An earlier morning than usual, and Vaughn lay awake in his bed. Staring at the wooden frame above him he pondered the best way to tell Chelsea. He didn't know where this would go, and he wanted to take things slow. Very slow! He would just have to explain that to her, that's all. Chelsea was very understanding. Vaughn slapped his hands hard against his face to wipe the idiotic, smiling thought from his mind. This was going to be a disaster….
Chelsea gave a great yawn as she rose from bed and winced as she unconsciously stretched her injured arm, which was now purpled from bruising. Still, she thought optimistically, it was a right side better than even two days ago. She hoped for a good report from Trent tomorrow as she prepared herself for the day. Mark, as usual was waiting outside for her and together they made their rounds about the farm.
"The potatoes are coming along nicely," Chelsea commented approvingly.
"You think so," Mark asked as he watered them. He took a few steps back and judged them from Chelsea's angle.
"I think we're in good shape to win the crop festival this season," she smiled. "And if we do win, I think I'll let you keep the prize money."
"There's no need," he said hastily, a slight blush on his face, "It's your farm, after all."
"True, but you planted this group, and have been doing all of the watering. I was going to offer the Wonderful to you, too, but I didn't think you'd accept it."
Mark rubbed the back of his head and blushed, "You know me that well, huh? Okay, then, deal, if we win the festival I'll take the prize money. Unless it's an Indigo Wonderful, that is," he joked.
Chelsea laughed, too. "Okay, deal. I think that's all for today. Come inside and wash up, I'll make us some lunch."
As Mark took a quick shower, for which he was grateful, Chelsea used the morning's eggs and some herbs to cook two servings of their winning entries from yesterday. They sat down at the table and enjoyed their lunch in companionable silence.
"Hey, Mark, do you want to walk down to the beach with me today?" Chelsea asked as she washed the dishes and he dried.
"Huh? What for?" he asked, cocking his head curiously.
"I'm meeting someone there today, and as I recall, Sabrina is usually on the beach around this time of day," she answered. "So I figured we could walk there together."
"Oh, okay," he said after a moment's hesitation, then more confidently, "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. People are still giving you funny looks, huh?"
"That, and to keep Robert from being my escort," she answered. "I can't for the life of me figure out how he always knows where I am. It's not as if I'm that predictable, is it?" Mark smiled to himself and said nothing. When the dishes were done they picked up their bags and made their way to the beach. As they left the farm Chelsea began to feel nervous excitement wondering what Vaughn wanted to talk about.
"Maybe I can convince Sabrina to come up to the mines with me," Mark was saying amiably, unaware that Chelsea was just barely listening. "She'll like that I think. I've found some really good spots to find rare gems. She takes care of all of that stuff, you know. The documenting I mean. Sabrina looks after the profits and what sort of gems can be found on this island. Regis said that they stay here because he's convinced there are some promising gems in that mine. If I can find some really rare ones, I'll bet they'll live here permanently. That would be awesome! Which reminds me, who are you meeting on the beach? Chelsea?"
"Huh?" she said, snapping out of her thoughts. They were almost at the beach now, and Mark was looking at her curiously. Still walking, she now gave him her undivided attention and looked at him rather than where they were going.
"Who are you suppose to be meeting on the beach?"
"Oh," she blushed slightly, "Um… Vaughn asked me to meet him here, after the cooking festival."
"Oohhhh," Mark said narrowing his eyes and broadening his smile, "did he ask you after I left? I thought I saw him heading our way. He was waiting for me to leave then, huh? "
"Yes, yes, tease if you must. It seems we are both aiming to meet our crushes on this day. And so," she said joyfully, "you will meet with Sabrina and I will meet with…," her voice trailed off as she looked ahead once more, "Vaughn?"
Vaughn watched the ocean waves brush against the shore. The wind rustled his hair and, closing his eyes, he took a deep breath that smelt of salt and sea. A calm ocean always succeeded in calming him down. He couldn't finish his chores fast enough this morning in hopes of gaining a few extra hours of time to himself. In his rush he had made mistakes, to which he abhorred, but he concluded was a result of his jumbled feelings rather than his rushing. But that was all behind him now. Even Denny had had the sense to leave him alone this morning, to which he was grateful, though was perhaps due to the fact that Lanna had joined him to fish. The time to think had served him well; he knew exactly how he wanted to tell Chelsea.
