A/N: I know, I know. It took me so long to post the last chapter. But, here it is! LOL. I won't be rambling too much here because the big, fat author's note is really below. Please take the time to read it. :)

Enjoy the last chapter everyone!

Mike's POV

Today was nerve-wracking, knee-trembling, and I could not help but to fidget terribly in my place. I paced back and forth in an attempt to pacify myself, but it didn't work. I turned the radio on its maximum volume, so much so that the booming music probably disabled my sense of hearing, but it didn't work as well. I finally resorted to writing my English essay which is due tomorrow, hoping this could somehow distract me from my growing anxiety, but only ended up yanking the crumpled paper in the trash bin. Out of all the days I could be extremely nervous, the gods preferred to put me on tenterhooks at this very moment.

It was my last chance to date Bella for the spring dance. My last opportunity. My last straw. I had spent the whole school week trying, looming her into coming with me, but all those vain efforts were all but thrown away. I practically did almost everything to ask her—from notes to poems to even sheer embarrassment. Would she even mind me begging for her acceptance? Because I certainly wouldn't.

Honestly, I believe I did a pretty good job channeling my message through my actions the entire week and it absolutely made no sense when she thought otherwise. But maybe, just maybe, I have to really look back just to make sure.

Monday, to start off, was incredibly awful. I could only remember how my blood boiled underneath my skin as their intense kiss came into view. Worse, I could barely take my eyes off of their sickening moment. I had to inwardly kick myself for even doing so. Not a really good way to jumpstart the week, you could say.

Tuesday was nowhere near better. Cullen successfully ruined my day by taking the same gym class with me and Bella, giving me lesser chance to have her alone. I guess the boy never heard of the famous cliché "Three is a crowd". Coach Clapp even assigned him the seat next to Bella, the seat most appropriate for no one other than me. It's not like the seat was accidentally empty when he came around. Please. Coincidence, really, is such a traitorous thing.

Wednesday turned out to be the most horrendous day of my school hell week. If listening to Mr. Gomez's Philosophy crap and being the laughing stock of the whole class weren't bad enough, then I don't know what is. Really, my whole day would've gone great if he never intruded, never disturbed me while my newly-found skill works wonders. I knew I should've chosen detention instead. Stupid choice. Stupid, stupid, stupid. If it's any consolation on my part, I, at least, had the chance to show Bella my poetic nature. Ah! To think I actually possess such talent is very…enlightening.

Fiasco and disappointment defined my Thursday. After three gruesome days of trying and miserably failing, I decided it was time to seek help from my two friends—Tyler and Eric—regarding this situation. I thought everything will work out fine, that I could finally grab the chance to have her all by myself, but of course, like all the other times in history, I thought wrong. Conspiring with them happened to be the very worst decision I've made thus far. And I'm not going to allow such disaster to occur again, not after the messy trouble they left me with.

There are absolutely no words to describe my Friday. Everything was too surreal, almost implausible. Being in Jasper's presence trapped me into a whirlwind of emotions—one that I thought could never happen. My chest would've probably exploded right there and then from too much sentiments flooding through my body. And the most awful part? Peeing in my pants like I'm some one-year old child who does not have enough control for such human activities. Fantastic.

Saturday offered me nothing but a triple headache. My shift at the store gave me the unfortunate chance of meeting three different people who expertly had their ways of making my day miserable. Heck, the old lady was unbearable enough. Add in Emmett Cullen plus the woman who seriously thinks I'm too ignorant for her own shopping needs and you'll end up with another disastrous equation.

Six freaking days and not even once did I attempt to approach her and ask. I've let too many opportunities pass by and now that I'm left with only a day before the spring dance, I'm dropping the 'nice-guy' attitude to play rough. Bella Swan had the mistake of choosing Edward Cullen over me.

