So, while I should be studying for the Chemistry test that I have tomorrow, or at least working on more of "Four Letters", I started working on this :) It's my first try at a first person point of view, so I want to know what you think.
I was reading some other stories, and I got this idea. I didn't mean to copy the idea, so I apologize now. If you feel I have stolen anything (which is not my intent!) then let me know and I'll take it off right away! But I tried to add my own twists to it so that I didn't steal it.
But anyways. On to the show! :)
Disclaimer: The TMNT and Co. are not mine :(
I heard one of my sons approaching my door, and, by the softness and lightness of the steps, it had to be Leonardo. They came to a stop directly outside my door.
"Enter," I said, before the turtle on the other side was able to even knock.
Sure enough, the turtle that poked his head around the doorframe was indeed Leonardo, his eyes slightly wide. I chuckled inside, knowing how is had always amazed my sons my ability to sense who it was before they even took action.
"We're going on our nightly run, Master Splinter," he told me.
I nodded, giving him the okay. On the other side, I heard Michelangelo yell something to Leonardo. My eldest son listened carefully, then rolled his eyes. He turned his attention back to me.
"Mikey wants to know if it's okay if we stop by and visit April and Casey before we come home," he said, slight amusement in his voice.
I pretended to think about it, knowing that if my sons thought that I was unsure about their request, they would feel all the more excitement at my approval. It seems unfair, I know, but just seeing their excitement made it alright. Especially because it was their human friends, whom I knew that they loved to see.
"Yes, you may go and visit Miss O'Neil and Mr. Jones," I said.
Leonardo allowed a small smile to grace his features before he quickly covered it. "Thank you, Sensei," he replied, bowing his head slightly in respect.
He made to leave, but before he was able to close the door, I called him back.
"Yes, Master Splinter?" he asked, a curious look on his face.
I gave him a small smile. "Have fun, my son."
Leonardo smiled warmly at me. "We'll see you later, Father," he said, and then closed the door. I listened as he approached his brothers and said something quietly to them. Michelangelo let out a happy cry, and then there was a small, pained yelp as someone, most likely Raphael, smacked him on the back of the head. There was some conversations exchanged quickly, and then the four of them left, closing the lair door behind them.
I smiled contently, listening to the quiet that surrounded our home. It was rare that our home was this silent. And, though I love my sons very much, I couldn't help but miss the days where I could leave them in one place, and when I cam back, they were still there, and they were quiet.
I looked down at the small turtle below me, hands clasped in front of his face, and eyes wide. Behind him on the couch, his three brothers sat, looking at me with the same expression.
"Pretty please?" The one from the couch asked.
This seemed to give the other two confidence.
"We'll go to bed right afterwards!". Another said.
"We won't be bad no more!" the fourth cried.
I though about the turtles' request. They had been very well behaved today. There had been no fights, they had taken their naps without complaint, eaten all of their dinner and drank their milk, and nothing had been broken.
I looked back at the four turtle tots, who were gazing at me with pleading eyes.
I smiled. "Okay," I said.
The turtle at my feet smiled and hugged my legs tightly. One of his brothers on the couch let out a triumphant yell, and the other two gave one another a high five.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" the young child cried, looking up at me with wide eyes.
I smiled at carefully pried his tiny arms from my legs. He took my hand and lead me over to the couch as fast as his little feet would carry him.
"Sit by me, Master Splinter!" One cried as I sat down, holding onto my arm.
"No! Sit by me!" A second argued, grabbing my other arm and pulling slightly on it.
"Master Splinter wants to sit by me, right?" a third yelled, pushing the first and looking at me with eager eyes.
The fourth just looked at me, eyes wide.
"I will sit in the middle," I said, making an incoming argument disappear before it had time to even brew. "Two of you can sit beside me, and two may sit on my lap."
Four green heads moved up and down quickly. There was some scrambling, and eventually, they four were situated. The two beside me, the larger of the four, leaned their heads against me. The smaller two on my lap snuggled into the crook between my arm and my body. I smiled and turned the television on, flipping to the channel that held the movie that the children were so eager to watch.
