Okay, this is my first shot at one of these, so let me know what you think, but be gentle…

Disclaimer… I do not own twilight.

Chapter One

Paul's POV

"Looks like we've got a new gang in town."

I followed Jared's scornful gaze across the hood of my car to see four boys walking along the beach. Tall, light haired, angry looking guys.

My expression changed, to one that probably mirrored his. Something about the way they walked, no, swaggered, was irritating. I've had this anger problem ever since… well, I've always had an anger problem, but it got worse about a year ago when I became a werewolf. Just watching them on our beach was bothering me. Something about them… I knew they weren't vamps, because I would have smelled it already, but it wasn't right.

"Are they new in town?" I asked. If they weren't they should know better than to swagger like that when they were on our turf.

Jared shrugged. "I haven't seen them before. Seems like I would've remembered such a bunch of tools…"

"Wanna go say hello?"

If we were two regular guys it probably would have been a bad idea to go marching down and intimidate what looked to be the blonde-Russian mafia.

But Jared and I, we weren't regular guys.

He gave me a smile and started walking towards the beach. I followed suit, loping a bit, very aware of my massive size as we came up to the group of guys. Oh yeah, did we tower over them.

I smiled condescendingly.

"Hey boys, haven't seen you around these parts before…"

The one that answered was pretty muscular looking, and he'd obviously heard the threat in my voice because his eyes narrowed. "First time around. Pretty beach, we might come more often."

"Yeah it's nice, we love our beach. " Jared emphasized the word 'our', and the guy scoffed.


Anger prickled the back of my neck. Damn idiots, were going to send me over the edge. I didn't want to change right here on the beach and murder him, so I forced myself to take a deep breath, and calm down. "That's right, you're on Quilette land, so watch your tone, or you'll have to ask permission to come back."

He snarled at me. Hm. That was weird, it sounded kind of… animalistic. I'm the animal around here. "Is that so?" he asked.

And then he shoved me.

He was a dead man.

I felt Jared grab my arm, probably he was worried I was going to change. But I wasn't. I would teach this clown a lesson as is…

"Paul! Jared!" I heard Sam's voice calling across the beach. I ignored his voice and shoved the guy back.

"Paul!" Sam's voice was suddenly hard, an order. "Stop." I stepped back. Totally against my will. The guy was smirking. I wanted so much to knock that smirk off his face…

"Leave it." Sam sounded angry. Whatever. I was angrier. Unfortunately it was another order, so I had to start walking away. I did so slowly, staring them down. I wished one of them would attack so I could fight back and call it self defense. But they didn't, just watched us go, smirking.


"Who the hell are they?" I asked Seth, who was leaning against the wall in my garage, next to Embry and Jared. Seth's best friend, Mathew, or Mike, or something, goes to public, so he hangs out with a lot of public kids. I figured he'd know if there were any new ones…

"I don't know." Seth shrugged. "There's six of them, they all enrolled in school on Monday."

Embry's brow creased. "Shit, you don't think…"

"That they're vampires?" I scoffed. "Like I wouldn't recognize the smell by now, moron?"

"Right." He looked relieved.

"There are six of them?" Jared wanted to know. "Because we only saw four on the beach."

"Yeah, six enrolled on Monday." Seth paused. "Five guys, and… a girl." I had to curb the amusement on my face at the way he said 'girl'. If Seth's skin wasn't so dark he would have been blushing majorly.

"A girl?" I asked smugly. "You've met her?"

"No…" Seth was looking anywhere, but at us, "I mean, I've seen her but we haven't met." I heard Embry chuckle, Jared was grinning.

"She pretty, Sethie?" Jared teased.

Seth looked embarrassed again. "I guess… I don't know. A lot of the guys, at the school are… talking about her."

"Nice," I laughed. "Well have you heard any of the guys talking about this gang? Like are they part of a weird cult or something?"

Seth looked relieved to be off the girl subject and shrugged. "They keep to themselves a bit, but they seem pretty tough." His face shifted, as he remembered something. "Some jock tried to grab the girl in gym class or something, and one of guys beat him up. Her brother I think."

"They're all related?" Embry asked.

"Three of them are… the girl and two of the guys…"

I ran a hand through my hair, pensively. That was weird. Obviously. You didn't transfer schools, all at the same time, to the same place. Maybe with your family… but not a bunch of friends.

Embry and Jared were thinking the same thing, I could tell from the way they looked at me. We would have to head into town tomorrow and check it out.