Chapter Twenty

"They'll split into two groups, attempt to take us from both sides." Carlisle was telling the wolves. I was standing back with Rosalie and Alice. It was freezing out but luckily I had my thick jacket on and a hat pulled down so low I could only just make out everyone.

"We'll come from behind, attack the attackers." Sam said his eyes on Carlisle's. He was still in human form since we didn't have Edward as our translator anymore.

"You'd better go now," Alice said from beside me her body going rigid, "They'll be here in five minutes."

The air that had seemed easy to breathe a second ago now felt clogged and painful to swallow.

"Good luck." Sam said to Carlisle and then his eyes shifted past him to the rest of us. He seemed unable to say anything though he nodded in our direction. Esme gripped my hand and I knew she was touched by his gesture.

"And to you." Carlisle also nodded his head but in the direction of the wolves.

I caught the eyes of two of the wolves at the far end of the line and I knew who they were; Embry and Quil. It was harder than I'd expected to see them turn tail and leave. I tried to convince myself they would be okay but I couldn't be sure that my presence here hadn't changed everything.

"Sadie," Carlisle walked towards me as Japer and Emmett began warming up, "I'd like you to hang back."

"Because I'm such a wonderful fighter right." I teased feeling more than just cold. I tried to smile but it was probably more of a grimace.

"You're quick," Jasper came up from behind Carlisle to touch his shoulder and with a single glance to me he left to speak to Esme, "Your speed is close to Edward's. We need you as point guard, you see anyone in trouble you can get in and out. You're the last defence, got it?"

"Got it," I nodded determined not to screw this up, "But did you have to say it like that Jasper, can't I be the defence before the last defence? Last sounds so final."

He smiled in a kindly way,

"I've seen you fight, you adapt the style of those you are fighting. I trust you."

"So no pressure." I muttered as Emmett chuckled.

"They've caught the scent," Alice spoke from beside Esme and the jokey atmosphere disappeared immediately, "It's time."

I shrugged my jacket off as I slunk back adopting a loose fighting stance I'd seen in a movie once. Esme caught my eye and gave me a smile before her gaze became stern and I knew I didn't have to worry about her.

"Here they come." Alice whispered and I raised my eyes to the horizon as the vampires surged onto the clearing. Immediately Jasper and Emmett ran forward while Rosalie and Alice brought up the rear.

My hands were shaking as I watched vampire meet vampire in a clash or snarls and shouts. As the vampires fell upon them Carlisle and Esme moved into position utilizing their training perfectly and avoiding the blows that the newborns tried to rain down on them.

"Behind you." Alice yelled and I spun as the second group descended being pushed into the clearing by the wolves. Their eyes were fearful but when they saw me they gaze became menacing. They were downwind of me.

"Sadie!" Alice screamed, her words caught up by the wind but she was too far away to do anything.

You can do this. I told myself bracing my arms and legs. You didn't stick yourself in that coma for nothing. Now do something!

Ten against one isn't that bad right?

I pulled my hand back smacking my fist into the jaw of the vampire who was charging towards me. The hit sent him off course as the wolves caught up with them pulling them back and I forced myself to keep my eyes open as the nearest vampire lost a good chunk of his torso after a bit from a lithe grey wolf I had a strong suspicion was Leah. Even as I fought sinking my fist into another vampire's stomach I knew it was only a matter of time before the call went up as Alice saw what was happening elsewhere.

Ducking under a punch I felt hands grab onto my arm trying to pull it off but before I could do more than gasp in pain the pressure was released and I fell onto the grass. Flipping myself over I saw a chocolate brown wolf his back to me as he ripped the arms off the pale creature on the ground.

"Thanks Quil." I pushed myself to my feet dropping a hand briefly onto his shoulders before I ran into the next vampire yanking him backwards as two more wolves fell upon him ripping and tearing.

"No!" I heard Alice's voice about the din of the battle, above the snarls and growls and snapping of teeth. She was crystal clear as if she were standing right beside me and I knew what she saw but then why did her eyes turn towards me, why was she looking at me with such sad eyes as if the world was falling away beneath me.