"H-How are you, Vaughn?"
Vaughn spun around to see a very timid and shy-looking Sabrina. "Ah, it's you. You're not going to pass out again, are you?" he asked, remembering the run in they'd had awhile back when he escorted her home. That day she was paler than usual. She looked better today, though a little flushed.
"Tee-Hee," she giggled, "No I just wanted to thank you for helping me. I'm sorry that I worried you."
Worried? He thought to himself. That seemed like an odd thing to say. Concerned perhaps, but not worried. "I wasn't worried. If you pass out in the street, you'll be in the way of people." Meaning that to be the end of the conversation, he began to turn away to gaze at the ocean and wait for Chelsea.
"Y-You're so kind, Vaughn," she said cheerfully. He looked back at her in surprise to see her smiling, almost too much.
He felt his cheeks warm up, despite himself. "Are you talking to me?" he asked uncertainly.
"Yes," she smiled. "You're so caring, deep down…."
Regaining some of his senses, he began to get a little irritated. He had just managed to calm himself down, and then this happens… and Chelsea would be here any minute. "You're an odd one…," he began, but before he could finish something hard hit the back of his head. He let out a yell and rubbing his head turn to confront Denny, but no one was there, only the large moss-covered boulder.
"Ahahah… I just wanted to thank you," she said hesitantly. He turned to her a look of confusion. Had she not seen that? He was about to ask her when something else hit him, in the shoulder this time. Expecting to catch Denny, he no sooner looked back at the boulder when he saw yet another projectile flying through the air, this time towards Sabrina who was saying something about leaving.
"Look out!" he exclaimed, making a mad dive towards her to push her out of the way. But the plan only half-worked; Sabrina tripped on something and, grabbing onto his sleeve, they both went crashing down.
There was a moment of darkness before Vaughn realized his eyes were closed and, opening them again, found himself lying on top of Sabrina, who was blushing madly. He felt her leg rub against his inner thigh and blushed, too.
"Vaughn?" said a distant voice. Chelsea and Mark were standing at the top of the beach.
Everyone seemed frozen on the spot. Vaughn on top of Sabrina, Mark looking from Sabrina to Vaughn, and Chelsea just staring blankly into Vaughn's stunned eyes. As time began to move once more, Mark starred at Sabrina with the look of absolute heartbreak. Chelsea looked to see how he was taking this and put her arm around him instantly.
"Let's go," she said and began to lead him away from the scene.
"Chelsea, wait!" Vaughn called desperately, scrambling to his feet. Sabrina just sat there, watching everything unfold, looking torn. Vaughn ran to catch up to Chelsea, "It's not what it looks like." He reached out to touch her shoulder.
She spun around like lightning to face him. Staring at him with hurt clouded behind some inner strength of will, he fell silent. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I don't know what to think right now, Vaughn. I'm still processing."
"Just let me explain—."
"Believe me, I want to, but not now," she made a side-glance towards Mark. Vaughn began to say something but she cut him off sharply, "Look! This isn't about you or me right now. I have to get him out of here!" Vaughn finally noticed the stricken expression on Mark's face, standing there listless and numb. She turned away and began to lead Mark off of the beach again, giving him a forceful push with her good arm to get him moving. She turned her head and said more gently, "We'll… talk later." Vaughn stood rigid as he watched them leave. Anger boiled to the surface as he tore his hat off of his head and threw it to the ground in frustration.
"I'm…sorry," said Sabrina, who was now behind him.
He picked up his hat and brushed the sand off of it before replacing it on his head. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault." Unknown to Vaughn, another wave of guilt struck Sabrina who was still unsure if she was doing the right thing.
"Perhaps… we should leave, too," she suggested.
"…Yeah," he agreed after a moment's thought. The both walked off of the beach, Sabrina following Vaughn a couple paces behind. "I know just the place, I can show you if you…," Sabrina began to say as they moved away from the shore.
