Finally! The last chapter is here! ^^

Kai – Isn't that a bad thing?

Uh, why would it be?

Kai – Because you have to stop writing it.

Oh, it is in that retrospect, but I'm glad cause I have some other fics to get to! ^^

Kai – Uh, huh….

Hey, don't act like that….Do disclaimer?

Kai – Whatever. Disclaimer: For the thousandth time, she doesn't own Beyblade.

Enjoy! ^^

Warning: This chapter does contain yaoi. For those who do not know what this is: Yaoi is the technical term for guy/guy sex. Yes, sex. So, if you all don't want to read it, please discard the last of this chapter. ^^ Otherwise, enjoy your gift from me for reviewing!


Eye of the Sun

Chapter Eight – Finale


To say that Tala was mad would be an understatement.

To say that Tala was furious wouldn't even begin to cover it.

To say that Tala was homicidal would just about explain everything, and Bryan was right behind him.

The two Russians wanted blood, and they were going to get it, come Hell or high water!

They rounded the corner to the street where the gang members from earlier had attacked them, only to stop dead in their tracks. There were the gang members, each one still as they left them, except one. He was being held up by the collar of his shirt by an older male. The man was furious, but that wasn't what made the two Russians gasp. It was the fact of who the man was.

Barthez stood before them, yelling at the leader of the gang.

"You were supposed to hurt them, not get yourselves hurt!" he raged, shaking the younger man.

The gang leader coughed as his cracked ribs and collar bone rubbed and twisted in odd angles. "W-We tried, but you said nothing about how-how the blonde would turn into some ki-kind of monster! He took down the four of us by him-himself! Not to mention, the oth-other three weren't lightweights when i-it comes to fighting!"

Barthez growled. "What the hell are you talking about?! Miguel is a weakling. There should have been no problem! Kai is also no one to even consider! The other two, you should have just taken out, dammit! How stupid are you?"

"Obviously very," Tala said, deciding to intervene. Barthez dropped the gang leader on the ground, regarding the two teens with wary eyes. "Actually, I would say that he is smarter than you. At least he knows when to admit defeat."

Barthez growled at that comment. "Oh, really? What could you two possibly do?" he sneered.

Bryan spared Tala a glance before giving the older male a death glare that would put Kai's to shame. "You're about to find out," he replied, smirking, adding on to the deadly look.

Barthez mentally gulped as the two neared. What was he going to do now that he had pissed off two dangerous Russians?

Beg for mercy.

Tala, though, didn't give him an opportunity as his fist came into contact with the pale face, and didn't stop until the older man was twitching in pain on the ground.

Bryan growled at the poor excuse for a human being while wiping a smear of blood off of his cheek. "Well, that was fun," he muttered.

Tala snorted and turned to the gang leader. "As for you-"

"No worries, man," the older male rasped out. The leader looked him in the eyes the best he could with a broken collar bone. "None of us will come within a hundred feet of any of ya. I'm through with this, anyways. I don't get paid enough."

Bryan chuckled a little and bent down to the other's eye level. He glared at the teen. "You better make sure you keep to that promise," he ground out. "Because if we find out you have been anywhere near Kai or Miguel, we will personally show you the true meaning of pain."

The guy nodded, and the falcon let out a grin, standing up.

"Excuse me?" a voice asked from behind the two Russians.

Tala turned to find an older woman standing there. She looked about mid sixties. What could she want with them?

"Yeah?" he asked coldly.

The woman seemed unfazed. "You are friends with that nice, young, blonde haired Spaniard, correct? I believe he beyblades?" she asked.

Bryan raised an eyebrow. "You mean Miguel?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, I believe that was his name."

"What about him?" the wolf asked, striding up to the older lady and stopping just within reach. He was still in homicidal mode and didn't want to get too close in case the woman said something that might piss him off.

She smiled and held out an envelope. "Would you be so kind as to deliver this to him for me?" She handed the envelope to him.

Tala cocked his head at the item before raising an eyebrow towards her. "And how do you know Miguel?"

Her smile never faltered. "Oh, he just bought something from my stand, and I forgot to give him the warranty on the item." She bowed. "Thank you." With that, she left, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from her aged shoulders.

