AN: This is somewhat of an AU, I guess? I don't know how long Miyagi and Shinobu have been together, at the point they're at in the manga- I assume over a year- maybe two? So this would take place like five or six months after Shinobu and Miyagi have been together…

Warnings: Yaoi, slight mentions of het, and a few controversial topics here and there.

Summary: Miyagi finds out Risako is pregnant with his child—how will this affect his relationship with Shinobu? What issues will this stunning revelation raise among the Takatsuki and Miyagi families? Read and find out.


Miyagi To-chan

Chapter 1: Surprise!!!


"Your majesty, I'm back with the staples you asked about this morning." Kamijou entered the office he shared with one Miyagi Yoh.

Who was currently lying on the office couch, a book placed over his face.

"…If you're asleep, I am going to tell the dean you're sleeping on the job." Kamijou snapped. "And take your position, you bastard."

"I'm not asleep. I have a serious migraine." Came the muffled reply from under the book as a hand raised up, opened, expecting.

"…What?" Kamijou snapped.


"Oh." Kamijou set them in the hand and watched, bemused, as the fingers closed around the small box and the hand fell limply to the side.

"Oh, and I saw your ex-wife, she was looking for you."

Miyagi nearly leapt off of the couch, darting around the office in a crazed hurry. Kamijou arched a brow.

"What're you doing? Cleaning up? She saw the office before she divorced you, she knows what a messy person you are."

"Actually, my apartment is very clean, I'll have you know—unlike that mess of books that composes your home!" Miyagi snapped. "But I'm not looking to clean, I'm looking for a place to hii---hi, Risako!" Miyagi waved when he noticed her standing in the door, arms folded, annoyed.

"I need to talk to you." She told him.

"So I hear." Miyagi shoved the books he was holding into Kamijou's arms. "Make up a meeting or something." He whispered, barely audible, and Kamijou closed his eyes, annoyed.

"Professor, we have that meeting to go to, soon, please wrap things up quickly."

"Oh, that's right, I totally forgot!" Miyagi rubbed the back of his head with a small laugh. "Sorry, Risako, but is this the kind of thing that can wait-"

"My father said the two of you don't have anything but free time for the rest of the afternoon, and that you promised him you'd clean the office today, because of it."

The two fell silent. Kamijou admired the woman's thorough investigatory skills. And he kind of felt bad for Miyagi.

". . . Kamijou, why would you lie to Risako?" Miyagi turned to Kamijou, whose jaw dropped, eyes practically glowing red.

"Yoh, it's very important." Risako snapped.

"Well, as your father mentioned, I have a lot of cleaning to do, so why don't we talk after work?" Miyagi busied himself with organizing the office and Kamijou inhaled, wondering if he should excuse himself, try to sneak past Risako, or just jump out the window. He might be skinny enough to fit through the vent…

"Can't you make time? I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon." Risako told him. "And I'm busy all day tomorrow."

"Doctor's appointment?" Miyagi looked up at this. "…Are you alright?"

Kamijou's eyes narrowed. 'Hooh… I wonder if Kyouju still has the hots for his ex-wife… what would a woman this elegant and attractive ever have seen in an idiot like him, anyway? Maybe she was suckered into believing what she read, just like I was- that would explain the divorce… heh heh heh… I'll have to use that one, next time he makes fun of me…'

"I'm alright." She told him. "…But like I said, it's something I need to talk to you about."

"…Do I need to get myself checked at a hospital or something like that?"

Kamijou ducked, barely avoiding being hit by the purse she'd sent hurdling toward her ex husband.

"NOTHING LIKE THAT, YOU POMPOUS-!!!" She froze, noticed Kamijou and stepped aside. "You can leave."

"Ah, just let me collect my materials." Kamijou reached for a packet on his desk and Miyagi grabbed his arm.

"Whatever you have to say can be said in front of Kamijou."

'What. The. Fuck?' Kamijou's eye twitched. "Kyouju, don't drag me into this, I beg of thee." He whispered, furiously. "I will quit."

"If you leave me alone with her, you won't need to quit." Miyagi whispered back.

"I am standing five feet away, I can hear your every word." Risako's eyes narrowed, irritated.

". . ." The two fell silent and Kamijou jerked his hand out of his boss' grasp. "Well, I can see this is a personal matter, I'll just excuse myself."

"Kamijou! Wait! You forgot your materials!" Miyagi raised the paperwork and started to follow a retreating Kamijou, but Risako's words cut into him, making him freeze in his tracks.

"Yoh, I'm pregnant with your child."


AN: That's it for the first chapter. Because of my hectic schedule, I'll likely only be able to post short little chapters, here and there. Sorry if it takes a while to update—I'll do my best to finish the whole way through.