Enjoy and reply you guys. When a * appears it means they're speaking Spanish.


"Shoot me, I'm in hell," Taylor slumped back against the locker next to Anna's.

"First of all, cute outfit," Anna said. "You always look good in black, Mr. Cash."

"Anna, don't start with me."

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"I went to Luke's yesterday to talk to him about his contribution to the set list. He was watching a marathon of a certain show he just loves."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes. So now the theme song from California Dreams is stuck inside my head."

"So go kiss Ryan. That should clear your head right up."

"Ryan's kinda shy about some things. I don't know how he'd feel about PDA so soon in the relationship."

"Surf dudes with attitudes," Anna sang softly.

"Anna, seriously, I will harm you."

"What's up guys," Luke asked as he, Seth, and Ryan walked up.

"Tay's mad at you."

"Is that why you look like you're going to a funeral," Seth asked.

"Maybe I am," Taylor imitated a male voice.

"What'd I do?"

"You were watching that show and now she's got the song in her head."

"Oh. It's not that bad."

"You need to get over this insane obsession you have with Jennie Kwan," Taylor frowned at her friend before she smiled at Ryan. "Hey. I got your message. Sorry I didn't call back."

"It's okay. Seth said you were doing band stuff."

"I was. I was hiding all of the clothes I wear on stage. Veronica will be home in the next week or so."

"Are you going to tell her about me?"

"If you want me too, I will. Be forewarned. The words heinous bitch come up often when describing her," Taylor smiled.

"I've seen worse," Ryan said.

"He's brave, too," Taylor smiled.

"I've got a couple aces up my sleeves."

"You're going to punch my mother? I'm kinda okay with that."

"Of course I'm not gonna punch her."

"What aces, then?"

"Kirsten and Sandy."

Taylor smiled, "Good aces to have."

"I've always thought so," Seth said.

His friends laughed and Taylor looked at Ryan, "You feeling brave?"


Taylor crossed the small space to where he was standing and kissed him.

"Good morning."

"Morning." He smiled, and kissed her before she could move away. "Don't have to be brave for that."

"You're a private person. I don't know what's off limits and what isn't."

"Oh. Didn't think of that." He tilted his head, thinking. "Kissing is okay." He grinned. "Especially since it makes Seth twitch like that."

"He'll stop when he starts making out with his favorite brunette," Taylor smiled.

"Don't count on it," Seth muttered.

"I think it's hot," Anna stated. "They should do it again."

"Please, no. I'm gonna have to bleach my brain as it is," Seth whined.

"Don't care either way, so long as you don't let a teacher spot you." Luke commented, looking casually around. "They're strict about that 'appropriate behavior' shit in the student handbook."

"To be continued," Taylor asked.


"Just not around me," Seth begged. "It's weird to see the girl you consider a sister making out with your brother."

"Hearing those banjos, Seth," Anna teased.

"No banjos. None. Just lots of nausea."

"Yeah, banjos are for when the guys with the nose-rings hit on him."

The five of them laughed.

"What's the joke," a new voice asked and they turned to see a hesitant Summer standing at the edge of the semi circle they made.

"We're just ragging on Seth," Luke said after a moment.

"I thought that was my job." She smirked at Seth. "You trying to replace me, Cohen?"

"Oh my God, I think she's flirting with him." Taylor whispered.

Seth just looked at the girl who'd held his heart for almost six years before he smiled, "You're irreplaceable. I thought you knew that."

"At least you know a good thing when you see it. I'll say that for you." She accompanied the smirk with a brief glare towards Anna and Taylor. "Class awaits."

"I could walk you? I mean, if you want the company?" Seth was practically vibrating with eagerness.

"He's gonna be insufferable if she says yes." Ryan muttered in Taylor's ear.

"Yeah, but I don't think she's going to," Taylor nodded to behind Summer where Marissa was approaching.

"He's going to so owe me." Luke muttered. "Hey, Marissa." He stepped between her and Summer. "How've you been? Did you get the history assignment? Think you could help me with it?"

"Uh, sure, I guess," Marissa looked confused. Not really much of a change from her normal expression if you thought about it. "Let's go."

"C'mon Anna, let's head for homeroom," Taylor said. "See you at lunch, okay, Ryan?"

"Sure." He wanted to leave, too; but the pleading look on his brother's face said it wasn't a good idea.

"Later Cohen," Anna waved.

"Bye Seth," Taylor said.