Okay, now, the white wolf was utterly confused. So, the woman had forgotten to give Miguel the warranty on his item. That doesn't mean that she should be walking around in the middle of the night looking for him or someone who could give him the warranty.

Was this woman insane?

He looked over at his silver haired companion who just shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea, either. So, with one last glare at the gang and Barthez, the two headed off but not before Tala pulled out his cell phone and called the local officials, saying that the wanted criminal, Barthez, and the wanted gang were laying outside an ally beaten up. Bryan smirked at the tone Tala was using. He actually sounded afraid, and that fact almost brought a laugh out of his throat.

They made it back without any problems and got ready for bed, telling Spencer everything that had happened.

Tala strolled quietly into Kai's bedroom to find a different sight than what he normally saw. Both Kai and Miguel were asleep on the bed, Kai wrapped up in Miguel's strong arms, both looking content with the world. The wolf smiled softly at the image and placed the small envelope on the bedside table with a note saying who the item was for. He then left with one last glance, shutting the door softly behind him.


-Dream Start-

Kai sighed softly to himself as he stretched. Opening stunning violet orbs, he noticed that he was not in his hotel bedroom. Sitting up, he felt the white sheets of the bed slip from his torso to his lap. He looked around, wondering why he had been sleeping on a white bed in the middle of a clearing. Standing up, he stopped, spotting something in the distance. A mother deer and her fawn had just appeared in the clearing, their small hooves making no noise in the thick grass. The doe raised her head and perked her ears, trying to see if he was a threat. The fawn mimicked his mother's actions, tilting his head to the side as he gazed upon the phoenix with large brown eyes. They seemed to deem him as just a passerby and went on their way at the same pace they came in.

Kai sighed and smiled a little at what had happened. He had never had a problem with animals. He never intended to hurt them unless they were doing so to him or his friends. He glanced back at the bed, having the strange urge to make it. He shrugged. Might as well. Who knew what would happen? So, he quickly made the bed and started out of the clearing.

He gasped a little as he stumbled upon a break in the forest. It seemed to be a large park that he was in. There were benches strolled here and there, a small path of dirt as well winding its way in an out of the place. Roses in bloom and so many different violets adorned the patches of land and bushes. In the center was a large pond with crystal clear water. There was a group of white swans swimming in the middle, but one single black one stood out among them, yet he seemed part of the group as well. Little frogs jumped from their lily pads into the water and then back out as if it were a game. On the outside of the park, the phoenix could just make out an old vineyard still fully in use. He could smell the faint tinge of grapes on the wind. He smiled. He felt so at home here, so calm and relaxed.

Letting his gaze wander to the sky, he noticed the sun peeking out of the clouds. He smiled, watching the golden rays make a break through and acting like beams coming from the heavens. It was beautiful.

The teen strolled along the path. He tilted his head when he came across an unusual sundial. It was made completely of stone with an arrow as the pointer. He calculated the way that the shadow was moving and decided that it was noon. Strange time. He shrugged and continued on his path. As he walked alone, he noticed the sun's rays making the clouds dissipate into nothing as clear skies stretched on and on for miles. He stopped as a sight came into view.

There, standing in front of him was Miguel Lavalier himself. The blond Spaniard was in nothing but white, his warm smile sending shivers of delight down the dual haired teen's back. He strode over to his boyfriend and smiled as the blonde pulled him into a brief hug and then a passionate kiss, the sunlight shining down on them in full blast. They pulled away a few moments later, the need for air making itself known. Miguel smiled again and grasped the phoenix's hand in his, leading the way through the park.

Kai sighed, content as he leaned his head on the teen's shoulder as they walked on the dirt pathway. It was so nice. They stopped for a moment, the gargoyle giving his phoenix a single red rose, and Kai just had to smell the sweet scent of the flower. They continued walking until reaching what looked like a small picnic. They sat down on the large blanket. Miguel rummaged through the basket and produced an old goblet with strange markings that looked like it was from the ancient Greek's time. Inside the goblet was a mound of wrapped hard candy that looked like caramel drops.

