Momo: Well, here you all have it. The final chapter of Killing Loneliness. Enjoy! You all will adore this chapter!

"Say who what now?" I asked as I gaped at the two standing in front of Takuma and I. You see, a year had passed since we killed Haku and Hana. Meaning little Aiko was one now. Her birthday party was utter chaos because SOMEONE (coughTakumacough) decided to try to invite the whole country of Japan to her party. Cleaning up was a nightmare. He was punished accordingly. I have my ways.... Anywho, Zero and Luna had been getting along perfectly. They went on dates and stuff regularly and seemed perfect for each other. Now since it's been a year, Zero went to go live with Luna. It was better than causing Cross any grief. Or so he said at least. Though, a year didn't prepare me for what I just heard from the two in front of me.

"Yeah, he proposed to me last night. We're getting married..." Luna mumbled sheepishly. Even Takuma was at a loss for words. We looked almost the same right now. Our jaws were pretty much on the floor and our eyes could be rivaled for dinner plates. Zero's face was flushed a light shade of pink, which was hilarious to see. Now, this isn't as surprising as "He got me pregnant.", but this is still pretty surprising. "I want you to be the maid of honor Hikari." Luna said softly as she gave me a hug.

I got over my shock and hugged Luna back. Of course I was happy for her and Zero. Though I doubt picking out Zero's best man will be an easy task. I know who it isn't gonna be! Any guesses anyone? Anyone? Hehe it's just too obvious. Luna pulled back and grinned at me. I'm so glad to see her happy. It took her about a month to fully recover a year ago, but now she was just fine and back to her sarcastic self.

"Sure. I'll be the maid of honor. Congrats you two." I said happily as I pulled her and Zero into a hug. As we separated, I looked up at Zero. "So, who's the best man?" I asked. Even Luna started giggling because she knew it would probably take him about a year before choosing a best man. Zero scowled, mumbled some obscenities under his breath and walked up to Takuma. Oh, where's the popcorn? Because this is gonna be good!

"This doesn't mean you're my friend, but you're better than all the other idiots." Zero muttered. Takuma looked at him with a confused look on his face before it lit up into a smile. "Oh, of course I'll be your best man!" he exclaimed happily. Then he did something that made me think he wanted to commit suicide. He pulled Zero into a tight hug. "You see, and here I thought you hated my guts." he said as he crushed Zero's spine. "Get. off. of. me. NOW." Zero growled. Thankfully, Takuma was smart enough to pull away from Zero before he ended up dead. I wouldn't be too happy if that happened.

"Did you tell Kaname yet?" I asked. Luna looked at Zero with a slightly horrified look on her face. I'll take that as an obvious no. "Well, I don't know how well he'll take that." Luna murmured nervously. Well, I can honestly say Kaname will not be skipping in a field of flowers for joy, but hey, he might let it happen. After all, Zero saved Luna at the incident last year! Oh wait, then she saved him and damn near died in the process... Okay, I think Zero's officially screwed. Sorry man!

"Kuran's going to have to live with it. Or else..." Zero muttered pulling out his Bloody Rose. "Oi Zero! That's really going to make him say yes, pulling your gun on him. The only thing that will do is get you back on a gurney and a very upset Yuuki if you hurt him." I chastised. Zero grumbled some obscenities and put the gun away. Maybe we could get Seiren to hold Kaname back... Oh damn, I forgot she serves him. Well, that plan has been shot in the ass.

"Okay, the best thing we can do is all of us go to talk to him." I suggested. Luna nodded and started walking down the hall with Takuma and I. Zero stood there and swore a little before following us. I know he hates Kaname, but to Luna, Kaname is her big brother that has kept her safe. She cares about his opinion so Zero will just have to suck it up.

We walked down the hall to Kaname's office and knocked. Being inside, he granted us permission to come in. As soon as he realized it was the four of us, he sighed and put down the pen he was writing with. "What is it?" he asked. "Kaname... Zero asked me to marry him." Luna murmured hesitantly. Either she was afraid of how angry Kaname was going to get, or she was afraid that he wouldn't allow the wedding to even be planned. Most likely both.