The girls left and Luke succeeded in dragging Marissa off towards an empty classroom leaving Seth and Ryan facing Summer.

"We going to class or not, Cohen?"

"After you," Seth stepped aside to let Summer pass.

"Let's walk together. I know you wanna stare at my ass but it's too early to be pervy."

"Your eyes are better than your ass anyway."

"Smooth one. How long did you practice that?"

Ryan watched the two brunettes walk away and smiled to himself.

Everything was finally going good.



"Max, how are you," Oliver's voice came over the line.

Taylor rolled her eyes and mouthed "Oliver" to Anna who gave an eye roll of her own.

"Fine, Oliver, and yourself," Taylor said as she walked through the parking lot of Harbor.

"Just wanted to check in on my favorite musician."

"How sweet," Taylor said dryly. "Will we see you on Friday?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss any opportunity to see you."

"We have someone to introduce to you."

"A new band member?" His voice was less enthusiastic. "The mix you have right now is good, I don't think you should mess with it."

"No. We finally took your advice and got ourselves a roadie."

"Really? When did that happen?"

"Oh, Zeke and Rip found him over the summer. He's pretty nice. Strong too. Now you don't have to worry about me and Pepper straining ourselves helping the guys carry the instruments."

"Well, that's......that's good. I'm happy for you." Somehow, he didn't sound that happy. "What's his name?"

"His name," Taylor looked at Anna in panic.

"Yes, he has a name right?"

"Yes of course he has a name. I just don't know it."

"You want to hire a guy on and don't know his name? Max, sweetie, that's not smart."

She gritted her teeth at the condescending tone in his voice. "Zeke and Rip know his name. The thing Friday is kind of like an interview."

"That's better." She resisted the urge to throw the phone at his tone of voice. "We'll see if he makes the cut, okay?"

"Right. We'll see. And Oliver?"


"If you call me 'sweetie' ever again I'll take one of Zeke's drumsticks and jam it up your nose," Taylor said before she hung up on him. "Ryan needs a name."

"We should let Seth pick it.""

"Why Seth?"

"Because Ryan dotes on his 'little brother' and he'll put up with whatever name Seth gives him. Especially if Seth pouts at him."

"Okay but we need to head over to that store by the Bait Shop," Taylor said as she started her car.


"Ryan's new persona needs a tattoo."

"Oh he's gonna love that," Anna rolled her eyes.

"And maybe a wig," Taylor considered.


"I look stupid," Ryan said as he took his reflection in.

"You can't have blonde hair," Luke pointed out from the floor by the glass doors. "It's too identifying."

"And hair dye lasts too long."

"They sell 24 hour dye at this costume shop in LA."

"How do you know that?"

"I.....dated a girl who changed her hair every other day."

"Well, we'll drive to L.A. at some point in the near future but for now, I think this is your best bet," Taylor said as she stretched out on Ryan's bed in a pair of shorts and tank top. "What about the tattoo?"

"Does it really have to go on my neck and my face?"

"It's the most distracting place."

"Look it won't be so bad." Seth grinned. "Okay, it will - but we'll pick you something cool, okay?"

"Did you see what was in the bag?"

"Not yet."

"They picked out a kitten!"

"It was a joke, Atwood. Get over it." Anna sighed.

"Yeah, the real one is a spider web complete with spider. It's in Anna's book bag."

"Luke, get it out," Anna said. "You're the closest. It's in the front pocket."

"Yes ma'am," Luke dug it out and tossed it across the room like a Frisbee.

"So we put it so the black widow is just over your jugular, and the web stretches up behind your ear, just over your jaw to your cheek; with the bottom edge touching your collarbone."

"I dunno. Spiders aren't really my thing."

"Which is why this works. Even if someone would think of you getting a tattoo, they wouldn't think you'd get a spider one."

"Or one that big and visible."


"All right." Ryan took the temp tattoo and went into the bathroom. The door opened a few seconds later and the wig flew out to land near the bed.

"He really doesn't like that wig."

"He wants to be there to protect us, so he'll tough it out."

"You come up with a name for him yet?"

"As a matter of fact, I have."

"What is it?"


"Logan," Taylor tilted her head in consideration. "I kind of like that."

"What's Ryan think?"

"He likes it better than......He likes it."

Anna giggled. "How many did he shoot down before that?"

"And how many were Jeshonin anime names?"

"Hey, the floppy-haired blond guy is a classic of the genre!"

"Except Ryan's hair isn't floppy."