Kai smiled softly, his eyes tearing. He remembered having a small conversation with the gargoyle about what candies he liked. Not being one for sweets, the phoenix only had one real favorite, but that was because he could remember when his father would sneak a caramel drop from the candy dish every day before supper. He would always give Kai one too, winking as he did so. They were his favorite candy.

He took one and unwrapped it, giving it to the gargoyle and then getting one for himself, savoring the melting taste.

They sat like that, enjoying the candy before finally giving into temptation and making a beeline for the pond. Miguel laughed as he picked up the phoenix and carried him to the edge of the water and then jumping in. Kai yelled a little, laughter making its way into his voice as they hit the water. They pulled away before splashing each other like crazy, Miguel resorting to bending to water level and aiming the streams of liquid so they landed on the teen's head. Kai laughed and then smiled softly as Miguel took him into his arms, kissing him thoroughly.

Life couldn't get more perfect.

-End Dream-

Kai groaned as he opened his eyes, his body feeling the effects of the fight the night before, but that was after he came out of his delusional state of being halfway still trapped in his dream. Gods, that had been the best dream of his life, and it ended too soon. He blinked his violet orbs and looked up, spotting Miguel's still sleeping face in front of his. He smiled, remembering how the gargoyle had managed to save him and then make him feel so comfortable even with almost having been raped. He gently traced the Spaniard's cheekbone, marveling at the soft tanned skin the teen supported.

The blonde sighed and sapphire orbs fluttered open. Miguel smiled as his state of delirium passed, and he could focus on the slate haired beauty before him. "Good morning," he murmured, placing a soft kiss on the teen's forehead.

Kai sighed and snuggled closer. "Morning," he whispered as his boyfriend's arms tightened their hold around him.

Miguel looked over the phoenix's shoulder to see the time, noting that it was still very early, the dark sky even proof of that.

They stayed like that for a few moments before Kai noticed something over the teen's shoulder. "What's that?" he asked, sitting up slightly to gaze at the small white envelope.

Miguel turned over and sat up, reaching for the note and envelope. "It's for me," he stated, reading over what Tala had written him. He furrowed his brows together and set the note back on the table. Getting comfortable again on the bed with Kai's body pressed tightly to his right side, he opened the letter and pulled out the piece of parchment.

"Dear Spanish Beyblader,

The other day, you bought a small Eye of Ra pendent from my shop. I have been watching you to see if you and your companion were completely worthy of my great-grandfather's masterpiece. After watching you dance just last night, I have come to the conclusion that you are.

I was wary of you when you stated that you knew the phoenix, but now, I know you are telling the truth, for I have seen it. As you two dance, a bright glow emitted from my grandfather's pendent and gave the both of you wings. Yours was your gargoyle that I know you possess. Your partner's wings were that of fire, a phoenix's wings. It was truly a magnificent sight.

I am writing you this letter to tell you that the pendent you have will change your behaviors. Because you were the one to give the phoenix the pendent, you are now his guardian. You will protect the phoenix no matter what it takes. If he is in trouble or is distressed, the stone will emit a warning glow that you will subconsciously understand and will do anything to protect the phoenix.

Do not fear this pendent, though. It is not only a great thing for warning and protection, it is also a symbol of your relationship. For as long as the phoenix wears this pendent, keeps it, or has it near, your relationship will increase day by day. Do not fear the other, for there has never been a more perfect match. I have seen it, and others will as well. For each moment that you are truly one with the other, the pendent will release an even softer glow around the both of you. It is quite amazing.

Love one another as I know you will, and thank you. My great-grandfather's task that he had been given is now complete. Now, I know he will be able to rest. May the both of you carry the protection and love of the God Amon Ra.



Miguel blinked as he finished the letter. It was the old woman from the marketplace. He smiled softly, silently thanking her for the pendent.

Kai blinked at the contents of the letter himself, and then looked down at his necklace. He rubbed his fingers over it gently, tracing the pattern and the stone. He never knew that he would become another part in another ancient legend. He needed to write a book on it.

Miguel placed the letter back on the bedside table and shifted so that the phoenix was in his lap. Kai looked up as the gargoyle placed another kiss on his lips. They smiled at the other, both knowing that there was no reason to hold out.