I got up from the bed and snatched my DVD of the movie Romeo + Juliet located by my bedside table. We were asked to write an essay after watching this film by Baz Luhrmann. And as much as I hated anything with Leonardo DiCaprio in it, I have no choice but to comply with the requirement of the homework. On the other hand, the movie could serve its purpose on my favor. I already planned on having Bella and I watch this together, us comfortably sitting on the couch. The perfect moment to ask her to be my date for the spring dance will eventually arise and she'll be too caught up with her emotions to refuse. It's a brilliant plan, I know. And nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever go wrong; I trust my manly instincts to do the job.

Before I could put my plans into action, she'd have to allow me first to come over at her house. A real gentleman never barges inside a girl's house without her consent. Besides, I've grown too familiar with my place so a change of setting would do well. I grabbed my phone and instantly typed the message.

Hey! I still have that DVD of Romeo + Juliet.
And I was thinking if you want to watch it with me?
I could drop by at your house, if you want me to.

- Mike

I reread the message for the fifth time, checking if it was decent enough for her to say yes. Satisfied, I pressed SEND and plopped on my bed to wait for her response.

I shifted uncomfortably as each second ticked by. Half a minute had already passed and I was worried that the message didn't get to her. Or that her phone was out of battery. Or someone deleted my message even before she could read it. Endless possibilities rummaged through my head, each one shattering my building hope. I jumped in surprise as a beeping sound invaded my thoughts. I glanced down at my cell phone and smiled as it registered Bella's name. Her response totally thrilled me.

Okay. You can come over at my house after lunch.

- Bella

I had to blink my eyes several times to be sure this isn't another one of my dreams. Is this really happening? Is she really allowing me to be alone with her? I could be the happiest man alive if I get through this day without anyone's interference. I took a glimpse at the wall clock and was disappointed to see that it was only 10'o clock in the morning. I could not wait for another two hours; the anxiety is killing me.

- - - - - - - -


As I lay beside my angel in her bed, I could not help but adore the sleeping form I gently cradle in my arms. I could see her chest rising and falling in tune with her placid breathing, could hear her heart thumping in a melodic tempo. Her scent never fails to bring my inner desire upfront. Her innocently beautiful face captivates me more than anything else. She was beyond breathtaking and I felt extremely lucky to hold her this close.

I do not live in oblivion to not realize how many guys would kill to take my place. In fact, I am more than aware of the competition. With my mind-reading ability, I had to endure every single day hearing their vile thoughts about my Bella, to restrict myself from lunging at them every minute of their perverted fantasies. It was a tough thing to control my actions but I had mustered enough patience to do so.

I was pulled out from my reverie as a beeping sound interrupted my thoughts. I was about to stand up from the bed to search where the sound was coming from when Bella draped her arm over my stomach, holding me prisoner on my place. I could still hear her even breathing so I was quite sure she hasn't woken up yet. She held on tighter as I moved an inch away from the bed. It seemed like she didn't want me to leave her side for even a minute; I chuckled inwardly at the thought. Typical Bella. She still manages to surprise me even when she's asleep. I caressed her cheek, careful not to wake her up, and kissed her forehead. She instantly relaxed at the contact, letting me get off the bed for awhile. I promptly walked towards her study desk and found her cell phone creating that beeping noise. I hesitated for a bit; I know it's immoral to invade someone's privacy but I couldn't help myself when Newton's name showed up. I felt my hands moving by themselves as I picked up her phone and opened the new message.

Hey! I still have that DVD of Romeo + Juliet.
And I was thinking if you want to watch it with me?
I could drop by at your house, if you want me to.

- Mike

I felt both irritated and amused at Newton's persistence. He never grew tired of doing ridiculous things to catch Bella's attention, even if it means utter humiliation on his part. And frankly, I don't think I've met any human boy as determined as him in my entire existence. So, I'll give him credit for that.