On the other side of the beach, Denny watched the play unfold. Lanna, who had been sitting next to him, tried to understand what had just transpired. Even from this distance they could see that Mark was shattered by what he witnessed. "Poor Mark," Lanna whispered to herself. They watched the argument between Vaughn and Chelsea, which was loud enough for them to hear, all but the last portion, and then watched as Chelsea and Mark left…without Vaughn.
"Chelsea should have let him explain what happened," Lanna said, looking to Denny. "I mean it was a complete accident, right?" Now Sabrina and Vaughn were leaving the beach.
"I don't know about accident. Look," Denny pointed to the large boulder just as Robert appeared from the other side. He brushed himself off and strode off of the beach casually.
"What was he doing there?" Lanna wondered aloud. "Spying?"
"I'm not sure," Denny said, "but from what I could see, every time Robert swung his arm, something hit Vaughn."
"So he was throwing things?" she asked, and Denny nodded. "But why would he do that?" Denny just shook his head. A bolt of lightning-inspiration struck Lanna's mind. "It was a set up! I'll bet Robbie is trying to break Vaughn's relationship with Chelsea by pairing him with Sabrina!"
Denny looked down at her, "yeah, but why would he do something like that?"
Lanna raised her eyebrows at him. "Have you not seen the way he looks at her? He's totally obsessed. I can't understand why she hasn't realized it yet."
Denny shrugged, "He's a crazy fan. You have one of those, too. So does Pierre."
Lanna folded her arms and scowled at the far off boulder, "Crazy fans like that admire from afar; Robbie's crossed a big line. He knew those two would show up around this time; he did that on purpose."
Just then a smile crossed Denny's face, "Well, if he did all of that on purpose, then maybe we should do something on purpose, too."
Lanna looked at her boyfriend skeptically. "What do you have in mind?" Her only answer was his devilish grin.
Reaching the hotel in which he stayed, Chelsea led Mark in, opening the heavy door with some difficulty. Mark, who had been silent the entire trip, didn't seem to notice. Thankfully the husband of the hotel owner noticed her troubles and helped them inside. Realizing that something was amiss, he offered to fetch them some tea from the shop across the way. Chelsea handed him some money and thanked him for his kindness. Vanessa, the owner herself, also noticed the commotion and helped take Mark to his room, kindly shutting the door behind them.
Mark, moving without assistance for the first time, walked through the room and sat on his bed. Chelsea pulled up a chair from the desk and watched him. She had come along to comfort him, but now they were here she didn't know what to say. Her own mind was still racing, running through what they had witnessed again and again. Vaughn said that he could explain, that it wasn't what it looked like, but then… what was it suppose to look like? What did he want to explain? Had he asked her there to tell her he was interested in Sabrina instead? If that were true she would forever regret bringing Mark along. But he had kissed her before he left, not on the cheek or forehead but her lips. She touched them with her first two fingers unconsciously.
A gentle knock on the door reminded her that Taka had arrived with tea for them both. He gave her an encouraging smile as he handed them over and left just as quietly. Chelsea walked over to Mark's bed and sat beside him, holding both cups of tea. She gazed absently at the floor. A rattling sound caught her attention and she realized it was coming from the tea cup in her right hand, which was now shaking.
"I can take that," Mark mumbled. Without further ado he reached past the left and took the cup from her right hand. Cradling it in his lap he fell silent once more.
"I'm sorry," Chelsea whispered.
"So am I," he replied and with a great sigh he took a sip of his tea. Chelsea followed suit. The tea, however, did nothing to relieve the dry feeling in her throat.
"What I don't get," Mark said at last, "is that he asked you to meet him there. Did he want to do that in front of you, or were we just early."
"No! That's not it!" Chelsea protested at once, "I… I don't know what happened. My brain is spinning too fast."
"Mine's turning too slowly," he returned. Mark sighed again, and they fell silent as both pondered the scene that had been laid before them. "Well," he said with a seemingly casual stretch, "what do we do now? It's not as though we can pretend we didn't just see that."
"We don't know what we saw," Chelsea mumbled.