Kai shifted his position so that he was eye level to the blonde. He tilted his head to the side as the Spaniard's eyes slipped closed. Then, their lips met, moving over each other softly but firmly. There was no hesitation, no fear, no uncertainty. It was just them.

Unbeknownst to them, a soft golden glow filled the room, standing out against the still dark night sky.

Miguel rolled them over slowly to where Kai was lying underneath him, their lips never leaving. He silently asked for permission to enter the warm cavern that was Kai's mouth with his tongue, teasing at the corners and massaging the lower lip. The phoenix opened his mouth, moaning as the wet appendage slipped in and stroked the roof of his mouth before teasing his own tongue into a dance of dominance.

All the while their tongues battled, their hands were compromising. They only broke the kiss to remove their shirts, otherwise, they stayed intact. Kai groaned as Miguel slid his hand to his lower back, bringing his hips up and slipping off the sweat pants and black boxers underneath in one fluid motion. The phoenix did the same, pushing the pants down as far as he could reach without breaking the contact between their mouths and then using his feet to rid them the rest of the way.

They both gasped as their bodies touched, electricity running through their veins. Kai panted as Miguel's lips latched on to his neck. One of the blonde's hands made its way to his arousal while the other toyed with the inside of his thighs. Miguel teased the head of Kai's manhood, causing the said teen to arch off the bed, gasping and moaning the entire time. The Spaniard locked his mouth to a dusky nipple as he moved down from the taunt neck. Kai moaned again, hands burying deep in the blonde hair, his lover's name on his lips.

Miguel gently stroked the aching appendage in between Kai's strong legs and then moved to his sac, rolling them in his palm. Kai bucked his hips, wanting more, but the Spaniard moved his other hand to gently hold the slim hips down on the bed. This was torture to the phoenix and he groaned impatiently.

Miguel chuckled as he moved to the other nipple and ran his short fingernails over the dual haired teen's sac lightly before going back up to his member.

Kai could barely move with all of the sensations he was feeling. Gods, it felt wonderful, but not being able to do anything other than writher and moan and grasp the sheets tightly was annoying. He wanted more of that friction, but with his lover's hand on his hips, he wouldn't be getting that any time soon.

Miguel raised his head. "Kai, is the complimentary lotion in the bedside table?" he asked softly, sapphire blue eyes dark with passion. Kai could only moan and nod his head as he looked into those eyes. Miguel moved up the teen's body, purposely grinding their aching arousals together as he reached in the drawer for the lotion.

Pulling it out, he quickly opened it and spread some on his fingers. Kissing his lover's lips, he gently eased a finger into the tight hole after teasing it first. Kai gasped at the intrusion but soon moaned as the stinging sensation wore off. Miguel moved and curled his finger inside his phoenix a little before adding a second, scissoring them. He added a third as Kai began to move down on them a little, wanting more of that friction.

The Spaniard's brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to find that spot that would bright the phoenix to full ecstasy. Finally finding it, he quickly covered the teen's lips with his own to drown out the cry of pleasure emitting from the strong throat.

Kai panted, cheeks red with pleasure, as Miguel slid his fingers from his channel and lathered up his weeping cock. The phoenix moaned and opened his legs further for the teen, presenting him with everything he had. The gargoyle positioned himself at the teen's entrance and kissed him fully, his tongue slipping inside just as his cock did to Kai's entrance.

Tears slid down the dual haired teen's face, tricking in rivers across the blue tattoos. As Miguel slid to the hilt, he kissed the teen's eyes, rubbing away the tears with his thumb. He kissed the phoenix again deeply, trying to get his mind off of the pain. After a little bit of non-movement, Kai rolled his hips, silently telling his boyfriend that all was well and to get moving.

Miguel pulled out and gently pushed back in, starting slow and then building a little speed after every so many thrusts. It wasn't long until he had set a rhythm, Kai matching his movements perfectly as he raised his hips to meet the gargoyle's. They moaned and panted, kissing and nipping at each other's skin, hands and fingers grasping what they could to pull the other closer. Miguel angled his movements, finding the phoenix's prostate quickly. He crushed his lips against his lover's, quelling the screams of pleasure as he continued to strike the sweet spot.