On the other hand, Newton's mind was the worst producer of disturbing thoughts among all the other students in Forks Highschool. His imagination has gone too far off that I had to deal with constant headaches to tune him out while he's around. And it's even more infuriating to hear his unsettling fantasies about my love. I really have to stop this. Once and for all. Since Emmett and Jasper already had their fun, it would only be fair if I had mine, right? I glanced at the clock, pleased that it was only 10'o clock. Two hours would be enough to plan out my actions.

Okay. You can come over at my house after lunch.

- Bella

I typed in the message and pressed SEND. I could guess Bella won't be a bit pleased with what I had done but I'm sure she will after today.

I immediately placed her cell phone back at the study desk as I heard her stir in her sleep; it was my only indication that she's about to wake up. In a split second, her heart pulsed faster and her breaths abruptly changed in pattern. Her eyes fluttered open and her chocolate brown orbs instantly melted my stone-hard heart. "Goodmorning, beautiful."

Bella smiled at my greeting and patted the open space beside her, asking me to join her in the bed. I willingly fulfilled her request; I simply couldn't deny her anything. I was at her side before she could even blink, her scent lingering on my nose due to our close proximity. I held her close in my arms as she laid her head on my chest. I felt absolute bliss as I felt her shiver under my touch.

"How was your sleep?" I asked.

"It was good." She tilted her head to look at me and smiled. "Yours?"

My lips twitched into a smile as she questioned about my 'sleep'. I decided to play along as I answered, "Never better."

She abruptly freed herself from my embrace and stood up from the bed. She cautiously steered towards the door, all ready to step out, but as she was about to move, she turned around and asked, "Give me a human minute?"

I chuckled then nodded for a response. She took off towards the bathroom and I was left all alone in her room. This gave me enough time to form definite plans for Newton's arrival later. I plan on making this day a very memorable one for him. Something that would help clear his head of all the thoughts and fantasies he had, and still has, of Bella. I just can't wait to see the most priceless expression on his face.


I shot a quick glance at my watch and smiled as it registered 12:45 in the afternoon. It won't be long until Newton arrives and I already have the perfect plan etched in my head. His appearance would further put those plans into action. Bella was so engrossed reading Wuthering Heights for the third time this week and I didn't want to bother her by breaking the news; she'll find out for herself soon. I took advantage of the remaining time and decided to act on my plans. The sooner, the better.

I took off my shirt, revealing my chiseled chest in front of my love. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bella's eyes widen in response to my abrupt action. "Edward! What are you doing?"

"Just…trust me on this one, okay?"

A glint of confusion shadowed her chocolate brown eyes and I had to resist the urge to reveal everything I had in mind for today. I was about to answer her unspoken question when someone knocked on the front door. I could practically hear his thoughts from Bella's room.

Man up, Mike! You can do this! After all, Bella already allowed you to be alone with her. Everything will be a piece of cake.

Alone with her? I rolled my eyes at the thought. I won't let that happen even if he's the last human boy breathing on the face of the Earth. Another knock came on the door and Bella stood reluctantly to get it. I could feel the agitation running through my body as she descended the stairs. I couldn't help but grin as the scenarios in my head played over and over again; I expected all of them to happen this afternoon.

"Mike?" I heard her say as she opened the door, curiosity coloring her tone.

"Hey Bells!" he eagerly responded. She's looks even hotter during the weekends! I'm glad I really came.

It's show time.

I got up from my seat and scurried down the stairs to surprise Newton. "Who's there, love?"

Bella swiveled around as she heard my voice, her eyes widening—for the second time this afternoon—after taking in my shirtless form. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she pondered about my weird behavior today. I didn't have to wait long to see the realization accumulating in her brown orbs. She then shifted her gaze to me then to Newton and back. She was so beautiful, so enchanting when she finally understood my motives. I never wanted to take my eyes off of her.

I felt like no one's around but the two of us until Newton's thoughts reminded me of his presence.

Holy crap! So, the rumors were all true! He really has the body to die for! What a god! Now that I've seen his abs in real life, I swear I'd visit the gym everyday.

This wasn't the response I wanted to pull from this boy. I had to wait for a day until it finally dawned on him.