"So then you're resolved to defend him, are you?" Mark asked somewhat angrily.
"We don't know what we saw," Chelsea said again with more resolve. "If it was in fact what we think it was, then I suppose that's that, and I'm happy for them. If it wasn't… well I'm not going to make judgments before I hear his side of things."
Mark turned back to his tea. "You're too nice," he grumbled.
"Proof at least that I'm not like my mother," she returned halfheartedly.
"So what you're saying," Mark began, setting his tea on the floor and lying back on his bed, "is if what we saw was just a misunderstanding, let's say one of them tripped, then life is great and everything's fine. And if it wasn't a misunderstanding, and they're a couple now, you're just going to let it go?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying."
Mark shot up, "So that's it then? You're not even going to fight?"
"Are you going to fight for Sabrina, then?" she asked quietly.
"Of course I am! I won't give her up to him so easily! I'm not going to take the coward's way out."
Chelsea gave Mark such a sad expression that he instantly regretted his words. "If a new relationship is truly what we just saw, what is there to fight?" She looked down and said more quietly, "I was always resolved to be his friend first. I never expected him to feel anything for me."
"But you did hope." Mark responded.
The knot in Chelsea's throat tightened. "Yes," she forced through. "Yes, I did."
Mark looked on her with concern. He couldn't let her give up on Vaughn, as much as the man's name made his blood boil at the moment. Neither of them could afford to give up. The alternative was just too painful. A new thought struck him.
"You don't think… he was taking advantage of her, do you?"
"Now you're just letting your feelings combine with imagination. You and I both know he's not capable of that. The man wouldn't hurt animals. What makes you think he would hurt women?"
"Well," he shrugged, attempting to riddle it out, "It's not unheard of. Policemen sometimes turn out to be abusive you know."
"Beautiful imagery, Mark, thank you," Chelsea replied sarcastically. "Alright, think of it this way; would Vaughn really try to alienate the richest man on the island?"
Mark thought on this a moment. "You're right," he conceded. "Damn," he snapped his fingers in a gesture of regret, at which Chelsea couldn't help but chuckle.
"Let's try not to make anyone the bad guy in whatever this is," Chelsea said in response. "You know you don't really hate him."
"You're right," Mark conceded with a sigh, "My brain knows you are. So then what do we do?"
"Avoid bringing it up and hope for an explanation," she answered hopefully.
"And if one doesn't come?"
"Do you really want to ask them about what happened?"
"As a matter of fact, I do, yes."
"Then feel free to. I have enough on my plate without adding to it. My reputation is hanging by a thread as it is, and to top it off I'm secretly still doing work for my family's company."
"You're what?" For a split second his mind went back to the interview.
As though reading his thoughts, Chelsea sighed and nodded. "That's exactly what people will think if they find out." She waved her hand impatiently, "It's all just approving lineups and making suggestions on outfits; paperwork. It own the truth, Robert's been helping me with it." She held up her hands defensively at the look Mark now gave her. "He's really good at that sort of thing, and I don't have time to do it all myself. He happened upon me when the first of it came in, and he's got a really good eye for fashion."
Mark considered her thoughtfully. "You really do have a lot on your plate."
Chelsea rubbed the temples on her forehead with her left hand. "It's too much, to be perfectly honest. But what else can I do? Until another heir is found there's no one else who can do it but me. That company was my father's life; he'd be rolling in his grave if I just let him down. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry, but there really isn't time for that, so I just keep pushing forward."
"Keep working like that and you'll reach a breaking point," Mark said gravely.
"Oh I did yesterday," she said mock-casually. "In front of half the town no less, so I'm happy to hold the next one off a bit longer. I'll listen to Vaughn if he wants to explain, but I dread the answer."
"You haven't said what you'll do if this is a misunderstanding. If he tells you there's nothing between him and Sabrina, will you tell him how you feel?"
Chelsea shook her head, "I don't… I don't think so. Am I ready for a romantic relationship? It's not as if I have experience in this, and now of all times, when I'm just barely keeping my head above water? Now may not be the best time."
"Sometimes having someone by your side can make things easier," Mark offered.