Kaname's eyes widened slightly and he stood up. "We want your blessing on this." Luna finished. She was holding Zero's hand, and from the looks of it she was probably squeezing the life out of that hand too. Kaname walked up to Luna and Zero. Takuma and I just kind of backed away slowly. We were hoping Kaname wouldn't let his personal feeling about Zero get in the way of Luna's happiness. Knowing him, he might not, but since he thinks Zero almost got Luna killed a year ago because he didn't send her back to the hospital, he might still be pissed about that and say no.

"You both... want to wed?" Kaname asked as he gaped at the couple in front of him. They both nodded. Kaname sighed and ran his hand through his hair. I've noticed he does that when he's frustrated. "I don't know. Will you be able to properly take care of her Kiryuu?" he asked with a glare. Okay, that done pissed Zero off because he stomped foreword, only to be held back by Luna, and got right in Kaname's face. This was going to end sooo badly. At least that was the vibe I was getting.

"Listen here, Kuran. Just because we hate each other doesn't mean you can stop her from being happy. So I couldn't protect her one time. You didn't help out much there either did you? You weren't even there! The least you could have done was make sure she stayed in her damned hospital room! You couldn't even do that! You have no right to get pissed off at me and expect me not to keep her safe. I'll step in the way of a semi truck for her if I have to, but don't you dare glower at me for that one fucking time. Whether you like it or not, I love her and we're getting married."

The room was more silent than a graveyard after Zero's rant. Kaname was staring at the floor. He knew Zero was right. We all heard a sigh as Kaname looked up at Luna. "Very well." he mumbled as he strode back to his desk. Wait a second... That was the response Kaname was looking for! That smart little.... Wow, very nicely done. My future evil plans will have to be as good as that one. I will have to start taking notes from kaname.

"Very well what?" Luna asked. "You two may wed." he answered. Luna's eyes lit up as she ran up and hugged Kaname. "Thank you so much Kaname!" Luna exclaimed. He hugged her back and smiled. They were like that until she pulled back and her and Zero went out of the room. Well, this is going to be fun.

Five Months Later

Fate sucks. Luna's wedding day and I'm sick! At least I'm puking. Oh well, I'll suck it up and be there for her. Much had happened in five months. Wedding preparations and shit like that was mass chaos. Aiko's second birthday was four months away and Takuma was already freaking out about that. Maybe it's just my nerves getting to me.

"Hikari! Are you okay? We're going to be late!" Takuma called. "Yeah, I'm okay!" I called as I ran back out into the parlor where Takuma was waiting on me. He was holding little Aiko in his arms, who was wearing this adorable little white dress. She looked so cute! "Lets go." I mumbled as we made our way out the door.

It only took us about five minutes to drive to the wedding. We walked in and I walked into Luna's "room" while Takuma walked to Zero's. Good, Zero can't strangle Takuma while he has Aiko around. Good plan. I walked into Luna's room and she was sitting there, very calm and content. "I can't wait..." she whispered. I smiled and gave her a hug. "Yeah. You two are such a cute couple." I stated. She grinned and looked at me, then her grin turned into a frown.

"Uh, Hikari... you don't look so good." she mumbled. "I'm fine. It's just my nerves getting all worked up." I assured. She didn't buy it for a second. Well, at least I tried. I think it is my nerves. The wedding, Aiko, and other things. I get stressed easily, so I know I'm okay. We heard that it was time for the wedding to start, so I got up in stood in my spot.

Zero was already at the alter with Takuma standing next to him. I will never forget this day because it was most likely the first and last day I'd ever see Zero so damn nervous. Such a rare sight is almost impossible. Actually, maybe if he ever gets Luna pregnant, THEN it will be a sight to see. I would love to see what their kids look like... They would be so adorable! Come on, imagine Luna and Zero babies. So adorable!

Anywho, the music started playing as Luna walked down the aisle. Looking out at the crowd, Kaname was calm, but slightly glaring at Zero with the "Don't fuck this up." look, Hanabusa was smiling as he sat next to Yori, Same with Kain and Ruka, and Cross was bawling his eyes out.... again. Honestly, I really think he thinks of Zero, Yuuki, and I as his children. Dear god when Kaname and Yuuki get married, I can only imagine the ocean of tears Cross is going to shed at their wedding. I thought he was bad at mine and this one... I better stop before my headache gets worse.