The sounds of the fight were muffled as if I was underwater and all I could hear was my heartbeat, strong and even. I was alive. So why was she looking at me like I was dead? My brain struggled to make sense of it all but everything else was clear. I knew that two vampires were being ripped apart by wolves just behind me to the left. I knew Emmett had one pinned just northwest of where I was standing. I could even see the tiny droplets of rain falling from the leafy branches of the trees to my right but Alice wasn't making sense to me.

Her golden eyes flicked down to my neck and it was in that moment I realised many things all at once. It was like someone had just plugged my brain into a computer and everything was coming to me in that instant. And I suddenly knew exactly what my purpose was for being in this world, in this story. I knew why I had arrived at that precise moment and why I was still here.

I saw Alice's lips mouth one word, the word that sent my legs into motion as I surged forwards pushing my way through the attacking vampires.

You ever have that dream where you're running away from something but you can't make your legs work? Well change that to running to and maybe you'll understand how I felt. It was like running through quicksand.

"Make her a path," Alice yelled from behind me, her voice piecing my bubble of distorted sound, "Jasper make her a path!"

Immediately Jasper was at my side along with Emmett and between them they made a gap in what felt like the sea of vampires.

"Go!" Jasper said repeating Alice's word and I locked eyes with him for a second. He had no idea why I needed to get through but he trusted Alice without question. He trusted me too I remembered dimly. There was a reason to all this madness. He had found his in Alice. Now I just had to find mine, if it wasn't too late.

I pushed myself flat out as I left the others not even able to look over my shoulder to see if I was being followed, I couldn't waste even a second. I threw myself into the trees as I poured on more speed. I wasn't as accomplished as the other Cullens so when I sped up I wavered feeling braches crack across my chest and legs, keeping my hands up to protect my face. I could still hear my heartbeat, but now it seemed to be beating double time as if determined to get all the beats out before…I cut off the thought as I started to climb my legs aching from the effort.

"Riley." I heard Edward speak from above me and I climbed faster, ignoring the cuts on my palms.

"She's lying to you Riley. Listen to me," Edward commanded, "She's lying to you just like she lied to the others who are dying now in the clearing. You know that she's lied to them, that she had you lie to them, that neither of you were ever going to help them. Is it so hard to believe that she lied to you, too?"

Almost there, almost there. It was a mantra I repeated in my head as I saw the thinning of the trees above me. I was so close now.

"She doesn't love you, Riley. She never has. She loved someone named James, and you're no more than a tool to her."

Suddenly I stopped climbing, my body freezing in it's tracks. It didn't matter if I got here in time, it would still end badly unless…

"Seth!" I hissed keeping my voice as low as I dared. I could hear Edward overhead still trying to convince Riley. I knew it was futile.

"Seth!" I called a little louder jerking as a tan wolf appeared out of the trees near me, his body low to the ground.

"Listen, I don't have time to explain but I need you to help me and trust me which might be impossible but please, I'm begging you," I reached out and grabbed his muzzle pulling my face close to his, his eyes were Seth's, "Please don't attack the male vampire. I know it sounds crazy but you have to trust me. Please." I let go of his muzzle and fixed my eyes on him wishing he could read my mind and understand.

I could my heart beating even louder in those moments as I waited for Seth's reply. Edward's voice was still carrying and I threaded my fingers together to keep my hands from shaking.

Finally Seth lowered his head which I took for a nod. I leapt up wrenching my hands apart and kissing him on the snout,

"Seth you are the best werewolf ever and I mean that. Stay low and follow my lead 'k,"

Seth lowered his head again and we moved forwards creeping closer and closer towards the top. I turned to face Seth and gestured that he sink lower which he did, his belly an inch from the ground.

"Okay, when I say now you jump in from behind her but wait for my signal, okay?"

Seth nodded and I fought back the urge to kiss him again,

"The absolute best werewolf." I reiterated and I think I saw his mouth pull up into a grin.

"Last chance Riley." Edward said his voice so close to where Seth and I lay hidden. I had to wait for the exact right moment, too soon and it could all blow up in my face.

"He's the liar, Riley," Victoria spoke from across the clearing and I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck, beside me Seth raises his hackles but didn't growl for which I was thankful, "I told you about their mind tricks. You know I love only you."