"Or it could make things more complicated. I'm sure Vaughn wouldn't approve of my company side work. Maybe Sabrina's a better match for him… at least she's honest. My only regret on that score is you get left out in the cold."
Chelsea's mind began whirling once more. None of what they saw made sense. She had never really seen Sabrina and Vaughn spend time together. When did this start happening? Was she blowing it out of proportion? He kissed her yesterday but maybe… it was a goodbye kiss, or a thank you kiss. She shook her head; that didn't make any sense either. What would Vaughn say to her? The explanation she was hoping for but an hour ago she was now afraid to hear. If he was with Sabrina, how would she feel? And if he wasn't, what would she do? Mark quietly rubbed Chelsea's back wondering to himself when the comforting tables had turned.
"So you're sure she wanted to meet me out here?" Robert asked, looking around at the tall trees.
"Absolutely. She has some errands to run that will eventually lead her this way, or so she told me. She wants you to wait right here so that she can meet you when she's done." Denny answered, Lanna beside him nodding the affirmative.
Robert huffed from the heat and waved the front of his shirt to cool off. "Why is this island so hot compared to all of the others?" he complained.
Lanna giggled. "It's a jungle, silly. It's warm here even in winter."
"It's certainly no place for this," he said as he began to shrug off his large and furry designer trench coat.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Denny warned.
Robert stopped halfway. "Why not?"
"Dude, I told you to bring that coat for a reason didn't I? I overheard once at the diner that Chelsea likes that coat on you." Lanna was having a hard time hiding her giggle from behind Denny. Denny just smiled.
"She…did?" Robert said, sounding hopeful.
"Absolutely man, so do yourself a favor and keep it on; you never know when she's going to turn that corner."
"Good point," he agreed. "Well then, thank you for the tip."
"No problem, man; the pleasure is all mine."
"Well, we should go, I think she'll be here soon, and we don't want to get in your way," Lanna said with a wave, taking Denny's arm with her free one. "Good luck."
Robert waved goodbye quickly then focused his attention on looking for Chelsea. He began practicing poses towards the path she might be coming from, his back to the trees.
Denny and Lanna walked towards the bridge. "Do you think it'll work?"
"Oh it'll work," Denny said with full confidence. "There's no way he'll be able to resist that." They reached the bridge and Denny walked them to just the side of it. "This'll be a good spot."
"Are we going to wait here?" Lanna queried.
"Yup," he said, handing her a fishing rod.
"What's this for?"
"We're going to catch some fish for our friend. I don't want him to go home empty handed."
"Maybe he won't," Lanna added darkly.
Denny made a mental note of this; never make Lanna angry.
After a few moments and a bucket full of decently sized fish, Lanna stretched her limbs; sunset was such a good time go fishing. "How long do you think we'll have to wait?"
A warrior's cry pierced the silence, sending birds flying in all directions. "Not long," Denny said with a smug smile. It was followed by an even louder shriek that had they not known from whom it came, might have mistaken it for a girl's voice.
They felt a thundering vibration and out from the bushes bounded Robert, still screaming, with a broken off spear head stuck to the bottom of his coat. It was fortunate that Robert was screaming, because Denny's laughter was the next loudest sound in the jungle. Tears were in both of their eyes as they watched his retreating figure cross the bridge and head for the hotel.
A moment later and Shea came out from the shadows, looking around wildly, holding the rest of the broken spear's pole.
"Hey, Shea," Denny waved, still trying to get control of himself. Shea turned, smiled, then turned serious again.
"Can't talk now. Hunting," he replied. "You see it?"
"Oh yes, we saw it," Lanna giggled.
"Which way?"
Denny waved his hand dismissively. "You don't want that thing; it was human."
"That human?" Shea asked. He creased his eyebrows. "You sure?"
"Positive. He's gone now. Come over here, I've got something for ya," and Denny held up a fish.
Shea smiled and walked over, gratefully accepting it. "Thank you. But…why?"
"Let's just call it… a thank you," Denny answered. Both he and Lanna gave Shea a big smile.
The three of them sat together a bit longer as Denny showed Shea how to fish with a pole.