"Shaggy, maybe."

"Mmmm. Rugged."

"You can stop right there "Max". I don't need to hear any more."

Taylor smiled as she let herself grow more comfortable in Ryan's bed. They'd practiced in the pool house for almost a year but she'd never really relaxed out here. When they were done they usually headed for the pool or the Cohen kitchen. This was one comfy bed and it smelled like Ryan.


"Okay, you need to get up." Seth's voice was high-pitched and shaky.

"Why? 'M' comfy."

"I don't like the way you're smiling."

"Then turn around."

"Leave her alone, Seth. Like you wouldn't be taking advantage if you managed to get some time to lie on Summer's bed," Anna said.

Luke laughed. "Hey Atwood, you okay in there?"

"It's a little hard to put on."

"We could help......"

"I've got my shirt off, Anna!"

"Want me to help," Taylor called.

"Sure." He answered at the same time Seth cried,

"No! We only have the one tattoo right now. We don't have the time to go out, get another, and re-apply it."

"What are you worried about Seth?"

"You. Him. Distraction and/or Hickeys. Thereby blowing our clever tattoo idea."

"Seth, what do you think Ryan and I are exactly? Helpless slaves to passion?"



"We have some self-control, you know. We don't make out at school."

"So that was someone else I saw sucking on his face during lunch, scaring me for life?"


"Completely," Taylor said sitting up on Ryan's bed. "Okay, okay. Luke, so Seth doesn't have some kind of meltdown, can you help Ryan?"

"Yeah sure," Luke nodded as he got up.

"I'm good." Ryan opened the door and stepped out. The black lines of the spider-web jarring against his neck, the red of the black widow's mark drawing the eye. He picked up the short black wig and settled it on his head with a scowl.

"You ready, Logan?"


"Not bad," Anna said. "Here," she tossed him some dark glasses. "Don't wanna give anything away with those eyes of yours after all the hard work you did."

"He looks pretty good," Taylor got up on her knees. "I do however prefer the Aryan myself. Max on the other hand is gonna dig the gang look."

"Oooh. You should change into one of Seth's t-shirts."

"It won't fit, Cohen's smaller than he is."

"Exactly. It'll be all tight and accent those muscles very nicely."

Ryan shrugged. "Whatever."

"Maybe some leather pants."


"Not Taylor, that was Max."

"Leather pants are for losers." Logan drawled, voice lower pitched and coarser than Ryan's.

"Cool, man. How do you do that? As Zeke I just keep my mouth shut unless I'm singing or talking to the band - but a different voice? That's great!"

"We don't let you use a different voice as Zeke because all the voices you tried sounded goofy."

"Besides, you were raised in California, Love," Anna said in a British accent. "The rest of us were raised abroad."

"Luke does a different voice as "Rip"."

"Oh, man; I just play up the surfer-vibage; y'know?"

"And you," Ryan looked at Taylor.

"I call upon my heritage mon ami," Taylor said in a French accent. "It is tres simple, yes?"

"You didn't talk like that when I met "Max"."

"We only do the voice thing when we're interviewing or something. Then, when we go back to normal; people just compliment us on our English." Anna explained. "Where's the growly rasp from?"

"Living up to the name." Ryan nodded towards Seth.

"You are so like a blond Wolverine, bro. Only not psychotic."

"I must be getting slow or something. I didn't even put that together," Taylor said.

Anna looked at her watch. "Oh! We gotta go change."

"Yeah, wouldn't do for Oliver to get a look at the real us."

"Wear a parka," Ryan suggested.

"Somehow, I don't think it's gonna dissuade him, Atwood." Luke sighed. "And the girls won't let me punch him."

"He speak Spanish?"

"I don't think so."

"Logan does."

Seth got an evil grin on his face, "Dude! You can sit there and make snide comments to his face! Insult him and let "Max" translate something nice. This is gonna be great!"

"Would asking you not to piss him off do any good," Taylor asked.

"No," Ryan shook his head.

Taylor smirked and then gave him a kiss. She pulled back and said, "I won't tell Ryan if you don't tell Max."

"Whatever you say, senorita."

"Let's go guys. Tay and I have to change and you all have to load up the car."

"You mean Atwood and I have to load up while Cohen supervises."

"Hey, I resemble that remark."

"Move, people," "Max" snapped.

"Yes, Max."

"Right away, boss."

"You got it."

"Ah music to my ears," "Max" said as she and Anna moved towards the house to get dressed.