"Wish me luck." I whispered to Seth before I pushed myself to my feet and though the trees into the clearing.

Both Victoria and Riley stiffened as I appeared beside Edward, Bella and the ruined tent. My eyes flickered to Edward and I could see myself reflected in his big wide eyes. Wide, because for the first time he was able to read my mind. I had no barriers anymore.

"She's the liar." I kept my eyes on Riley as I took a step forward and I felt Edward and Seth's eyes on me, I could almost feel their desire to snatch me out of view.

"Do you know me Riley?" I asked staring at him, his eyes were different now, vivid red instead of sapphire blue as they'd been before, before she'd murdered him.

"I-I-I-" He stuttered looking at Victoria whose eyes were also on me but I refused to meet them, she wasn't important here.

"Don't look at her, look at me," I begged keeping my voice soft as I took another step towards him and away from Edward, Bella and Seth, "Do you know me Riley? Do you know my face? Think hard, please, it's important."

I watched as he struggled to look past his vampire life and back to his human life.

"Think back, back to before she stole your life from you, please Riley, please try to remember." I pleaded still not taking my eyes from his as his brow furrowed as he did what I asked.

It was going to happen soon. I could feel it, but he had to remember first or it was all for nothing.

He now fixed his eyes on my face, taking in its details and then just like a ray of blinding light his forehead smoothed out and I could see past the red to when they were nothing but blue, like the deepest part of the ocean. I could see him again and not what she had made me into.

"Snow?" He whispered in disbelief as if he could comprehend why I was standing in the middle of the snowy clearing with tears in my eyes that rolled down my cheeks like frozen crystals.

"Hey Spencer." The fervour in my chest must have carried over into my voice for his face was unexpectedly vulnerable before he ran forwards scooping me up into his embrace as I wrapped my arms around him, burying my head into his well defined chest. He still smelt wonderful but now woodsier than before.

"Riley!" Victoria's shrill voice sounded behind me and instantly he had pulled me behind him, shielding my body with his and there was a lot of him shielding me. He was even muscular than before but not in a gross body building way thankfully.

"Enough Victoria!" Riley's voice was commanding and even Victoria looked a little shocked, "You used me for your revenge and you made me use those people down there. You killed us all for nothing." He made to move forward but I held onto his arm holding him back.

"Uh-uh," I shook my head as he looked down at me, "I just got you back. I am not losing you again."

Victoria's gonna run, I sent my thought to Edward who tensed up, She doesn't like these new odds. I'll send Seth around the back just keep her focus on you.

I turned my head to the woods and nodded. I heard the tiny scattering on claws on leaves.

"Don't go Victoria," Edward said from beside Bella his eyes fixed on Victoria's, "You'll never get another chance like this."

But I knew it was futile even as Edward started to speak. There was just one thing for it.

"Now Seth!" I yelled as Victoria turned to run but found her way blocked by a tan wolf. Edward sprung forward as did Riley and I ran to Bella pulling her away and keeping her eyes away from the fight but I couldn't block out of the sounds of ripping and screeching as much as I wanted too. All to suddenly there was a high-pitched keening and then silence.

"Bella." Edward was beside us in an instant pulling her into his arms as she gripped him tightly, at the moment robbed of speech.

"She's fine;" I told him my voice huskier than usual, "Help the others. I'll look after her."

Edward nodded and let Bella go, gently teasing her arms from his waist before he returned to where I could hear movement and the sharp smell of fire.

"How you doing?" I asked her as soon as Edward left. I wasn't shaking but I still felt fearful, like I'd eaten lead or something.

"I'll let you know when everything rights itself again." She murmured watching the sight behind me, I could not.

"I know the feeling." I replied watching her face as she turned back to me.

"How did you know that would work?" She asked and I'm sure I heard something of awe in her tone.

"I didn't," I admitted as the smell of fire grew stronger, "But I had to try. I didn't realise until just before and I thought I would be too late but I had to try because…well because it was him." I finally turned around to see him striding towards me and before I could do anything more than blink I was in my arms again and he was kissing me. It was different than our last kiss, when he'd been human and I'd been…well me, this time it was more passionate and it had been full of passion before.

Somewhere behind us Edward coughed and I'm sure I heard Seth hack a laugh too.