The blonde reached between them and after one stroke of the slate haired teen's member, Kai came careening over the edge of ecstasy with his lover's name on his lips. His essence spilled over the tanned teen's hand and both of their stomachs. With Kai's normally tight channel going tighter, Miguel couldn't hold in any longer, and he came with Kai's name on his own lips, collapsing on the phoenix afterwards, completely spent.

They lay there for a little bit, catching their breath. After finally coming down a little from their high, they both noticed the pendent around Kai's neck glowing golden. They gazed into each other's eyes and smiled.

Miguel pulled out and rolled over to his lover's side, bringing Kai to lay on his chest. His hand stroked the sweaty dual hair as they relished in the moment.

"Te amo, Kai," Miguel whispered.

"I love you, too, Miguel," Kai answered just as softly.

Outside in the brightening sky, a set of eyes couldn't help but smile as his beloved pet and friend finally found his soul mate. Things were only just looking up for the beaten soul. Like the phoenix he was, he would rise and with this new love become stronger than ever.

Just like the Eye of the Sun would never stop watching, the phoenix would never stop living.




Terms to Know from Chapter:

Arrow – to dream of an arrow, pleasure follows the dream; entertainments, festivals, and pleasant journeys may be expected; suffering will cease

Bed – to dream of a clean white bed denotes a peaceful end of worries; making a bed means that a new lover is around as well as a pleasant occupation; sleeping on a bed in open air brings delightful experiences and opportunities for improving your future

Candy – to dream of eating crisp, new candy denotes social pleasures and much lovemaking

Fawn – to dream of a fawn denotes that you will have true and upright friends; to young people is means faithfulness in love

Frogs – to dream of frogs means that you will have a pleasant and even tempered friend as your confidant and counselor (in this case, it's Miguel ^^)

Goblet – to dream of a goblet with ancient design means that you will receive favors and benefits from strangers (the old woman in this case); to dream of a person giving you a goblet means you will have illicit pleasures

Grass – to dream of grass give a promise of a happy and well advanced life to the tradesman, accumulation of wealth, fame to artistic and literary people, and a safe voyage through the turbulent sea of love

Kiss – to dream of kissing your lover/sweetheart in the light means that there are honorable intentions on both parts

Park – to dream of walking alone in a park denotes enjoyable leisures; to dream of walking with your lover means that you will be comfortably and happily married

Roses – to dream of seeing roses in bloom and fragrant means a joyful occasion is nearing and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart; to dream of inhaling a rose's fragrance will bring unalloyed pleasure

Sun – to dream of clear sunshine will bring joyous events and prosperity; to dream of the sun at noon means the maturity of ambitions and signals brings unbounded satisfaction; to dream of sun shining through the clouds means that your troubles and difficulties are losing their hold on you and that prosperity is nearing (big thing for Kai, yep)

Swans – to dream of white swans floating on water means prosperous outlooks and delightful experiences; to dream of a black swan will bring illicit pleasure (Kai needs a lot of that! ^^)

Vineyard – to dream of a vineyard will bring favorable investments and auspicious lovemaking

Violets – to dream of violets will bring joyous occasions in which you will find favor with some superior person (Miguel again)

Water – to dream of playing in water means that you will have a sudden awakening to love and passion; to dream of having water sprayed on your head means that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation

I know that there are different meanings for each one of these in different places, but this is what I found that I liked for my story. ^^


Well, that's the end! I hope you all enjoyed it! ^^ I spent a long time looking up those dream meanings and writing that little lemon for ya! ^^ Be thankful! ^^

Anyways, I'm sorry to see this go, but I have other fics to finish and get started on! ^^ There is a list of stories that I am thinking on starting on soon on my bio. Check them out and tell me which one you wanna see first. Doesn't matter to me! ^^

The link for this fic's picture will be on my bio as well. I hope you all enjoy it.

Special Thanks To:




Elemental Gypsy


Tenshi of Freedom


Kiki Ling

the Light Shadow

Silver-stone Dragon

You guys are the best! (glomps) Thanks for your reviews!

Now, this is where I leave ya till next time! Don't forget to review!

Ja Ne