Wait. What was he doing in Bella's room? And shirtless? No, no, no. It can't be. I mean, they can't be doing 'that', right? That's immoral!

I scoffed. He's thinking like he already had a fair knowledge of what's moral and immoral. I continued to walk downstairs to welcome him myself. I managed to put a smile on my face to not let Newton spoil my plans; the show has only started.

"Newton, I'm surprised to see you here."

He smiled. You can say that again, Cullen! I'm not even thrilled to see your face.

Don't worry. I share the same sentiment.

It was an awkward silence between the three of us as we sat in Bella's living room. I was thankful though when he decided to speak up; for once, he did something right. "I brought the DVD of the movie, by the way."

Bella shifted to face Newton, perplexity gracing all over her features. "DVD?"

Mike mirrored the same expression she beheld. She's acting like she's totally clueless of what's happening! I really have to knock some sense into her.

"Yes, love. The DVD… remember?" I asked, my eyes begging her to just play along.

"Oh…" She stopped, understanding the pleading in my eyes. "Yes. The DVD. I remember now." She gave me a piercing glare before taking the DVD case from Newton's hands. She headed towards the DVD player and immediately popped the DVD inside. As the movie finally played, I patted the open seat beside me and she willingly granted my request. I held her hand with mine, squeezing it lightly every now and then. Bella would gaze at me from time to time and I would return them with a chaste kiss on her lips. Of course, Mike was too observant to notice every single action.

Ewww! What are they doing?! As far as I know, this isn't one of those drive-in movies where you can pay and make-out any time you want to.

I ignored the obvious jealousy in his thoughts; I am far too busy to even care. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, filling myself with her tantalizing scent. I trailed open kisses along her shoulder blade, up her neck until I finally reached her lips.

God, this is sickening! When will the making-out ever end?!

I reached her ear and murmured ever so softly, imitating Romeo's words upon his conversation with Juliet, "With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt; therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me."

She turned to look at me and gave me a sweet peck on the cheek. "I've always knew you'd make a perfect Romeo."

"And you make a perfect Juliet yourself." She giggled at my response and I can't help but join in her amusement.

What is there to be happy about? This is a tragic story, for Pete's sake! This couple's truly out of their mind. Bella could be all lovey-dovey with Cullen for all I care. I'm out of here!

At the corner of my eye, I saw him stood up and walked towards the front door, not even letting us know that he was leaving. He forcefully opened it and directly marched outside, his steps getting louder as he moved. "Hey, Newton!" I exclaimed.

I felt like it's necessary to leave him my parting words. Assured that I got his attention, I added, "I'm sure Jessica wouldn't mind your company tomorrow."

With that, he banged the door shut, a small crack on the front door leaving its mark.

It kind of came out fluffy instead of funny. Oh, well.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who alerted, favorite-d, and took the time to read this fic. I never thought people would actually like my version of torturing Mike Newton! LOL. But seriously people, your reviews meant a lot to me and I'm utterly happy that some of you enjoyed reading this stuff. :]

Secondly, I hope you could add me on your author alerts list. I'm currently patching up a new story for every one of you to read. I'm still in the process of finalizing its plot though. To when I could actually post it is still undefined. But it will come out in due time. And when I do put it up, I want you guys to be the first to know. So, please do.

Third, I know I've delayed this chapter for far too long. But I have an excuse! I had the thrill of putting up my AH story and when people actually liked it and asked me to continue, I couldn't deny them anything. LOL. But, yeah. You know how AH stories are kind of rough for me. And to have such readers and reviewers commenting my every chapter is beyond fulfillment. :] By the way, I hope this chapter's worth your wait. Go check out my AH story if you haven't yet! And please do leave a review. I really do need a lot of readers and reviewers in that story. So, pretty please?

Thank you for reading all 7 chapters! If you took the time to read, or put this on your alerts and favorites list, then please leave a review. You know how much your opinions matter.