It was about an hour into the program that I began to hear soft snores erupt around me. Glancing to my sides, I saw the two sleeping, one of them with his mouth open, a small stream of drool slowly making its way down his chin. One of the two in my arms mumbled something in his sleep, and the settled down once more.
Careful not to wake them, I gently stood up and placed the smaller two on the couch with their brothers, where the four immediately and, still asleep, groped to find each other, and they all ended up touching the others in some small way. I grabbed one of the small and ratty (no pun intended) that we owned and covered them, making sure they were warm. I then retired to the other side of the underground tunnel we had made our home.
I had found a few books about turtles, and for the past few months, had read up on how to take care of them, and what exactly they needed to survive.
So far, I had only discovered a few things. First of all, all four of them were male. And the type of turtles that they were called "Red Eared Sliders", or "RES" for short. Turtles were cold blooded, so that meant that the four little turtles had to stay warm all the time, and, during the winter, I was careful to make sure that they were nice and toasty.
The only thing I had yet to figure out was their ages. After some careful studying, I had deduced that they were about three years old. But the difficulty lay not in their age, but the difference between them. At one point, I had assumed that the two larger turtles were older, but after observing them, it seemed that one of the smaller turtles had the makings of the eldest brother.
And the other thing I had yet to do was name the four of them. For the past few years, I had referred to them simply as a group. "Boys," was a common thing said in the house, and I feared that if I didn't name them soon, they would all answer to that, and chaos would ensue.
I had picked up a few other books as well, one of them being about the time period called "The Renessiance." I had heard about it before, and a few names had jumped out at me. Michelangelo, who painted the Sistien Chapel, and Leonardo Da Vinci, who had created the famous portrait "Mona Lisa."
Two other names also stood out; the sculptor and painter Donatello and Raphael. All four had great artistic talent, and were well known and respected in their society.
I had been debating choosing these names for the turtles, but something was stopping me. I didin't know what it was, but it just didn't seem… right… Naming four, young mutated turtles after the four great Renaissance masters…
"Master Splinter?"
I looked up from the book I was reading and saw one of my subjects, one of the larger ones, standing there, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned.
"What is it, child?" I asked, setting the book aside, still open to the page I was reading.
"I was just wondering…" he said, shifting his feet. "You know how in the movie…"
He stopped, looking at me with hesitant eyes.
"Go on," I said, looking at him expectantly. When he said nothing, I sighed, and motioned for him to come over. He quickly made his way over and came into my arms, nuzzling up to my chest. I slowly wrapped my arms around him.
"You know how we call you Master Splinter?" he said softly.
I nodded.
"And in the movie everyone was called something different?"
I nodded again.
"What is that called?
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused as to where this was going.
"What is it called when you are called something different from everyone else?" the turtle re-phrased his question.
Understanding hit me. "Those are called names," I told him. "Everyone has a name."
"Oh…" my subject yawned again, and then was silent.
He was so quiet for a long time, and I was just about to put him back with his brothers, thinking he was asleep, when he spoke again.
"Master Splinter?" he said.
"… What's my name?"
I was slightly startled. How was it that one so young could pick up on this so quickly? I looked down at him, where he was practically asleep, but awake enough to hear the answer to his question. My eyes roamed over him, and I saw where I had taken care of a cut he had received earlier. I realized that he was the turtle who had managed to somehow fix the broken television I had brought back earlier, resulting in the movie we had watched tonight.
For one that was so young and smart, and so good with his hands; putting things together and taking them apart…
"Your name," I said softly, picking him up and carrying him over to his brothers. I lay him down, and he grabbed onto the shell of the other larger turtle. "Will be forever yours. It will help define who you are."
" 'Kay," he mumbled, seeming satisfied with this answer.
For now, at least, I thought.
"Night, Master Splinter," he said, drifting off into a deep and peaceful slumber.
I smiled, covering them once more with the blanket. "Good night, my young Donatello."
Tomorrow, I would give them all names. And I would give them all colored bandanas, so as to tell them apart easier.
Tomorrow, we would become a family.
What did you think about the first person view? I like to be "all-knowing", and I figured that since Splinter is basically "all-knowing" to begin with, he would be a good start to try first person with.
Anyways, please review and let me know what you think!