"C'mon man, our stuff's in the garage."


"Sum you have to come! My mom's doing a parental trip on me and won't let me go alone."

"Why can't we just do something else? Go to the mall? Spa? Anything but listening to weird music while you squeal over some muscle-head."

"He's not a muscle-head! He's.....driven. That's why he doesn't talk much. And his music's not weird! I'm sure it's that Max girl's influence that makes The Rebels sound like that. If Rip was in charge, they'd be on MTV by now!"

"I'm just saying - watching you drool isn't my favorite way to spend my time."

"What is? Loser patrol? I heard you were seen with Seth Cohen the other day. Charity work not limited to the hospital now?"

Summer turned around slowly and gave Marissa her best glare, "I'd leave now

if I were you."

"Oh, come on, Sum. He's not even in your league. He's so far beneath you he's underground."

Summer marched across the room and yanked her bedroom door open, "You're gonna be late for the show especially since you still need to find someone to go with you."

"You're being ridiculous."

"No, I'm being kind. If I let you stay, your big blue eyes are going to have a black ring around them. Now, you better get going."

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? All you want to do is stuff you want to do, never anything I want to do."

"You said you didn't want to do anything tonight."

"Exactly. I don't want to go out and I especially don't want to go watch you make a fool of yourself over some guy who is clearly not interested."

"You take that back!"


"Bitch. Just because no one will go out with you."

"They don't meet my standards! I'm not a slut like Holly!"

"No you'd rather be a prude like Townsend or a lesbian like Stern."

"You're really pushing me towards a blackout here, Cooper."

"You'd hit me?"

"If you push me, yes."

"Why are you being such a bitch?"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are! You threatened to hit me!"

"If I was really a bitch, I'd have you arrested for trespassing. I've asked you to leave three times already."

"Fine. Whatever. Have a nice night," Marissa swept past Summer and down the hall.


".....The night is here and the day is gone/And the world spins madly on," Max's voice carried out across the club.

Ryan was glad his job as "Logan" meant he had his back to the stage. Watching that girl sing did bad things to his concentration. He'd been a good brick wall while they set up, and nearly causing "Zeke" to fall down laughing when he was able to re-enact the "I don't speak Spanish either" scene from Heartbreak Ridge with very few alterations.

"He is so cute," he heard from the right to him.

Part of him knew who it was before he turned his head and when it was confirmed he groaned a little. Marissa. Just perfect.

"I don't know. The roadie's pretty hot," the girl next to Marissa said.

He opened his mouth to tell her off and closed it when he remembered that "Logan" barely spoke English. He noted their location and went back to watching the crowd for trouble.

"Hi there," a boy his own age greeted him. "I'm Oliver."

OH, yeah, he thought, looking the guy over; this is trouble.

"Si senor. (In Spanish) Max said I should look out for you. I'm Logan." Now they found out if the sleaze spoke Spanish.

"Max didn't mention you were Spanish or that you didn't speak English."

"Didn't she?" Damn, still no clue. He's got a great poker face. "I speak English." He made sure to sound like one of Eddie's cousins - where the English was barely understandable.

"Ah I see," Oliver nodded.

"And we'll be right back," Max was saying from the stage.

Logan turned around when he felt Max's shoe nudge his shoulder. He lifted his arms up and helped her down from the stage. Rip and Zeke followed her down; Rip helping Pepper down once he was on the floor.

"So, what's up guys," Max asked, standing next to Logan.

*I don't think he speaks Spanish, but I'm not sure* Logan answered. *He's got a good poker face.*

*Yeah, I know. I still can't tell if he speaks French or not.*

"Hey, Oliver." Rip greeted their irritated looking manager. "I see you've met Logan."

"Yeah. You and Zeke couldn't find someone who spoke English a little better?"

"I don't have any problems with him," Zeke said. "Pep, what about you?"

"I like and understand him just fine, thanks."

"It's not like we're hiring him for his lingual skills, Oliver." Max said. "Just intimidation and muscle."

*I will break you* Logan stated slowly and Zeke tried not to laugh.

"I'm thirsty too," Max said taking Logan's hand as she started to lead him away. "Pepper, didn't you say something about dancing?"

"Yes. Yes I did. Rip, we haven't danced in a while. Let's do it."

"Wait, I'm supposed to check him out! See if he's good enough to be hired." Oliver complained.

"When did we make that arrangement?" Zeke asked before following his friends.

