Naruto flopped back onto the deck, throwing an arm over his face and groaning. Neji gave him an odd look, silently prompting him to explain.

"Sasuke," was all Naruto said in response, rolling over to face away from him. Neji quirked an eyebrow and Naruto could just feel the glare burning into his back. "Alright, alright! He had to leave this morning, just as I'd gotten up the courage to tell him..."

Naruto trailed off and fell silent until Neji prodded him. "Tell him what?"

Giving Neji a pointed stare - of course he knew what Naruto was going to say, the prick - Naruto sighed and continued. "That I love him."

"Speak up," replied Neji with a smirk.

Naruto resisted the urge to rasengan his face. "That. I. Love. Him."

Walking past the Hyuuga estate, Sasuke froze.