Riley pulled away but he had eyes for only me as his cupped my face with his hands,

"I knew you. Even when I was with Victoria I knew I was waiting for someone, I just didn't remember who. It was you. You were in my head and my thoughts even when I didn't know it was you. I was so lost in all this fog but I heard your voice and you called me back, back to myself. I feel like myself again…because of you." He kissed me again fiercely before I could reply. I let him continue for a minute while my brain caught up with the part of me that was just in drool mode. I pulled away and he was panting.

"Easy tiger. We have plenty of time now." I smiled unable to keep it from my face.

"Forever." Riley replied and he said it with such love this time I pulled him towards me.

When we broke apart I could hear Edward filling Bella in on the situation and that everyone was fine. Riley took my hand, he seemed to need to make sure I was still there which was fine with me, I wanted to know he was still there too.

"You were awesome Seth," I told him and this time he definitely grinned, "And thanks again." I grinned as I looked up at Riley who was looking down at Seth with a curious expression on his face.

"Umm thank you Seth for you know, not killing me." Riley said and both Seth and I laughed his deep bark mixed with my softer, lighter laugh.

Suddenly Seth let out a yelp as Edward dropped to the ground,

"No, don't!" He yelled out as Bella dropped beside him unable to understand.

"What is it?" Riley demanded trying to push me behind him again, to protect me from whatever new threat was happening.

"It's not here," I said and Bella looked up meeting my eyes, "It's there." I looked over my shoulder towards the baseball clearing.

"Seth, go straight home, now," Edward pleaded with his new friend, "Trust me. Go now."

Seth took one last look at us before he took off racing through the trees.

"Come on, we have to go." I said to Riley as I pulled on his hand yanking him into motion.

"Where are we going?" He asked as we ran downhill, Bella and Edward just behind us.

"Back to the clearing. I think I'm supposed to be there." Even as I said the words I knew they were true. It was my purpose after all.

"What?" Riley said stopping and almost jerking me off my feet as Edward and Bella raced past us.

"Come on!" I yanked him back into running, "I'll explain everything later but we have to get there before they arrive."

We reached the others just as they stood around the unconscious Bella. As soon as we came into sight Jasper and Emmett closed ranks, snarling in our direction.

"No it's alright," Edward said hurriedly to his brothers as we came closer, "He's on our side now."

"He's Spencer. His name is Riley Spencer." Alice added when Jasper and Emmett didn't move. Rosalie looked back and forth between Riley and me as understanding finally dawned on her.

"Alice?" Edward demanded and Alice cast her eyes on the girl lying on the grass below us. Behind her was the bonfire, now burning back but still polluting the air with the purple-black smoke.

"Another five minutes," Alice said, her eyes flicking to my face as she saw my plan forming, "Bella will open her eyes in thirty-seven seconds. I wouldn't doubt she can hear us now."

I moved to the side as Esme bent down beside Bella and I got my first view of the girl on the ground, her arms wrapped around her legs, her bright red eyes watching us as if waiting for judgment.

"I have to test it first." I said to Alice who nodded. Jasper's head whipped round and Rosalie looked interested but neither of us elaborated, there wasn't enough time too.

"It'll work," Alice said her eyes on mine, "But you should anyway. It'll make it easier on her." She looked round at the girl who sensed we were talking about her and pulled her body in, trying to make herself look smaller.

I turned to Riley placing my hands on his chest and pushing him back a few paces away from where Edward was helping Bella up.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him looking only into his eyes. It was as if the rest of the world just dropped away.

"I trust you." He cupped my face with one hand pushing my black hair over my shoulder. I stretched onto my tiptoes and quickly kissed his lips.

"Close your eyes." I whispered into his ear and he did as I asked. He did trust me.

"This might sting, I'm not sure but I promise I'm not trying to hurt you." I told him as I placed my index finger and middle finger together at the top of his throat under the back of his jaw. I could feel the muscles in his neck as I pressed as hard as I dared into his skin.

"I trust you." He repeated keeping his eyes closed.

Letting out a deep breath I slowly ran my fingers down his throat to the dip at the base of his neck concentrating with all my might on what I wanted, using my gift.

"Okay you can open your eyes now." I told him and he did making me gasp.