So as I was saying, Luna stood in front of Zero, a bright smile on her face. Even Zero was slightly smiling at Luna. I ignored the priest until the I do's. They both said I do, both having a spark in their eyes. I was crying now. They were perfect for each other. Then came the part I was fearing the most....

"If anyone has any objections to this matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." the priest said. Kaname's mouth started to open. I glared at him evilly and Yuuki elbowed him slightly. He kept his mouth shut after that. Good Kaname, no screwing this one up. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the priest finished. Zero then lifted Luna's veil and they kissed. I've never seen Zero look so happy in all the time I've known him. I was so happy the tears just kept streaming out.

After they got off the alter, I ran up to Zero and Luna and threw my arms around them both. "I'm so happy for you both." I murmured as I looked at them both. "Thank you so much Hikari." Luna thanked as she hugged back. Zero smiled and pat my head. "Thanks." he mumbled. I grinned at him and stood back. Takuma put his hand on Zero's shoulder to get his attention. "You two are going to be happy together, I know it." he stated with his usual heart-warming smile of his. Zero nodded and mumbled his thanks to Takuma.

The after party was fun too. Though all I did was dance with Takuma. This reminded me of our wedding day. Heh, only it's Luna and Zero's turn. As much as those two argue and get on each other's nerves, you know they love each other. They are so similar it's scary. Perhaps they'll be like Takuma and I and last through anything thrown at them. Honestly, that wouldn't surprise me.

When the wedding was over and Takuma and I were on our way back home, I felt dizzy. Why did my nerves have to be so evil right now!? "Takuma... pull over please." I pleaded. He looked at me with concern. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm going to be sick." I answered as I took deep breaths. He nodded and pulled over. I got out of the car and immediately got sick. After I was done, I looked back up at Takuma. "Maybe we should get you to a hospital and make sure you're okay." he suggested. I sighed and nodded. It couldn't hurt to make SURE my nerves were causing my nausea.

Getting to the hospital only took about ten minutes, which wasn't so bad. We walked in, told them what was wrong, and I got check-ups. Luckily for me, I got the same doctor I always end up getting. Hey, I trusted him. Especially after the things that were going on two years ago. After my check-ups, he went into the other room to look at the results while I sat there with Takuma. He had a hold of my hand and looked slightly worried. "Don't worry Takuma, I'm sure it's nothing." I assured. The doctor walked out looking quite happy, which was a relief to us.

"Mrs. Ichijou, I am proud to announce that you and Mr. Ichijou are going to be parents again." he announced. I... was pregnant again? Takuma and I stared at each other in silence before jumping up and kissing each other. He pulled away and grinned at me. "Well, I'm happy to be having another one." he stated. I smiled softly and pecked his lips. "Me too." I replied as I pulled him into a hug.

Another baby... Heh, with the two of us, who knows how many we'll have? Still, as long as I got Takuma and my growing family, I know I'm happy. I also know I will stay like that now that we were safe from now on. I don't have to worry about my baby getting hurt this time. That was the best thing in the world to me. Actually, the best thing in the world, is standing beside Takuma, with our children. Safe and sound forevermore.

???'s POV

"Huh, another one already?" I asked as my servant came in, reporting to me the progress on the Ichijou's and all the others I kept an eye on. "Yes, another child." he answered. I smirked and sat down on my couch, thinking about how to plan this out. No, I shouldn't strike now. Too soon. I will strike when their kids are at least as old as they were when all this started. That way they leave their guards down.

"Well, I know all I have to do is get one of you, and then this will be easy." I muttered, staring at the portrait of Hikari, Takuma, and all of their pathetic friends. I couldn't wait for this plan to unfold. Though I HATE to, I will be patient for once, and just wait for the day to come...

Momo: Well, that's the end! Thank you all for reading this story. You all mean so much and I would be nothing without my beloved readers. I thank you all and I hope I will see you in the next and final development of Hikari and Takuma's story. Ja ne!