My Twilight Story- New Moon- What if When Bella jumped; Jacob needed some help resuscitating her?


Song: "Life Support" from the Rent Soundtrack ("Reason says I should have died three years ago…" how perfectly Bella!)

Bella POV

Beep Beep……Beep Beep…...Beep Beep……

The sound came through fuzzy, like a badly tuned radio station. I wondered for a minute why someone would bother; just change the station! At the same time though, the sound was soothing, relaxing, and comforting. I somehow knew this steady yet fuzzy sound was very necessary to me.

I felt like I was floating. Nothing tying me down, except that sound. It was so relaxing I just wanted to lay there forever. But there was a small part of me that wanted to wake up. Images started to dance before my eyes…Charlie, Renee, Jacob, and…I couldn't think his name. He may not want me anymore, but I still hungered for his presence. His beautiful gold eyes, his cool embracing arms, his cold lips...I wanted it and badly. I desperately tried to remember these things but they felt so slippery, like I just couldn't get a hold on them.

What was his name!? I could not remember his name! My angel, my love, my life! What was his name? Fog started to descend on me, breaking my peaceful floating. I panicked, desperate to regain my memory; my life, my soul, my love. What was his name?

His face floated before my eyes, and recognition hit…Edward, my sweet Edward.

Beep Beep…Beep Beep…Beep Beep…

Then the pain came. Gasping, chocking, pain. But I had my angel, my Edward. That is all that really mattered.


I realized that the sound, that I had found so comforting, had stopped. Odd.