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's got the hots for me." Adrian whispered to Eddie who laughed. I could tell this was going to be a long walk.

As I turned back around to face the direction we were going I bumped into a little girl that was clearly lost. She had long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that were as big as saucers. Her little body shook with either fear or because she was cold, which one I couldn't tell. But she just stood there looking up at me with those large brown eyes. Everyone had stopped behind me no one said anything; no one knew what to say.

"Are you lost?" Dimitri asked in a gentle voice as he got down on one knee to be eye level with her. But the little girl didn't answer him she just continued to stare up at me. And it was starting to freak me out.

"Are you Rose Hathaway?" The mystery girl asked in a quite voice still looking at me.

"Ummm . . . yeah."

"You've killed Strigoi right?"

"Well yeah. Is there something you need?"

"If you're looking for an autograph little girl then you have to go through me." Adrian said stepping forward. I pushed Adrian to my side so that he slipped on the ice and landed flat on his royal little butt. The mystery girl giggled. My mom got down on her knees to become eye level with her too. Dimitri was still on the ground trying to ask her questions but she paid him no mind and went back to staring at me.

"Little girl Guardian Belikov asked you a question." My mom said in a firm voice. The little girl turned towards Dimitri with wonder in her eyes and her mouth hanging open.

"Um um I'm sorry Guardian Belikov I was just thinking about something; I didn't mean to ignore you." By the end of her sentence she was out of breath and shaking clearly from Dimitri's reputation.

"It's okay. Now what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the elementary part of the academy?" Dimitri said in such a kind way that I thought that I would melt on the walkway.

"No, my mom never enrolled me. But I came here looking for Rose."

"Well where is your mom? She's probably looking for you." My mom said.

"That's why I came to find Rose. My mom is a Guardian and was called to help attack the Strigoi and she brought me with her. My mom left me in the dorm she had been given to go fight the Strigoi but she never came back. So I figured if Rose has killed Strigoi why can't she help me find my mom?" The little girl stood there waiting, waiting for me to help her, but why me?

"Well first what's your name?" My mother asked.

"Emily. Emily Anders."

"Well I'm sorry Emily I don't I can help you." I said, this was kind of getting annoying.

"But I thought that you could help me find my mom because I really really miss her a lot." With that Emily burst into tears. Big fat tears rolled down her cheeks and she began to shake violently. Regret shot through me like a lightening bolt. Dimitri wrapped his arms around her small body and began to shush her. Her tears quickly soaked Dimitri's shoulder but he still continued stroking her hair trying to get her to stop and my mom gave me a disapproving look. Christian, Mia, Lissa, Eddie and Adrian all looked like they were going to cry too. Lissa began to think of something and the bond told me what it was, the first time she ever saw me. That was when I first came to the academy at the age of four.

For a moment this scene looked too familiar. She looked just like me the first time my mom had left me at the academy. I had cried when I found out she left me there and I had cried into Alberta's shoulder. I decided then that I would help Emily. I knew all too well how she felt and someone her age didn't deserve to go through this. I pulled her out of Dimitri's comforting embrace and picked her up. She looked at me for a moment and then tightly hugged my neck and buried her head in my chest. Our plans had changed. As were walked to the main building of the academy I began to hum a lullaby, soon Emily's sobs stopped and her body relaxed in my arms.

So? What do you think? Different side of Dimitri right? Please comment!!! I fI get comments I will continue the story! Even if you have nothing to say just a hey would be fine! Hahaha! Cliffy! Will they find Emily's mom? What do you think?