Spanish class. Oh joy. Well, at least Edward and Alice were in this class with me. But everything excluding Edward was horrible. The teacher always talked in Spanish, which I have no clue how to speak and I sat next to Lauren. At the beginning of the course I sat next to Alice, but the little pixie decided to keep talking about shopping and get me in trouble.

I decided to start passing notes with Edward; I took a sheet of paper from my binder and started writing on it.

Hey Edward, are we going to your house tonight?

Before I could even fold the note in half it disappeared from my hand. I looked up to see the Spanish teacher staring at me with an angry look on her face.

"¿Las notas de paso son nosotros Bella?" she said. (Passing notes are we Bella?)

I stared at her confused. I turn to see Lauren snickering into her hand. I quickly

figured out that Lauren was the one who ratted me out and decided to take revenge.

"Oh, it's not mine. It's Lauren's. I took it from her so she wouldn't get in trouble," I told her.

""En Bella español," She tells me. ( In Spanish Bella.)

I turned back to the teacher and tried to sum up all the Spanish I learned in my past years of learning.

"El Oh, de que no era mi nota. Era Lauren. Lo tomé de ella para mantenerla de conseguir troble," I repeat in Spanish. She looked like she believed me and turned to Lauren.

"Lauren, quisiera verte después de clase," she tells her sternly. (Lauren, I'd like to see you after class.) She turns around and walks stiffly to the front off the room and begins her lesson again. I turn to Alice and I see her laughing quietly. I turn back to the front of the room and try to pay attention.