"Having fun," Max asked Logan as they got to the bar.

"Oh yes," he agreed. "You guys sounded great up there by the way."

"Thank you," Max smiled.

"I was gonna warn Rip that his stalker's here."

*Good God, doesn't that girl have anything better to do,* Max rolled her eyes.

"Guess not."

"Greetings, programs. Zeke joined them. "Why the serious faces? Didn't you see the way Oliver's veins are throbbing? It's hilarious."

"Yeah well Rip's got company other than Pepper," Max motioned to the floor where Marissa could be seen staring at Pepper and Rip dancing.

"She better be careful," Logan said.



"Hey, did she bring Summer with her?" Zeke started looking around.

"Not that I saw."

"No I think Marissa's date for the night is Holly," Max nodded to where the girl was sizing up Oliver. "Looks like Oliver's gonna get lucky."

"If you call that lucky."

"Girls" been around. He should probably wear a hazmat suit," Zeke commented.

"Not all of us can claim virginity status, Zeke."

"What about you," Logan asked.

"Years ago. Trucker named Bubba."

*I don't buy it."*


*You have better taste than a guy named Bubba.*

*That's the other me. This me was with the trucker.*

*This you is one weird chick.*

*Tell you a secret? This me is lying.*



*Is this where I tell you about the twins I'm dating?*

*Their names better be Taylor and Max,* Max smiled as she put her hands on his shoulders.

*As a matter of fact.....* He smiled at her.

"Shouldn't you be guarding the stage from the crowd? Make sure the instruments are secure?"

"Oliver," Max sighed. "Strike out?"

"I don't know what you mean."

*Scumbag,* Logan muttered.

"We were just getting a drink," Max said. "Then we're going back to the stage to keep an eye on things."

"You don't have to go. It's not your job to watch the equipment."

"I'm keeping Logan company. He's fun to talk to."

"He should be doing his job."

"He is. His job is to protect me and Zeke and Pepper and keep Rip's stalker from getting backstage."

"And since Pepper is with Rip, I doubt the chica is going to approach him."

"And I'm right here," Zeke said. "And I must say I feel very protected."

"Me too," Max said.

"I don't trust him."

*Likewise, Jacka....*

*Don't. He may be faking the whole -don't understand Spanish- thing. *

*Fair enough. I'm gonna go keep an eye on the equipment. You coming?*

*Yes*, Max nodded. "Bye Oliver. Zeke, five more minutes."

"Why does she keep going off with him?"

"Maybe he's better company and then there's the fact that he looks at her face and not down her shirt when he talks to her," Zeke said.


"Ow, oh," Taylor said as she kicked off her shoes sending them sliding across the Cohen living room floor. "That's so much better."

"I give a great foot rub." Ryan offered.

"Really?" Seth lifted his feet towards his brother, frowning when the blonde boy snorted. "Hey, you offered."

"Her. I offered her. I wouldn't go near your feet without a space suit."

"Sit in the arm chair," Taylor said.

"Okay," Ryan followed her instructions and smiled when she sat on the arm of the chair, her feet in his lap.

"Rub away," she smiled.

"Cohen, where are your chips? I know I saw some in here before," Luke said from the kitchen.

"I better show him before he scarfs all the cookies."

Taylor smiled in amusement and shook her head at her friends. This reminded her of the times before Anna had moved to Newport. Back then it's just been her, Seth, and Luke hanging out raiding the fridges and kitchens in the respective houses.

"What are you thinking about," Ryan's voice intruded suddenly.

"The days before Anna moved to Newport. Except for the awesome foot rub I'm getting, this is what growing up with Seth and Luke was like."

"Hey! Those were my Oreos!"

"Have the Tollhouse."

"Oreos are my favorite and you know it. Give "em back!"

"Come get "em."

"So," Ryan observed, "kind of like living with two hyper five year olds. Poor you."

Taylor bent her head as she smiled, "It's kind of like having brothers but I don't have to put up with sharing a bathroom with them."

"That's important," Ryan nodded.

"Taylor, help!"

"I'm not hurting him, I'm just trying to eat my snack!"

"Then again, there's the fact they want me to referee their boy-stuff. Wrestling. Etc."

"The middle child syndrome," Ryan teased.

"Something like that," Taylor smiled. "Guys, if you're gonna kill each other go outside so that Kirsten doesn't complain about the blood on the floor."

"You heard her, Cohen; time to go swimming."