"Did it work? Whatever you wanted to do." He asked as I continued to stare at him.

"I'll say," I muttered before making my voice louder, "But just as a test smell Bella now, does she smell appealing?"

Riley did as I said closing his eyes as he scented her, his eyes springing open a second later,

"What did you do?" He breathed gazing down at me through his now golden eyes.

"I told the pain away, the need to feed. I gave you back control. The thirst for human blood is gone." I smiled as he still stared with such intensity it was making me blush.

"I can smell her," Riley said not taking his eyes from me, "But I can decide that I don't want to eat her. I can be rational. You did this?" He sounded amazed.

"I think it's my gift. I can heal people's pain, mental pain. The need to feed is in your head, I made it go away." I spoke calmly aware that the others were listening in.

"You're amazing you know that don't you?" Riley bent down and kissed me again but I pushed him away after my brain caught up with my mouth.

"Later," I said smiling slyly as I dragged him back to the group, "Ready?" I asked Alice.

She nodded as Jasper came up beside her. As we all moved closer the girl thrashed her head, moaning.

"Have you changed your mind, young one?" Carlisle asked, "We don't want to destroy you but we will if you can't control yourself."

"How can you stand it?" She groaned her eyes fixed on Bella, "I want her."

"You must stand it. You must exercise control. It is possible, and it is the only thing that will save you now." Carlisle spoke in a calm clear voice.

"Not the only," I said stepping forwards letting go of Riley's hand as I crouched down in front of the girl, Bree, her eyes went wide and fearful, "Listen to me and listen well, we have about two minutes if that before the Volturi arrive and rip you to pieces. I can help you but you need to give me a promise first. You need to promise that from this day forward you will hunt only animal, never human, never again. Do you understand me?"

Bree stared at me and as I looked at her I saw how similar we looked, both of us short, both of us with black hair and ivory skin. We could have been sisters.

"I promise." Bree said in a shaky voice.

"Quickly." Alice muttered and I shuffled forwards until I was right in front of her.

"Close your eyes and keep very still." I instructed and then I ran my fingers down her throat, willing the pain to be gone. I let go and fell back feeling weak. Healing was taking a lot out of me.

"It's gone," Bree said in his belief her eyes fixed on mine and there was a collective gasp as the Cullens saw what I had seen in Riley's eyes, that the red was now golden, the blood burned out of her by me, "The pain is gone."

"Go now." Alice warned as Riley helped me to my feet. I nodded taking his hand and reaching down for Bree's.

She looked up at me from the floor, unsure for a moment before I gave her a playful smile,

"Wanna come with us?" I asked grinning and immediately she reached up and took my hand, our skin shade the same.

"I'll explain everything later, I promise." I told them before we turned and ran south away from the Volturi and towards the Cullen house, the place I was now beginning to realise as I looked to either side of me, to Riley and Bree, wasn't my home anymore.

I had come here to the house specifically to find my purpose and it doing so I had found out that they weren't my purpose after all. They were just an amazing bonus.

"Where are we going?" Riley asked when we hit the trees out of earshot of those behind us.

"Firstly to the Cullen's house and then wherever we want too," I said my voice being swallowed up by the wind that we were speeding against, "We have all the time in the world."

"We?" Bree asked cautiously and I glanced over at her and smiled, squeezing her hand.

"We." I promised as we ran on towards our destination but not the conclusion of our journey, no, that road stretched on ahead, miles and miles and no final end in sight.

Author's Notes:

Okay firstly I am so sorry I haven't posted in ages. I've been busy with my own story (which I finished…hooray) and dealing with personal stuff.

I also have been busy making my first Twilight music video ever which you can see here: .com/watch?v=r1aAG58aFfA

Please check it out if you can as I spent a lot of time on it and want your opinion.

EDIT: Okay since it deleted half the address I'll stick it up in my main page as well. It is good, I promise.

Okay I think that's all. Hope you enjoyed this and there will be more. I have plans and that's all I'll say.

Sorry if there's grammar errors but it's 2:41 am here and I just want to post this up before I go to bed. I'll re-read in the morning and if it's really bad I'll delete, edit and repost.

Enjoy and as always thanks for reading and commenting. Means a lot to me :D