Authors ramble: Hello everyone!! *runs and gives all a hug* I'm a little nervous about this fan-fiction, but I am counting on my faithful reviews to tell me if it's a keeper and if I should continue; truth is that I have got my first three chapters complete so even if this turns out to be a waste of internet space, the other two chapters will be coming up.
Keep in mind, I'm not J.K Rowling so don't think that you have caught her when in fact it is little old (young!) me. Although I would be flattered if you did think I was her…she has an excellent writing style.
Alright…without further ado*drum roll* here's my second story!*holds breath with anticipation* Enjoy.
Chapter One; Godrics Hollow:
The night of October 31 1981 was one of velvet blackness. Not a star did shine nor did the moon glow in the night sky, trees swayed in the cold breeze, which rippled fiercely through the leaves; causing the trees to bend, leaves and branches rustling eerily.
The quiet neighborhood of Godrics Hollow was silent. Save for the occasional groan from an unlocked fence; pushed by the night air, or the echoing bark of a lonely dog calling desperately for attention.
None of the inhabitants were awake, save for three; those certain three are whom this story is about, for you see, on that disastrous Halloween night the Potters, did not perish.
The vibrant red head had been up all night, nursing her little bundle of joy securely in the crooks of her arms; whispering soothing words to the sobbing baby, and running her fingers gently through the small boys' wayward hair.
'Hush now my baby' she cooed as the tiny figure wriggled restlessly within the confines of his blanket, which wrapped around his delicate body. The boy opened his eyes, green orbs shining in the dim light that flowed into the living room from the kitchen, caressing the walls and floor with a soft orange glow.
Lily didn't bother with turning many lights on, for the reason her husband was sleeping and would need to get up early for work in the morning, and she was certain that he wouldn't be too pleased if he was woken up by the constant gleam of light.
The little boy begun to whimper, bottom lip trembling as his green eyes filling with moister; his eye lids blinked and a few salty tears were released, sliding down his cheeks and dripping off his chin; Lily brushed away his black hair from his forehead with motherly tenderness, shushing the baby with a gentle kiss to his pale cheek, long hair flowing over her shoulders as she bent over slightly, before straightening up and watching her baby with a fond smile.
Lily had been worried to no end about her small son throughout the day, he hadn't been his usual giggly self for the past three or so days; he wouldn't chuckle when his father tickled his ribs and didn't seem to have an appetite, which worried his parents more than his reserved demeanor. Lily made sure to always keep an eye on the baby at all times. Eventually she had found out what was bothering him; after he spiked a temperature that afternoon.
The young woman sat, holding the bundle wrapped in the blanket close to her chest; breathing deep and steady. She was tired, worn and worried about her baby boy, yet knew she could not sleep incase Harrys condition worsened. He hadn't been able to sleep, and Lily hoped it was only because he was hot and bothered; she didn't want to think that he may be in pain, and anyway if he was she had no pain potions around the house.
The twenty one year old sat in the quiet atmosphere of the room for minutes on end; listening to the dull sound of the minutes tick by. Every now and then glancing down to check on her baby, he would rest his eyes, perhaps nap for a few minute, but never fully fell into a peaceful slumber. By eleven thirty she heard the stairs creak, moaning under someone's weight.
'Is he alright Lil's?' questioned her husband as he stumbled slightly in the darkness of the room; gripping the door frame to steady his self, he was clad in only boxers and a t-shirt; hair rumpled and messy from sleep. Lily shrugged, careful not to disturb the resting baby.
'His fever is still high, but at least it hasn't gotten any worse. He is restless, and won't go to sleep' she sighed, noting the tiredness in her voice. James rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands to get rid of the grit and sleep; running his hand down his face, and scratching slightly at the imprint left on his left cheek from the pillow, once he felt mildly awake he let out a low groan.
'Maybe we should take him to see Poppy' he stated more to himself, regardless Lily nodded slowly; eyes distant.
'I don't think that's a bad idea, she may be able to give him something to help him sleep' she pondered, her voice sounding far away.
James approached the duo that was seated in the pale blue arm chair, kissing the top of his wife's head before turning his attention to his son; crouching down to be at a more comfortable level.
'You want to go to Hogwarts Bub?' he asked his voice seeming to go up an octave or two while talking to the small baby. Lily smiled fondly at her two boys, handing the bundle to James as she got to her feet.
'I'm just going to get my coat and grab Harry something warm to wear, the corridors of Hogwarts are terribly cold at night' she added shivering slightly, before retreating upstairs.
'What about me?' inquired James nodding towards his attire of sleep wear with a flick of his head southward.
'You'll be fine' she called over the banister, James gave a one armed shrug to his self, pacing out of the living room and over to the coat rack near the front door, and un hooking a traveling coat to wear in the chilly weather. Careful not to disturb his young charge he slid the coat over his right arm, balancing little Harry in the crook of his left, switching the baby to his right arm slowly he proceeded to struggle with the other arm.
'Hold on, before you drop him!' called Lily, voice muffled densely as she hurriedly pulled a green sweater over her head, slipping her arms into the long sleeves and dashing down the stairs with dull thuds of her feet; which on them she wore plain white sneakers; dirty from wear.
James looked at his wife incredulously; 'I would never drop Prongslet' he stated matter-of-factly, his tone laced with mock hurt.
Lily rolled her eyes, and then held out her hands for Harry, palms facing the ceiling, slightly turned down ward; James looked un-happy about handing the bundle over, but did anyhow, he still hadn't gotten the sleeve on his left arm.
Lily sat on the ground, laying Harry carefully on to the carpet.
'We'll stay at Hogwarts for the night' Lily said voice quiet as she maneuvered one of Harry's tiny legs into the red jump suit she was dressing him in. James nodded his response, fiddling with the dark plastic buttons on his coat with his thumb and index finger; biting his tongue between his teeth in concentration.
Lily stood from her crouching position on the ground; gently lifting Harry into her arms; cradling his head and body.
'You ready to go?' she asked her waiting husband; James quirked an eyebrow.
'Lil's I've been ready for a while now' his voice was mirthful; Lily shrugged hosting the now napping baby more securely in her arms. The trio went into the living room, Lily stopping to grab a bottle of milk from the kitchen as James retrieved the jar of floo powder; pinching a small amount between his thumb and index finger, before rubbing them together; watching as the gritty powder lightly sprinkled back into the ceramic dish .
Lily returned.
'Ready?' inquired James as he grabbed a handful of the grey powder; placing the dish carefully on the mantel piece. Lily nodded distractedly as she struggled with baby Harry and the bottle of milk. James cringed as she dropped the bottle to the floor with a dull sloshing noise; James sighed softly; watching the white liquid eddy before he bent to retrieve it, Lily gave him a thankful look then stepped into the fireplace, gesturing him to do the same with a nod of her head.
'Hogwarts infirmary' they spoke in unison quietly as to not wake the dozing boy.
Authors ramble: *lets out breath* phew! Well that's the first chapter down, I would really adore you if you reviewed (not to say I don't already) what did you all think of it? Personally I reckon I didn't do too bad (but that's just me being cocky) the last thing a writer should do is criticize their work too much; I do it all the time so I can't really talk, but still it's never good to be too hard on yourself.
Little bit of a question, you don't have to answer but what's your favorite color? The question is pointless but I thought I may as well try to learn a bit about my reviewers, seems as how they get to know me through my author notes and stuff. I like green (previously blue, but that changed a while ago)
Alright, I hear you all screaming for me to end the damn authors note; I know I have been rambling (yes even I can pick up on my insane way of dragging out my author notes!) so talk…or more so write soon; bye.