"No way! Ryan, help! Come punch this guy or something."

"I'm busy," Ryan said rubbing a thumb down Taylor's instep soothingly. "Luke, only kill him if you know another drummer."

"Not gonna kill him, just gonna cool him off!"

"Let me go! Help! No!"

Ryan sighed and shook his head. He'd be more worried if he couldn't hear the laughter in both voices.

"You okay," Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Make you miss anyone," she ventured quietly.

"Not really." He frowned. "Things in Chino didn't really let us mess around like that."

"You had to grow up fast."

"To quote Seth, 'at warp speed'."

"You were so much older then, you're younger than that now," Taylor smiled.

"Where's that from?"

"A Dylan song," she told him. "It's one of the first songs we ever learned to play. Seth's grandma Rose had all of these old albums and when she died Caleb put them, and everything else that reminded him of her, away in the attic. A few years ago, we were at Caleb's for a party and we were bored so we went wandering and found the records. We played them for hours before anyone noticed we were missing."

"Is that the origin story of The Rebels?"

"Yeah pretty much," Taylor nodded. "God Caleb would hate knowing that but Rose would love it. Kirsten has all these old cassette tapes of Rose playing the piano. She loved music. There's even this video of Rose and Seth in the Berkley house with Seth banging on pots and Rose helping him keep the beat."

"Must've been rough on his parents, when he was learning."

"Ear plugs are a wonderful invention," Taylor smiled.

"What about you? Where'd you get the voice?"

"My grandpa had an amazing voice. He mostly sang for God on Sunday but every once in a while, he'd sing for my grandma. I can remember sneaking down during the summer and listening to him sing on the back porch."

Ryan snickered.

"What about that was funny, mister?"

"Nothing. Just the image of a mini-Taylor with pigtails peeking over the railing of a porch."

"Who told you I wore-" Taylor's eyes narrowed. "Luke?"


"Is Seth out of the pool?"


"Push him in again."

"Wh- Hey!"


"Thank you."

"Actually, it was Kirsten. She had pictures."

"Oh God," Taylor turned a deep red and covered her face with her hands.

"You looked cute."

"Shut up," she mumbled.

"She wouldn't give me the bikini picture. I don't think she believed that I needed it for a school project."

"Pervert," Taylor giggled giving him a soft kick in the leg with her free foot.

"It's not perverted to think you're hot." He smirked and kissed her ankle. "The things I want to do with you, however......"

"We've had two dates and you're already imagining me in compromising positions?"

"He's a guy. He was imagining you in compromising positions when you first met."

"Shut up, Seth."

"I have to go change anyway." He squished away upstairs.

"I better get home," Luke said. "See you guys later."

"Night Luke," Taylor said.

"See ya man," Ryan said.

Luke waved over his shoulder as he left.

"I think Seth will probably fall asleep after he changes."

"Are you suggesting something?"

"Yes, I am. I'm suggesting that it's late and I should probably go home too."

"Oh." He let go of her feet. "Your feet feeling better?"

"Much. Thank you," Taylor smiled. Then slid down and straddled Ryan's lap. "I don't want to go home but I also don't want to screw this up by going too fast."

"Then you shouldn't sit on my lap like this."

"Point taken," Taylor nodded and got up. "So I should go."


"Good night, Ryan."


Taylor didn't move.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go home."

"Maybe Kirsten would let you stay over."

"I'd hate to wake her just to ask if I could stay over," Taylor said. "I can just sleep in here."

"I think Kirsten would want you to sleep in the guest room instead of the couch. She's nice like that."

"The couch is comfortable. I've crashed on it before."

"The big windows letting in the morning sun are bad."

"Never bothered me before, really."

"Okay. I want you to sleep in the guest room because it's less tempting to stay up all night staring at you if I can't see you."

"I see," Taylor smiled. "Have you had any kind of talk about girls sleeping over with Sandy and Kirsten?"

"Not yet why?"

"So I wouldn't necessarily be breaking the rules if I slept in the pool house with you and I'm just talking about sleep here."

"Majorly bad idea for two very big reasons."

"Seth would never stop whining?"

"Okay, three."

"What're the other two?"

"Having you that close making it hard to sleep at all and getting a lecture from Sandy or Kirsten or both in the morning."

"Good point," Taylor nodded. "See you in the morning."

"Where are you going?"

"Guest room," she smiled as she turned around to walk upstairs.

"Sleep well, Taylor."

"You too," she smiled.